Debian 3D Printer Project
A Debian Pure Blend is a Debian internal project which assembles a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work. The list on the right shows the tasks of debian-3dprinter.
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Ubuntu behind Debian unstable
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Upstream behind unstable
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Unstable behind upstream

Debian 3D Printer Package Thermometer

Package stabletestingunstablestable-bpoexperimentalNEWUNRELEASEDupstreamtasks
blender (PTS, VCS, UP) 3.4.1+dfsg-24.3.2+dfsg-24.3.2+dfsg-24.3.2cad
cura-engine (PTS, VCS, UP) 4.13.0-15.0.0-55.0.0-55.10.0-alpha.2-RC1stl
gpx (PTS, VCS, UP) 2.6.8-12.6.8-12.6.8-12.6.8gcode
inkscape (PTS, VCS, UP) 1.2.2-21.2.2-81.2.2-81.4-31.4cad
librecad (PTS, VCS, UP) 2.2.0-
meshlab (PTS, VCS, UP) 2020.09+dfsg1-22022.02+dfsg1-12022.02+dfsg1-12023.12stl
octoprint (VCS, UP) 1.0.0~rc1-1gcode slicer general
openscad (PTS, VCS, UP) 2021.01-62021.01-82021.01-82021.01cad
povray (PTS, VCS, UP)
printrun (PTS, VCS, UP) 2.0.0~rc8-22.0.1-12.2.0gcode general
repetier-host (PTS, VCS, UP) 0.85+dfsg-2.10.85+dfsg-50.85+dfsg-5general
repsnapper (PTS, VCS, UP) 2.5a5-3stl
slic3r (PTS, VCS, UP) 1.3.0+dfsg1-51.3.0+dfsg1- stl
solvespace (PTS, VCS, UP) 3.1+ds1-33.1+ds1-3.13.1+ds1-3.1cad
wings3d (PTS, VCS, UP) 2.2.9-22.4.1-12.4.1cad
yagv (PTS, VCS, UP) 0.4~20171211.r234ef16+dfsg-20.4~20171211.r234ef16+dfsg-2gcode