Debian Hamradio Tools packages
Debian Hamradio Tools Packages
This metapackage will install packages with useful hamradio-related tools.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Web interface for amateur radio installed programs (program)
Web interface for amateur radio installed programs (program)
- Description
An agent program for translating between various amateur
radio installed programs and WebSockets. This was built to support but can be used by any web application
that needs to communicate with amateur radio installed programs.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
3 recent
50 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
analyze point-to-point terrestrial RF communication links
analyze point-to-point terrestrial RF communication links
- Description
SPLAT! is a Surface Path Length And Terrain analysis application written
for Linux and Unix workstations. SPLAT! analyzes point-to-point terrestrial
RF communication links, and provides information useful to communication
system designers and site engineers.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- electronics
- hardware
- hamradio
- role
- program
- Popularity
- 8 regular users
6 recent
107 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
World clock for ham radio operators
World clock for ham radio operators
It also has an ID timer to generate a CW ID via your soundcard and
pulseaudio. Connect the output of your soundcard to the audio-in pin
of your rig's accessory jack to have it transmitted.
This program is a clock designed for ham radio operators, anyone who
needs the time of day someplace else in the world, or anyone tired of
the same old look of their clock. It can display the current time and
date in hundreds of cities around the world.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- uitoolkit
- motif
- use
- timekeeping, viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
4 recent
98 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Muestra la hora y fecha de las zonas horarias especificadas en consola
Muestra la hora y fecha de las zonas horarias especificadas en consola
Este script de consola muestra la hora y fecha de las zonas horarias
especificadas por el usuario. Las zonas horarias pueden introducirse a mano
en formato TZ o elegirse de una lista preparada en
/usr/share/zoneinfo/ La lista de zonas se mantiene en un formato
consistente con la aplicación gworldclock de GTK+.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- interface
- commandline
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- use
- timekeeping
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
5 recent
122 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
Calcula la distancia y proyección cenital entre dos ubicaciones de Maidenhead
Calcula la distancia y proyección cenital entre dos ubicaciones de Maidenhead
- Description
Dadas dos ubicaciones de Maidenhead, wwl calcula la distancia (qrb) y la
proyección cenital.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- geography
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- commandline
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
2 recent
79 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Cliente TCP/IP de agrupación DX para radioaficionados
Cliente TCP/IP de agrupación DX para radioaficionados
Xdx es un cliente para conectarse a una agrupación DX. Los mensajes de Dx se
mostrarán en una lista, los anuncios irán a un visualizador de texto.
Al igual que las funciones normales, si tiene instalado hamlib puede
controlar la radio y establecer la frecuencia simplemente pulsando dos
veces en un «DX-spot» (usando rigctl).
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
4 recent
88 total installations
(of 250586 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream