Debian Junior Project
Bugs of task system
Total bugs: 86
Open bugs: 86
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Art 323 (2550)
Desktop 2494 (20616)
Doudou-base 1830 (14439)
Doudou-dev-artists 247 (1902)
Doudou-games 140 (1011)
Education 44 (312)
Games-adventure 19 (81)
Games-arcade 79 (498)
Games-card 25 (168)
Games-gl 39 (249)
Games-net 36 (174)
Games-puzzle 73 (474)
Games-sim 49 (309)
Games-text 43 (222)
Internet 365 (2718)
Math 147 (900)
Programming 42 (450)
Sound 134 (918)
System 86 (519)
Toys 68 (621)
Typing 42 (297)
Video 120 (1107)
Writing 136 (798)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 10 0
normal 37 0
minor 12 0
wishlist 27 0

Summary bugs page of task System

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (519)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

10 important, 37 normal, 12 minor, 27 wishlist
433266 gnome-utils: launch nautilus or a terminal or something from baobab fixed-upstream
520512 gnome-utils: baobab: Allow to export screen in whatever format fixed-upstream, upstream, wontfix
719362 baobab: add file count view fixed-upstream
753075 ability to "diff" with previous state
773589 baobab does not show mounted devices
790416 shall display dotfiles fixed-upstream
827078 baobab: invalid mime-types / baobab opens for inode/directory patch
888652 baobab: Baobab opens the wrong handler for inode/directory MIME type
909771 bubble and ring section highlight disappearing
935773 baobab: add a new column: "density"
201466 please add lost pings stats
923274 bfm FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture patch
967271 bfm: depends on deprecated GTK 2
754710 hello: packaging improvements: DEP-5, multiarch, use Breaks, ... patch
1027032 hello: New upstream release 2.12.1
1034115 debian/tests/upstream-tests executes all files in tests/, not only actual tests
1044215 hello: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
276878 mc: #sh should start in the user's remote home dir, consistently with rsh/ssh upstream, confirmed
468188 mc: quickview mode should also work for directories, compressed files, images and so on upstream, wontfix
479548 [VFS] tar archives show multiple entries if archive was created with --append/--update upstream, fixed-upstream
479551 [VFS] sourcefile does not have the right timestamp
496976 fish: eliminate intermediate copying confirmed
504151 leaves empty temporary directories behind on exit: /tmp/mc-$USER/ upstream, confirmed
509091 mc hangs up on attempt to enter .zip archive with encrypted headers upstream, confirmed
512056 allow user to setup zsh subshell with rc-files upstream
514004 mc: Show vcs informations
520029 mc: internal cd is very limited upstream, confirmed
520148 something like syntax.d for highlighting upstream
555090 mc: cannot select the text in view F3, or paste with the middle mouse click in edition F4, under xterm upstream, confirmed
563913 mcedit: Alt-P paragraph wrapping could helpfully use line start character
577929 mcedit colorer problem upstream, confirmed
581175 redirect stderr of helpers upstream
592476 [SYNTAX] new Syntax file for muttrc upstream
597597 mc reading the images .img of disks/cdrom made with dd wontfix
628908 mc: Fails on looooong paths in posix tar archives upstream, confirmed
652883 mc: entering deeply nested directory is slow confirmed
663093 [mc] [VFS] --enable-vfs-smb is [no], should be [yes] for Samba wontfix
665291 mc: no (documented) startup scripts for zsh subshell upstream
675437 mc blocks when trying to view a file in an encrypted zip archive upstream, confirmed
677048 mc: the default color scheme should be specified in ini file as example
677309 mcedit has zeroed file on full disc. upstream, confirmed
682530 [mc] filetype color highlighting rules should be case-insensitive wontfix
688683 mc: not runnable without $HOME upstream, confirmed
698885 mc: invalid <Shift>+<F(i)> hotkeys behavior in text console fixed, confirmed
724822 mc: cannot redefine PanelGotoParentDir = q wontfix
725691 mc: erratic behaviour of mcedit as subprocess of mc upstream
760651 incorrect ETA when sftping files with deref symlinks
768626 mc should not depend on e2fslibs
774135 mc: SFTP VFS still not usable fixed-upstream
774817 fails to start with glib errors if no $HOME available upstream, confirmed
793146 mc: allow system-wide configuration of syntax files
800915 mc: Cannot login to ftp server with USER = webmaster@domain patch, upstream
824359 mc: breaks paste in vte-based terminals
844212 mc: improved syntax detections for sh, perl, makefile and m4 patch
844331 mc: file transfer hangs upon "Skip all" on io errors
849700 mcedit does not more work
858808 please include mc-4.8.19 in Stretch release (4.8.18 is broken) upstream, fixed-upstream
888492 mcedit: Do not enable 'fake half tabs' by default.
895281 mc: segfault when exit from mcedit
896690 Mc segfault on shift+f4 with new user
904677 mc: Czech localization messed up shortcuts in sort panel dialog
905295 mc: Only pretends to edit files on sh:// mounts
908287 /usr/bin/mc: Custom hide/show panel keybind doesn't work for "show"
912011 Add option to Copy/Move to preserve sparse files
923933 Issue with Midnight Commander application 4.8.18 in Debian 9.8
934133 mc: more than 512 characters wide mc window became narrow
939822 mc: info about video files
940208 mc desktop files are missing the additional category 'ConsoleOnly'
945424 Port extfs scripts to python3
956528 mc: please include attached syntax highlighting for Turtle patch
961189 mc: include Markdown viewing support
961424 Mouse clicks not registering in terminal and some function keys don't work
979574 mc: segfault introspecting a jar via extfs
981711 mc: cannot view .jar files any more upstream, confirmed, fixed-upstream
989417 mc could recognize foot’s default TERM
993471 mc crashes if ftp server specified on cmdline requires authentication
1000351 mc: subshell prompt parsing breaks with fish 3.3.0 patch
1027668 mc: Copying with fish fails when the local temporary directory fills up
1028089 mc: SFTP,failed to open file (-16), after yes for keystore
1028091 mc: Subshell not starting on heavily modified zsh shell
1051489 mc: Regex key in mc.ext.ini expects GLib to use non-standard Desktop Entry parsing pending, upstream, fixed-upstream
1053150 mc: view on jpeg never shows exif data
1060651 mc: doesn't fully resize itself if reading directory while terminal's resized
1061191 mc: Shell link shows incorrect Non_ASCII file/directory names upstream
1061767 mc not able to open/view rar files
1063373 mc-data: modarin thin mc skins are incorrect / behind upstream modarin

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Wed, 01 May 2024 17:57:32 -0000