Official Debian packages with high relevance
Astronomisk billedfremviser
Astronomisk billedfremviser
Ginga er et værktøjssæt designet for bygning af fremvisere for
videnskabelige billeddata i Python, visualisering af 2D-billedpunktsdata i
numpy-tabeller. Sættet kan vise astronomiske data såsom indeholdt i filer
baseret på filformatet FITS (Flexible Image Transport System). Det er
skrevet og vedligeholdt af programingeniører ved Subaru Telescope, National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Værktøjssættet Ginga centrerer sig omkring et billedvisningsobjekt, som
understøtter zoom og panorering, farve- og tæthedsoversættelse, et valg af
flere automatiske beskæringsalgoritmer og lærreder for plotning af
skalerbare geometriske former. Udover denne kontrol tilbydes en almen
FITS-fremviser som »reference«, baseret på en ramme med udvidelsesmoduler.
Et næsten fuldstændig sæt af udvidelsesmoduler tilbydes for funktioner, som
forventes fra en moderne FITS-fremviser: panorerings- og zoomvinduer,
adgang til et stjernekatalog, beskæringer, stjernevalg/fwhm,
miniaturebilleder etc.
Denne pakke indeholder billedfremviseren baseret på Python 3.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
5 recent
91 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Reduktions- og analysefacilitet for billeder
Reduktions- og analysefacilitet for billeder
IRAF er »Image Reduction and Analysis Facility«. Hoveddistributionen IRAF
indeholder et godt udvalg af programmer til generel billedbehandling og grafik.
Andre eksterne og lagdelte pakker er tilgængelige for programmer såsom
dataindhentelse eller håndtering af data fra andre observatorier og
bølgelængderegimer såsom Hubble Space Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme
ultra-violet) eller ROSAT og AXAF (X-ray). Disse eksterne pakker
distribueres separat fra hoveddistributionen IRAF, men kan nemt
installeres. IRAF-systemet indeholder også den programmerbare facilitet
Command Language Scripting.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 20 regular users
12 recent
176 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Bibliotek for I/O med datafiler i FITS-format - udviklingsfiler
Bibliotek for I/O med datafiler i FITS-format - udviklingsfiler
- Description
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) er et dataformat hovedsagelig brugt
i astronomi. cfitsio er et bibliotek af ANSI C-rutiner for læsning og
skrivning af datafiler i FITS-format. Et sæt af Fortran-kaldbare
omslagsrutiner er også inkluderet for at hjælpe Fortranprogrammører.
Denne pakke indeholder hvad du skal bruge, for at kompilere kilder som
bruger dette bibliotek, i din egen kode.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 228 regular users
230 recent
2256 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Bibliotek for beregning af Fast Fourier Transforms - udvikling
Bibliotek for beregning af Fast Fourier Transforms - udvikling
- Description
FFTW-biblioteket beregner Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) i en eller flere
dimensioner. Den er ekstrem hurtig. Denne pakke indeholder det statistisk
lænkede bibliotek, hovedfiler og testprogrammer.
Denne pakke indeholder teksthovedfiler og statiske biblioteker. For
dokumentation se libfftw3-doc.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 397 regular users
459 recent
6741 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Seamless communication between Unix programs (development files)
Seamless communication between Unix programs (development files)
- Description
The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds
of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also provides
an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled programs by
executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing such commands in
scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level and the shell level,
it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis environment: users and
programmers have great flexibility in choosing the best level or levels at
which to access XPA services, and client access can be extended or modified
easily at any time.
This package contains the header files and the static library.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
2 recent
16 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Bestemme passende platformsspecifikke mapper - Python 3
Bestemme passende platformsspecifikke mapper - Python 3
- Description
Afhængig af dit system (Linux, Mac OS X eller Windows) så skal du bruge
forskellige mapper for lagring af brugerdata. Appdirs vil hjælpe dig med at
vælge en passende:
- mappe for brugerdata (user_data_dir-funktion)
- mappe for brugerkonfiguration (user_config_dir-funktion)
- mappe for mellemlager (user_cache_dir-funktion)
- mappe for sidedata (site_data_dir-funktion)
- mappe for sidekonfiguration (site_config_dir-funktion)
- mappe for brugerlog (user_log_dir-funktion)
På Linux-systemer returnerer disse funktioner mapper baseret på XDG Base
Dette er Python 3-versionen af pakken.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 596 regular users
1209 recent
22591 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Python 3-bibliotek for Advanced Scientific Data Format
Python 3-bibliotek for Advanced Scientific Data Format
ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) er et foreslået next generation
interchange-format for videnskabelige data. ASDF forsøger at eksistere i
den samme mellemgrund, som gjorde FITS så succesfuld, ved at være en hybrid
tekst og et binært format: indeholdende redigerbare metadata for udveksling
(interchange) og rå binære data, som er hurtig at indlæse og bruge. Til
forskel fra FITS er metadataene meget strukturerede og er designet, så de
kan udvides.
Dette er Python 3-pakken.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 17 regular users
83 recent
215 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Grundlæggende funktionalitet for udførelse af astrofysik med Python
Grundlæggende funktionalitet for udførelse af astrofysik med Python
- Description
Pakken astropy indeholder grundlæggende funktionalitet og nogle gængse
værktøjer krævet for at udføre forskning indenfor astronomi og astrofysik
med Python. Pakken kan udvides med et antal »forbundne pakker«, som er
lavet til at fungere med grundpakken.
- Reference
The Astropy Collaboration, A. M. Price-Whelan, B. M. Sipőcz, H. M. Günther, P. L. Lim, S. M. Crawford, S. Conseil, D. L. Shupe, M. W. Craig, N. Dencheva, A. Ginsburg, J. T. VanderPlas, L. D. Bradley, D. Pérez-Suárez, M. de Val-Borro, T. L. Aldcroft, K. L. Cruz, T. P. Robitaille, E. J. Tollerud, C. Ardelean, T. Babej, Y. P. Bach, M. Bachetti, A. V. Bakanov, S. P. Bamford, G. Barentsen, P. Barmby, A. Baumbach, K. L. Berry, F. Biscani, M. Boquien, K. A. Bostroem, L. G. Bouma, G. B. Brammer, E. M. Bray, H. Breytenbach, H. Buddelmeijer, D. J. Burke, G. Calderone, J. L. Cano Rodríguez, M. Cara, J. V. M. Cardoso, S. Cheedella, Y. Copin, L. Corrales, D. Crichton, D. D’Avella, C. Deil, É. Depagne, J. P. Dietrich, A. Donath, M. Droettboom, N. Earl, T. Erben, S. Fabbro, L. A. Ferreira, T. Finethy, R. T. Fox, L. H. Garrison, S. L. J. Gibbons, D. A. Goldstein, R. Gommers, J. P. Greco, P. Greenfield, A. M. Groener, F. Grollier, A. Hagen, P. Hirst, D. Homeier, A. J. Horton, G. Hosseinzadeh, L. Hu, J. S. Hunkeler, Ž. Ivezić, A. Jain, T. Jenness, G. Kanarek, S. Kendrew, N. S. Kern, W. E. Kerzendorf, A. Khvalko, J. King, D. Kirkby, A. M. Kulkarni, A. Kumar, A. Lee, D. Lenz, S. P. Littlefair, Z. Ma, D. M. Macleod, M. Mastropietro, C. McCully, S. Montagnac, B. M. Morris, M. Mueller, S. J. Mumford, D. Muna, N. A. Murphy, S. Nelson, G. H. Nguyen, J. P. Ninan, M. Nöthe, S. Ogaz, S. Oh, J. K. Parejko, N. Parley, S. Pascual, R. Patil, A. A. Patil, A. L. Plunkett, J. X. Prochaska, T. Rastogi, V. Reddy Janga, J. Sabater, P. Sakurikar, M. Seifert, L. E. Sherbert, H. Sherwood-Taylor, A. Y. Shih, J. Sick, M. T. Silbiger, S. Singanamalla, L. P. Singer, P. H. Sladen, K. A. Sooley, S. Sornarajah, O. Streicher, P. Teuben, S. W. Thomas, G. R. Tremblay, J. E. H. Turner, V. Terrón, M. H. van Kerkwijk, A. de la Vega, L. L. Watkins, B. A. Weaver, J. B. Whitmore, J. Woillez and V. Zabalza:
The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package.
The Astronomical Journal
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 280 regular users
196 recent
1338 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package python3-d2to1 :-(
??? missing short description for package python3-d2to1 :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
16 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (Python 3)
Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (Python 3)
- Description
GWCS takes a general approach to WCS. It supports a data model which includes
the entire transformation pipeline from input coordinates (detector by
default) to world coordinates. The goal is to provide a flexible toolkit
which is easily extendible by adding new transforms and frames.
This package contains the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 6 regular users
82 recent
178 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Simpel interaktiv astronomisk billedundersøgelse og plotning
Simpel interaktiv astronomisk billedundersøgelse og plotning
- Description
Imexam er en affileret pakke til AstroPy. Blev designet som et simpelt bibliotek, der gør det muligt for brugere at undersøge data via gængse metoder, der er konsistente på tværs af fremvisere. Kan bruges fra en kommandolinjegrænseflade, via en Jupyter-notebook eller via en Jupyter-konsol. Kan bruges med flere fremvisere, såsom DS9 eller Ginga eller uden en fremviser som et simpelt bibliotek til at lave plot og fange hurtig fotometriinformation.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
2 recent
115 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
??? missing short description for package python3-numpy :-(
??? missing short description for package python3-numpy :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 26318 regular users
5211 recent
47960 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Atropi-tilknyttet pakke for billedfotometri - Python 3
Atropi-tilknyttet pakke for billedfotometri - Python 3
- Description
Photuils indeholder funktioner for:
- estimering af baggrunden og baggrunds-rms i astronomiske billeder
- registrering af kilder i astronomiske billeder
- estimering af morfologiske parametre for disse kilder (f.eks. parametrene
centroid og shape
- Udføre blænde og PSF-fotometri.
Denne pakke indeholder Python 3-versionen af pakken.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
22 recent
191 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Kommunikation med ds9-billedvisningsprogrammet fra Python
Kommunikation med ds9-billedvisningsprogrammet fra Python
- Description
XPA-beskedsystemet tilbyder god kommunikation mellem mange slags Unix-programmer, inklusive Tcl/Tk-programmer såsom ds9. Pyds9-modulet bruger en Pythongrænseflade til XPA for at kommunikere med ds9. Systemet understøtter kommunikation mellem alle ds9's XP-adgangspunkter.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 81 regular users
6 recent
158 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
- Description
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the speedy FFT library. The ultimate
aim is to present a unified interface for all the possible transforms
that FFTW can perform.
Both the complex DFT and the real DFT are supported, as well as
arbitrary axes of abitrary shaped and strided arrays, which makes it
almost feature equivalent to standard and real FFT functions of
numpy.fft (indeed, it supports the clongdouble dtype which numpy.fft
does not).
pyFFTW is BSD-licensed and should not be confused with python-fftw, a
GPL-licensed python module with the same aim of providing python
bindings to FFTW3. Or python3-gpyfft, which provides bindings to the
OpenCL FFT library clFFT.
This package provides the Python 3 bindings.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 14 regular users
7 recent
152 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Python interface for IRAF
Python interface for IRAF
PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks in a Python like
environment. It works very similar to IRAF CL, but has been updated
to allow such things as importing Python modules, GUI parameter
editing and help. It can be imported into Python allowing you to run
IRAF commands from within a larger script.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
14 recent
150 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Pythonmodul til at fortolke ds9-regionsfiler - Python 3
Pythonmodul til at fortolke ds9-regionsfiler - Python 3
- Description
Pyregion er et Pythonmodul til at fortolke ds9-regionsfiler. Det
understøtter også ciao-regionsfiler.
Dette er Python 3-versionen af pakken.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
14 recent
178 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
- Description
pysynphot simulates photometric data and spectra as they are observed with
the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Passbands for standard photometric systems
are available, and users can incorporate their own filters, spectra, and
data. pysynphot user interface allows you to:
- Construct complicated composite spectra from various grids of model
atmosphere spectra, parameterized spectrum models, and atlases of stellar
- Simulate observations.
- Query the resulting structures for quantities of interest, such as
countrate, effective wavelength, effective stimulus, as well as the
wavelength and flux arrays.
- Plot HST sensitivity curves and calibration target spectra.
- Compute photometric calibration parameters for any HST instrument mode.
pysynphot can help HST observers to perform cross-instrument simulations, to
examine the transmission curve of the HST Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA),
and spectra of HST calibration targets. Expert users can take advantage of
the control and data structures available in Python to easily perform
repetitive operations such as simulate the observation of multiple type of
sources through multiple observing modes.
- Reference
P. L. Lim, R. I. Diaz and V. Laidler:
PySynphot User’s Guide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
9 recent
144 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Stor sæk med ting der supplerer Python 3-standardbiblioteket
Stor sæk med ting der supplerer Python 3-standardbiblioteket
- Description
Pytools er en stor sæk af ting, der er krævet af pakker oprettet af Andreas Kloeckner. De bruges af python-pycuda og python-pyopencl. De indeholder blandet andet:
- En masse små værktøjsfunktioner såsom len_iterable, argmin, tuple-
oprettelse, permutationsoprettelse, ASCII-tabel i forskønnet udskrift,
GvR's mokeypatch_xxx()-hack, den undvigende flatten og meget mere
- Et tidsserie-logningsmodul, pytools.log
- Indsendelse af batch-job, pytools.batchjob
- En lexer, pytools.lex
Denne pakke indeholder Python 3-moduler.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 51 regular users
57 recent
450 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Videnskabelige værktøjer for Python 3
Videnskabelige værktøjer for Python 3
- Description
SciPy er et supplement til det populære NumPy-modul (pakken python-numpy),
der samler en række af videnskabelige og ingeniørmæssige moduler på højt
niveau i en pakke.
SciPy er et sæt af åben kildekode videnskabelige og numeriske værktøjer for
Python. Den understøtter aktuelt specielle funktioner, integration,
ordinære løsere af differentialligninger (ODE), gradoptimering,
genetiske algoritmer, parallelle programmeringsværktøjer, en udtryk-til-C++
kompiler for hurtig udførelse og andre.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 16826 regular users
2691 recent
24812 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Billedvisningsværktøj for astronomi
Billedvisningsværktøj for astronomi
SAOImage DS9 er et astronomisk billed- og datavisualiseringsprogram. DS9
understøtter FITS-billeder og binære tabeller, flere framebuffere,
regionsmanipulering og mange skaleringsalgoritmer og farvekort. Programmet
tilbyder nem kommunikation med eksterne analyseopgaver og kan i høj grad
konfigureres og udvides via XPA og SAMP.
Alle versioner og platforme understøtter en konsistent sæt af grafiske
brugerflader og funktioner.
DS9 understøtter avancerede funktioner såsom 2D, 3D og RGB-framebuffere,
mosaikbilleder, fliser, blinke, geometriske markører, farvekort,
manipulation, skalering, vilkårlig zoom, beskæring, rotation, panorering og
en række koordinatsystemer.
Den grafiske brugerflade for DS9 kan konfigureres af brugeren. Grafiske
brugerfladeelementer såsom koordinatvisningen, panner, forstørrelsesglas,
vandrette og lodrette grafer, knapbjælke og farvebjælke kan konfigureres
via menuer eller kommandolinjen.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 30 regular users
14 recent
354 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
Enhedstestramme for Bournebaserede skalskripter
Enhedstestramme for Bournebaserede skalskripter
- Description
shUnit2 blev oprindelig udviklet for at tilbyde en konsistent testløsning
for log4sh, en skalbaseret logningsramme svarende til log4j. Rammen er
designet til at fungere på en måde svarende til JUnit, PyUnit etc.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 24 regular users
4 recent
175 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Håndter WCS'en for et FITS-billede
Håndter WCS'en for et FITS-billede
- Description
WCSTools er et sæt af programredskaber, skrevet i C, som opretter, viser og manipulerer verdens koordinatsystem for et FITS- eller IRAF-billede, via brug af specifikke nøgleord i billedteksthovedet, som forbinder billedpunktsposition med billedet til positionen på himlen. Ekstra programmer søger i stjernekataloger og manipulerer billeder.
Denne pakke indeholder de binære værktøjer.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
8 recent
137 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
Python3 packaging utilities for STScI's packages
Python3 packaging utilities for STScI's packages
- Description
This package contains utilities used to package some of STScI's Python
projects; specifically those projects that comprise stsci_python_ and
Astrolib_. It currently consists mostly of some setup_hook scripts meant
for use with distutils2 and/or d2to1, and a customized easy_install
command meant for use with distribute.
This is the Python 3 version.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
9 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated
- Improve entry
Diverse Pythonværktøjer fra STScI
Diverse Pythonværktøjer fra STScI
- Description
Denne pakke tilbyder et udvalg af værktøjer for FITS- og WCS-håndtering,
billedhåndtering og dataanalyse, brugt af andre STScI-pakker; hovedsagelig
af Pyraf.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
60 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
No known packages available
Python Tools for ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) Data
Python Tools for ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) Data
- Description
- Upstream
Advanced Scientific Data Format documentation
Advanced Scientific Data Format documentation
- Description
Advanced Scientific Data Format is a proposed replacement to the FITS
standard for astronomical images and other astronomical data. The Metadata is
contained in a YAML header followed by binary or ascii data.
- Upstream
Astronomical Image Convenience Tools
Astronomical Image Convenience Tools
- Description
Astroimtools is an open-source Python package to provide convenience tools
for working with astronomical images.
This work is driven by the JWST Data Analysis Development Forum at the Space
Telescope Science Institute.
- Upstream
Astronomical coordinates & angular separations
Astronomical coordinates & angular separations
- Description
This package aims to provide much of the IDL "astron" functionality that
pertains to coordinate manipulations in an OO framework. Our target user is a
typical astronomer who needs to analyze data, work with catalogs, prepare
observing proposals, and prepare for observing runs.
- Upstream
- Remark
This packages is obsolete and replaced by astrolib.coordinates.
Simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting
Simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting
- Description
airspeed velocity (asv) is a tool for benchmarking Python packages over their
lifetime. Runtime, memory consumption and even custom-computed values may be
tracked. The results are displayed in an interactive web frontend that
requires only a basic static webserver to host.
- Upstream
Calibration for HST/COS
Calibration for HST/COS
- Description
- Upstream
Tools for working with COS data
Tools for working with COS data
- Description
- Upstream
Calibration Reference Data System
Calibration Reference Data System
- Description
- Upstream
Data analysis package for cubes
Data analysis package for cubes
- Description
- Upstream
Align and combine HST images
Align and combine HST images
- Description
DrizzlePac allows users to easily and accurately align and combine HST
images taken at multiple epochs, and even with different instruments. It
is a suite of supporting tasks for AstroDrizzle which
includes:astrodrizzle to align and combine imagestweakreg and tweakback
for aligning images in different visitspixtopix transforms an X,Y pixel
position to its pixel position after distortion correctionsskytopix
transforms sky coordinates to X,Y pixel positions. A reverse
transformation can be done using the task pixtosky.
- Upstream
- Remark
Depends on, stsci.convolve, stsci.image, stsci.imagemanip,
stsci.imagestats, stsci.ndimage, stsci.stimage, nictools, stwcs, fitsblender,
and astrolib.coords.
FITS header merging from multiple images.
FITS header merging from multiple images.
- Description
Given a list of FITS headers, aggregates values and creates a table made up
of values from a number of headers, according to the given specification.
- Upstream
Calibration for HST/WFC3, HST/ACS, and HST/STIS
Calibration for HST/WFC3, HST/ACS, and HST/STIS
- Description
- Upstream
Homebrew set of HTCondor wrappers
Homebrew set of HTCondor wrappers
- Description
HTCondor is a specialized workload management system for compute-intensive
jobs. Like other full-featured batch systems, HTCondor provides a job
queueing mechanism, scheduling policy, priority scheme, resource monitoring,
and resource management. Users submit their serial or parallel jobs to
HTCondor, HTCondor places them into a queue, chooses when and where to run
the jobs based upon a policy, carefully monitors their progress, and
ultimately informs the user upon completion.
This package installs some home-rolled Condor utilities.
- Upstream
James Webb Space Telescope library
James Webb Space Telescope library
- Description
- Upstream
James Webb Space Telescope pipeline
James Webb Space Telescope pipeline
- Description
- Upstream
James Webb Space Telescope tools
James Webb Space Telescope tools
- Description
- Upstream
Tools for HST/NICMOS
Tools for HST/NICMOS
- Description
- Upstream
Physical Optics Propagation in Python
Physical Optics Propagation in Python
- Description
POPPY (Physical Optics Propagation in PYthon) simulates physical optical
propagation including diffraction. It implements a flexible framework
for modeling Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction and point spread
function formation, particularly in the context of astronomical
telescopes. POPPY provides the optical modeling framework for WebbPSF
(ascl:1504.007) and was developed as part of a simulation package for
JWST, but is available separately and is broadly applicable to many
kinds of imaging simulations.
- Upstream
Small PATH manipulator
Small PATH manipulator
- Description
- Upstream
Release control for git
Release control for git
- Description
RELIC stands for "Release I Control". This software attempts to automatically
maintain a git project's version information without the need for hardcoded
values in the source code. It is designed primarily for hardcore build
maintainers, and is best used with continuous integration services (i.e
Travis-CI, etc).
- Upstream
Tools for HST reference files
Tools for HST reference files
- Description
- Upstream
Java spectrum visualization, manipulation, and fitting
Java spectrum visualization, manipulation, and fitting
- Description
Specview is a tool for 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of
astronomical spectrograms. Written in Java, it is capable of reading all
the Hubble Space Telescope spectral data formats as well as data from
several other instruments (such as IUE, FUSE, ISO, FORS and SDSS),
preview spectra from MAST, and data from generic FITS and ASCII tables.
It can read data from Virtual Observatory servers, and read and write
spectrogram data in Virtual Observatory SED format. It can also read
files in the SPC Galactic format used in the chemistry field. Once
ingested, data can be plotted and examined with a large selection of
custom settings. Specview supports instrument-specific data quality
handling, flexible spectral units conversions, custom plotting
attributes, plot annotations, tiled plots, hardcopy to JPEG files and
PostScript file or printer, etc. Specview can be used to build wide-band
SEDs, overplotting or combining data from the same astronomical source
taken with different instruments and/or spectral bands. Data can be
further processed with averaging, splicing, detrending, and Fourier
filtering tools. Specview has a spectral model fitting capability that
enables the user to work with multi-component models (including user-
defined models) and fit models to data.
- Upstream
Ginga products specific to STScI data analysis
Ginga products specific to STScI data analysis
- Description
- Upstream
Tools for working with STIS data
Tools for working with STIS data
- Description
- Upstream
Subset of SciPy functionality for convolving
Subset of SciPy functionality for convolving
- Description
Formerly included in SciPy as scipy.stsci.convolve.
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
Image array manipulation functions
Image array manipulation functions
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
STScI general image manipulation tools
STScI general image manipulation tools
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
Compute various useful statistical values for array objects
Compute various useful statistical values for array objects
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
Fork of scipy.ndimage
Fork of scipy.ndimage
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
Visualize numpy array objects
Visualize numpy array objects
- Description
Visualize numpy array objects using image display tools like ds9 and ximtool
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and may be replaced by pyds9.
Sky matching for image mosaic
Sky matching for image mosaic
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
STScI's spherical geometry astropy package
STScI's spherical geometry astropy package
- Description
Python package for handling spherical polygons that represent arbitrary
regions of the sky.sphere
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
Various functions for performing processing of images
Various functions for performing processing of images
- Description
- Upstream
- Remark
Package is outdated and replaced by Scipy
WCS based distortion models and coordinate transformation
WCS based distortion models and coordinate transformation
- Description
Recomputes the WCS of an HST observation and puts all distortion
corrections in the headers.
- Upstream
WebbPSF: Simulated PSF for the James Webb Space Telescope
WebbPSF: Simulated PSF for the James Webb Space Telescope
- Description
WebbPSF provides a PSF simulation tool in a flexible and easy-to-use
software package implemented in Python. Functionality includes support
for spectroscopic modes of JWST NIRISS, MIRI, and NIRSpec, including
modeling of slit losses and diffractive line spread functions.
- Upstream
Tools for the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3
Tools for the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3
- Description
- Upstream
Tools for use with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2
Tools for use with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2
- Description
- Upstream