Debian Astro Catalogs packages
Denne metapakke vil installere et uvalg af astronomikataloger. Bemærk at
på grund af deres størrelse, er de fleste kataloger ikke inkluderet i
Debian. Kontroller CDS-nettjenesten for yderligere kataloger hvis ønsket.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
| Tycho-2-indeksfiler
astrometry-data-tycho2: Tycho-2-indeksfiler
- Description
Astrometry-motoren vil anvende et billede og returnere astrometry
world coordinate system (WCS), en standardbeskrivelse af transformationen
mellem billedkoordinater og himmelkoordinater.
Denne pakke installerer alle indeksfiler fra kataloget Tycho-2.
- Reference
Høg, E. and Fabricius, C. and Makarov, V. V. and Urban, S. and Corbin, T. and Wycoff, G., Bastian and U., Schwekendiek, P. and Wicenec, A.:
The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
61 total installations
(of 252029 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Fælles ramme til at håndtere astronomipakker
Fælles ramme til at håndtere astronomipakker
- Description
Denne pakke gør det muligt at installere og fjerne astronomikataloger og
konvertere disse kataloger til astronomiprogrammernes dataformater.
Alle stardatakataloger som overholder politikken for startdata-common
bliver automatisk konverteret på tidspunktet for installation til
formaterne for astronomiprogrammer, som understøtter startdata-common.
Programmet register-stardata er gennemsigtig for brugeren; dette program
kaldes automatisk når enhver astronomipakke, som overholder politikken for
stardata-common, installeres, opgraderes eller fjernes.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- role
- app-data
- works-with
- software:package
- Popularity
- 14 regular users
4 recent
160 total installations
(of 252029 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Debian packages in contrib or non-free
1.1 (contrib)
| 2MASS index files downloader
astrometry-data-2mass: 2MASS index files downloader
- Description
The astrometry engine will take any image and return the astrometry
world coordinate system (WCS), a standards-based description of the
transformation between image coordinates and sky coordinates.
This package downloads all index files built from the 2MASS survey.
The installation requires a working internet connection.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
12 total installations
(of 252029 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
3.0.95-2 (non-free)
stellar data set from the Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars
stellar data set from the Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars
- Description
This package provides a star catalog which contains approximately
3800 star records including the known stars nearer to Earth than
approximately 80 light-years, taken from the Third Catalogue of Nearby
Stars (preliminary edition), Gliese and Jahreiss, 1991.
This stellar data set may be viewed with the StarPlot program available
from Debian, but can also be used with other astronomical software.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- game
- toys
- role
- app-data
- use
- gameplaying
- Popularity
39 total installations
(of 252029 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
5.0.95-3 (non-free)
stellar data set from the Yale Bright Star Catalog
stellar data set from the Yale Bright Star Catalog
- Description
These data come from the [Yale] Bright Star Catalog, 5th Rev. Ed.
(preliminary), Hoffleit and Warren, 1991. It contains all
the stars with apparent magnitude brighter than +6.5.
This stellar data set may be viewed with StarPlot program available from
Debian, but can be used with other astronomical software.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- role
- data
- Popularity
34 total installations
(of 252029 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream