This metapackage will install large astronomical data analysis
frameworks, which usually provide their own script language. Please
notice that the Gnu Data Language has its own metapackage astro-gdl,
IRAF is in astro-iraf, and the Astropy framework is in the astro-python3
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Interactive language for handling numbers, strings, and matrices
Interactive language for handling numbers, strings, and matrices
DPUSER is an interactive language capable of handling numbers (both real and
complex), strings, and matrices. Its main aim is to do astronomical image
analysis, for which it provides a comprehensive set of functions, but it can
also be used for many other applications.
Note that this package was compiled with the giza library instead of PGPLOT,
since the latter is non-free software.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
6 recent
77 total installations
(of 251846 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
The ESO-MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data
reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and
special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla and the VLT at
Paranal. In addition it contains applications packages for stellar and
surface photometry, image sharpening and decomposition, statistics and
various others.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
5 recent
107 total installations
(of 251846 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
perl data language: Perl extensions for numerics
perl data language: Perl extensions for numerics
PDL gives standard perl the ability to COMPACTLY
store and SPEEDILY manipulate the large N-dimensional data arrays
which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. The idea
is to turn perl in to a free, array-oriented, numerical language
in the same sense as commercial packages like IDL and MatLab. One
can write simple perl expressions to manipulate entire numerical arrays
all at once. For example, using PDL the perl variable $a can hold a
1024x1024 floating point image, it only takes 4Mb of memory to store
it and expressions like $a=sqrt($a)+2 would manipulate the whole image
in a few seconds.
A simple interactive shell (perldl) is provided for command line use
together with a module (PDL) for use in perl scripts.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:perl, library
- field
- mathematics
- interface
- commandline, shell
- role
- devel-lib, program
- scope
- utility
- Popularity
- 17 regular users
13 recent
631 total installations
(of 251846 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
New upstream version
Scientific software package for numerical computations
Scientific software package for numerical computations
Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package.
Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich
data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists,
etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal
processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid
dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and
Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos
provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive,
aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems,
etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- electronics, mathematics, physics, statistics
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- analysing, learning
- works-with
- image
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 66 regular users
36 recent
798 total installations
(of 251846 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
full installation of the Yorick interpreter and add-ons
full installation of the Yorick interpreter and add-ons
- Description
Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
- scientific simulations or calculations
- postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
- interactive scientific graphics
- reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
The yorick-full metapackage installs Yorick together with the full set
of add-ons packaged for Debian.
You may prefer to only install the yorick package and cherry-pick the
yorick-* add-ons you need.
If you need MPY, the MPI parallel version of Yorick, please install
either yorick-mpy-openmpi or yorick-mpy-mpich2 in addition.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
50 total installations
(of 251846 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry