IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) è un sistema software di scopo
generale per la riduzione e l'analisi di dati astronomici. Questo
metapacchetto installa IRAF e i suoi pacchetti associati.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics.
Other external or layered packages are available for
applications such as data acquisition or handling data from other
observatories and wavelength regimes such as the Hubble Space
Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme ultra-violet), or ROSAT and
AXAF (X-ray). These external packages are distributed separately
from the main IRAF distribution but can be easily installed.
The IRAF system also the programmable Command Language scripting
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- 16 regular users
13 recent
172 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (development files)
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (development files)
- Description
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics, plus a large number of
programs for the reduction and analysis of optical and IR
astronomy data.
This package contains the IMFORT Fortran/C programming interface, and
the full SPP/VOS programming environment in which the portable IRAF
system and all applications are written.
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- 3 regular users
1 recent
45 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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FITS utilities for IRAF
FITS utilities for IRAF
- Description
Several tasks to operate of FITS files and extensions from within IRAF,
like copying, extension extraction, conversion etc.
The following tasks are available:
- fgread: Read a FITS file with FOREIGN extensions
- fgwrite: Create a FITS file with FOREIGN extensions
- funpack: Uncompress a FITS file
- fxconvert: Convert between IRAF image types.
- fxcopy: Copy FITS files or FITS extension to an output FITS file
- fxdelete: Delete FITS extensions in place
- fxdummyh: Create a dataless single FITS file
- fxextract: Extract a FITS extension
- fxheader: List one line of header description per FITS unit
- fxinsert: Insert FITS files or extensions into another FITS file
- fxplf: Converts a pixel list file into a BINTABLE extension
- fxsplit: Split a multiple extension FITS file into single FITS files
- ricepack: Rice compress a FITS file
- sum32: Compute the 32-bit FITS 1's complement checksum
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3 recent
58 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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CCD mosaic reduction package for IRAF
CCD mosaic reduction package for IRAF
- Description
The MSCRED external package is used to reduce CCD mosaic data in
multiextension FITS format. This format is produced for example by
the Data Capture Agent when observing with the NOAO CCD Mosaic
Imager, as well as similar instruments from AAO, CFA, CFHT, ESO, INT
and others.
The tasks in the mscred package perform the following functions:
- display the mosaic data as an apparent single mosaic image,
- provide interactive examination of displayed mosaic data,
- combine multiple calibration exposures into master calibration files,
- perform the basic CCD calibrations such as zero level and gain,
- reconstruct a single mosaic image with distortions removed,
- register and combine dithered operations, and
- save and restore data on tape.
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3 recent
54 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
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IRAF NOAO data reduction package
IRAF NOAO data reduction package
- Description
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics, plus a large number of
programs for the reduction and analysis of optical and IR
astronomy data.
This file contains the NOAO packages for the reduction and analysis
of Optical Astronomy data.
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- Popularity
- 9 regular users
3 recent
169 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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IRAF NOAO data reduction package (development files)
IRAF NOAO data reduction package (development files)
- Description
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics, plus a large number of
programs for the reduction and analysis of optical and IR
astronomy data.
This package contains additional libraries and headers used for
compiling packages that extend the functionality of the iraf-noao
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- Popularity
- 1 regular users
2 recent
45 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
- Description
This package obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using
cross-correlation methods or emission line fits. It consists of
several SPP tasks:
- XCSAO and PXCSAO: cross-correlate spectra,
- EMSAO and PEMSAO: find emission lines in spectra,
- BCVCORR: solar system barycentric velocity correction,
- SUMSPEC: add and/or modify spectra,
- LINESPEC: synthetic emission line templates,
- EQWIDTH: equivalent widths of lines in spectra,
- WLRANGE: wavelength overlap range for a list of spectra,
- LISTSPEC: list pixel, wavelength, delta wavelength, and/or pixel value for
spectrum image,
- PIX2WL: wavelength at a given pixel in a spectrum,
- WL2PIX: pixel at a given wavelength in a spectrum,
- VELSET Artificially change the redshift of (log-wavelength) spectra
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3 recent
55 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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IRAF package for Tabular Spectra
IRAF package for Tabular Spectra
- Description
The SPTABLE external package contains IRAF spectral tasks intended to
support data in various tabular formats. These formats currently
include text files and FITS tables (direct support for the VOTable
format is still pending) that are increasingly being used to store
spectra as multi-column tables of wavelength/frequency and flux in a
variety of formats.
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3 recent
54 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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gestisce il WCS di un'immagine FITS (pacchetto IRAF)
gestisce il WCS di un'immagine FITS (pacchetto IRAF)
- Description
WCSTools è un insieme di utilità software, scritte in C, che creano,
visualizzano e manipolano il sistema di coordinate mondiali di un'immagine
FITS o IRAF, usando parole chiave specifiche nell'intestazione
dell'immagine che collegano la posizione dei pixel all'interno
dell'immagine alla posizione celeste. Programmi ausiliari ricercano i
cataloghi stellari e manipolano le immagini.
Questo pacchetto contiene il pacchetto IRAF.
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3 recent
55 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
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Python interface for IRAF
Python interface for IRAF
PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks in a Python like
environment. It works very similar to IRAF CL, but has been updated
to allow such things as importing Python modules, GUI parameter
editing and help. It can be imported into Python allowing you to run
IRAF commands from within a larger script.
- Maintainer
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- Popularity
- 10 regular users
13 recent
149 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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Terminal emulator to work with IRAF
Terminal emulator to work with IRAF
XGterm provides a Tek 4012 compatible graphics terminal emulation for
IRAF, plus a datastream driven widget server capability using the
Object Manager to provide full access to the underlying toolkit and
widget set. The Gterm graphics window operates almost identically to
the xterm Tek window, however there are extensions for implementing
full-screen cursors, imaging, area fills, colors, graphics erasure,
a "status line" and so on.
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- Popularity
- 6 regular users
1 recent
61 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
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programma per visualizzazione interattiva di immagini per il sistema X Window
programma per visualizzazione interattiva di immagini per il sistema X Window
ximtool fornisce una funzionalità per visualizzazione di immagini ad
applicazioni client remote per IRAF, usando il protocollo standard per
visualizzazione di immagini imtool/iis. Il server per visualizzazione di
immagini permette di creare e visualizzare un numero di frame buffer
immagine. Può essere visualizzato qualsiasi frame o combinazione di frame.
Sono fornite varie opzioni di visualizzazione, ad esempio zoom e carrellate,
ribaltamento rispetto a qualsiasi asse, lampeggiamento del frame, display in
finestra e miglioramento della tabella dei colori.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
2 recent
51 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
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