Debian Astro Python packages

Python 2 packages for astronomy

This metapackage will install Python 2 packages for astronomy. The packages can be used for interactive analysis, or to create specific programs.

Note that Python 2 is legacy only, Python 3 is the present and future of the language. The support for Python 2 will end in 2020. Please use Python 2 only if you don't have a choice.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
ipython 5.1.0-3 New upstream version 9.0.2 available ??? missing short description for package ipython :-(
python 2.7.9-1 interactive high-level object-oriented language (Python2 version)
python-aplpy 1.1.1-1 ??? missing short description for package python-aplpy :-(
python-asdf 1.2.1-2 ??? missing short description for package python-asdf :-(
python-astlib 0.8.0-4 ??? missing short description for package python-astlib :-(
python-astrometry 0.70+dfsg-1 ??? missing short description for package python-astrometry :-(
python-astroml 0.3-6 New upstream version 1.0.2.post1 available ??? missing short description for package python-astroml :-(
python-astroplan 0.2-5 ??? missing short description for package python-astroplan :-(
python-astropy 1.3-8 ??? missing short description for package python-astropy :-(
python-astropy-affiliated 1.2 ??? missing short description for package python-astropy-affiliated :-(
python-astroquery 0.3.4+dfsg-3 New upstream version 0.4.10 available ??? missing short description for package python-astroquery :-(
python-astroscrappy 1.0.5-1 ??? missing short description for package python-astroscrappy :-(
python-casacore 2.1.2-3 New upstream version 3.6.1 available ??? missing short description for package python-casacore :-(
python-ccdproc 1.2.0-1 ??? missing short description for package python-ccdproc :-(
python-cpl 0.6.2-4 ??? missing short description for package python-cpl :-(
python-drizzle 1.3-2 ??? missing short description for package python-drizzle :-(
python-emcee 2.2.1-1 Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python
python-ephem Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python 2
python-fitsio 0.9.10+dfsg-1 Python 2 library to read from and write to FITS files
python-galpy 1.2-1 New upstream version 1.10.2 available ??? missing short description for package python-galpy :-(
python-gdl 0.9.7-2 ??? missing short description for package python-gdl :-(
python-ginga 2.6.1-2 ??? missing short description for package python-ginga :-(
python-glue 0.9.1+dfsg-1 ??? missing short description for package python-glue :-(
python-gyoto 1.2.0-2 General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 2 language
python-healpy 1.10.3-2 ??? missing short description for package python-healpy :-(
python-lmfit 0.8.0+dfsg.1-1 New upstream version 1.3.3 available Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 2)
python-matplotlib 2.2.3-6 Python based plotting system in a style similar to Matlab
python-montage-wrapper 0.9.8-4 ??? missing short description for package python-montage-wrapper :-(
python-mvpa2 2.3.1-2 ??? missing short description for package python-mvpa2 :-(
python-numpy 1.16.2-1 Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language
python-pandas 0.23.3+dfsg-3 data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data
python-photutils 0.3-3 ??? missing short description for package python-photutils :-(
python-pyavm 0.9.1-1 ??? missing short description for package python-pyavm :-(
python-pydl 0.5.3-3 ??? missing short description for package python-pydl :-(
python-pyds9 1.8.1-1 ??? missing short description for package python-pyds9 :-(
python-pyfftw 0.9.2+dfsg-2 Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 2
python-pymc 2.2+ds-1 ??? missing short description for package python-pymc :-(
python-pymoc 0.4.2-1 ??? missing short description for package python-pymoc :-(
python-pyregion 1.2-4 ??? missing short description for package python-pyregion :-(
python-pysynphot ??? missing short description for package python-pysynphot :-(
python-pyvo 0.5.0+dfsg-1 ??? missing short description for package python-pyvo :-(
python-reproject 0.3.1-4 ??? missing short description for package python-reproject :-(
python-scipy 0.18.1-2 scientific tools for Python
python-skimage 0.10.1-2 Python modules for image processing
python-sklearn 0.14.1-3 New upstream version 1.6.1 available Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 2
python-spectral-cube 0.4.0-2 ??? missing short description for package python-spectral-cube :-(
python-specutils 0.2.2-1 New upstream version 2.0.0~rc1 available ??? missing short description for package python-specutils :-(
python-sunpy 0.7.4-2 ??? missing short description for package python-sunpy :-(
python-vispy 0.4.0-1 New upstream version 0.14.3 available interactive visualization in Python 2
python-yt 3.2.3-2 Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 2)

No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)

Package Version Description
python-extinction Fast interstellar dust extinction laws
python-gavovotable A library to process VOTables using python
python-pyspeckit Toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data
python-sherpa Modeling and fitting in Python
python-sncosmo Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis