Debian Astro Radio Astronomy packages

Program til radioastronomi

Denne pakke vil installere Debian Astro-pakker til radioastronomi. Den bør indeholde de fleste af de krævede værktøjer en radioastronom har brug for til opsætning af en datareduktionskanal.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
aoflagger 3.0.0-2 Find RFI i radioastronomiske observationer
aoflagger-dev 3.4.0-3 Find RFI i radioastronomiske observationer - udviklingsfiler
casacore-data 1.2 Data for Common Astronomy Software Applications - basisbibliotek
casacore-dev 3.5.0-2 CASA-basisbibliotek - udviklingsfiler
cassbeam 1.1-4 Cassegrain - antennemodellering
libpurify-dev 2.0.0-5 New upstream version 5.0.0 available Samling af rutiner for radiointerferometrisk billeddannelse - udviklingsfiler
openvlbi 1.23.5-2 OpenVLBI Correlator
purify 2.0.0-5 New upstream version 5.0.0 available Samling af rutiner for radiointerferometrisk billeddannelse
python3-bdsf 1.12.0-1 Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
python3-casacore 3.5.2-1 Pythonbindinger til biblioteket casacore
python3-radio-beam 0.3.2-1 Pythonværktøjer for Radio Beam IO og manipulation
python3-spectral-cube 0.4.0-2 Manipuler astronomiske datakuber med Python
wsclean 2.10.1-1 Hurtig generisk widefield interferometrix imager
wsclean-dev 2.6-1 Hurtig generisk widefield interferometrix imager - udviklingsfiler

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

Package Version Description
casarest Old AIPS++ code not included in casacore
casasynthesis-dev 0.1-1 CASA modules needed for processing synthesis data (development files)
meqtrees-timba Implementing and solving arbitrary Measurement Equations
oskar 2.6.1-1 Simulator for the Open Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope
python-meqtrees-cattery MeqTrees-based frameworks for simulation and calibration of radio interferometers
sagecal GPU/MIC accelerated radio interferometric calibration program