Official Debian packages with high relevance
atlas interactif du ciel pour des images et ensembles de données astronomiques
atlas interactif du ciel pour des images et ensembles de données astronomiques
Aladin est logiciel interactif d’atlas du ciel permettant de visualiser des
images astronomiques numérisées, de superposer des données de catalogues ou
bases de données astronomiques et de manière interactive accéder aux
données et informations de la base de données Simbad, du service VizieR et
d’autres archives à partir de toutes les sources relatives à l’astronomie.
Créé en 1999 par le Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS),
Aladin est devenu un outil largement utilisé par le cadriciel VO (Virtual
Observatory), capable de faire face à des problèmes tels que la
localisation de données intéressantes, l’accession et l’exploration des
ensembles de données distribués et la visualisation de données de plusieurs
longueurs d’onde. Le respect des normes de VO, existantes ou en gestation,
l’interopérabilité avec d’autres outils de visualisation et d’analyse et la
possibilité de facilement comparer des données hétérogènes sont les
principaux sujets qui permettent à Aladin d’être un outil puissant
d’exploration et d’intégration de données.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 23 regular users
3 recent
150 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
ESO-Midas (European Southern Observatory — Munich Image Data Analysis System)
ESO-Midas (European Southern Observatory — Munich Image Data Analysis System)
Le système ESO-MIDAS fournit des outils généraux pour le traitement des
images et la réduction des données en mettant l'accent sur les applications
astronomiques. En outre, il contient des paquets d'applications pour la
photométrie stellaire ou d'objets étendus, la décomposition et l'affinage
des images, ainsi que des traitements spécifiques pour l'instrumentation de
l'ESO à la Silla et le Very Large Telescope (VLT) à Paranal.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
3 recent
107 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Extract cutouts from FITS image format files
Extract cutouts from FITS image format files
- Description
fitscut is designed to extract cutouts from FITS image format files.
FITS, PNG, and JPEG output types are supported. When multiple input
files are specified and the output type is PNG or JPEG the resulting
image is an RGB color image.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
4 recent
95 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package fitsverify :-(
??? missing short description for package fitsverify :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- role
- program
- use
- checking
- works-with
- file
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
3 recent
105 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
outil pour afficher et éditer des fichiers au format FITS
outil pour afficher et éditer des fichiers au format FITS
- Description
Fv fournit une interface graphique pour les données stockées dans des
fichiers FITS (Flexible Image Transport System). Des fichiers locaux
peuvent être créés, visualisés et édités. Des fichiers sur Internet
peuvent être ouverts uniquement en mode lecture au travers des
protocoles HTTP et FTP. À travers le programme POWplot, des données FITS
peuvent être visualisées dans une grande diversité de styles. Une
interface pour la base de données en ligne, SkyView, permet de
rechercher, de télécharger et de réaliser un tracé des objets et des
images listés pour une région particulière du ciel.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- works-with
- file
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 15 regular users
2 recent
145 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
- Description
Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at
the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library
provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard
astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event
lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering
library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean
operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools
also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using
index files.
This package contains the tools.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
4 recent
102 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
système de visualisation de données de grande dimension
système de visualisation de données de grande dimension
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- statistics
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- viewing
- works-with-format
- xml
- Popularity
- 28 regular users
2 recent
165 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Improve entry
outil de tracé graphique en XY
outil de tracé graphique en XY
Grace est un outil de pointage-cliquage permettant à l’utilisateur de dessiner
des graphiques X-Y. Il s’agit du programme précédemment connu comme Xmgr.
Quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques sont : mise à l’échelle définie par
l’utilisateur, marques de graduation, étiquettes, symboles, styles de
ligne, couleurs, régression polynomiale, cerces (spline), moyenne mobile,
transformation de Fourier discrète et rapide, corrélation croisée ou
automatique, traitement par lots pour un tracé automatique et prise en
charge de l’impression pour PostScript, FrameMaker et plusieurs formats
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- mathematics
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- uitoolkit
- motif
- use
- editing, learning, printing
- works-with
- image, image:vector, text
- works-with-format
- postscript
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 155 regular users
76 recent
1020 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
New upstream version
ensemble complet d'outils pour tracer des graphes
ensemble complet d'outils pour tracer des graphes
Le dessin de graphes aborde le problème de la visualisation d'informations
structurées par la construction de représentations géométriques de schémas
abstraits et de réseaux. La génération automatique de graphes a
d'importantes applications dans certaines technologies clés comme la
conception de base de données, l'ingénierie logicielle, la conception VLSI
et réseau ou encore les interfaces graphiques, dans d'autres domaines. Les
situations dans lesquelles ces outils peuvent être particulièrement utiles
sont :
- Vous voulez restructurer un programme, mais vous devez d'abord
comprendre les relations entre types, procédures et fichiers source ;
- Vous devez identifier les goulets d'étranglement dans une dorsale
Internet - les liens individuels et leurs relations ;
- Vous devez déboguer un protocole ou une micro-architecture représentée
par une machine à états finis et vous avez besoin de comprendre
comment certains états d'erreur se produisent ;
- Vous voulez naviguer dans un schéma de base de données, une base de
connaissances, ou un programme distribué représentés graphiquement ;
- Vous voulez avoir une représentation graphique d'un ensemble de
documents liés ;
- Vous voulez découvrir des types et des centres d'intérêts communs dans
une base de données d'appels téléphoniques ou de messages
Ce paquet contient les outils en ligne de commande.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- mathematics
- interface
- commandline, x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- scope
- utility
- uitoolkit
- athena, tk
- use
- viewing
- works-with
- graphs, image, image:raster, image:vector
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 14594 regular users
10293 recent
62922 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
New upstream version
Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
IPython can be used as a replacement for the standard Python shell,
or it can be used as a complete working environment for scientific
computing (like Matlab or Mathematica) when paired with the standard
Python scientific and numerical tools. It supports dynamic object
introspections, numbered input/output prompts, a macro system,
session logging, session restoring, complete system shell access,
verbose and colored traceback reports, auto-parentheses, auto-quoting,
and is embeddable in other Python programs.
This package contains the actual terminal shell for Python 3.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 1519 regular users
299 recent
7358 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics.
Other external or layered packages are available for
applications such as data acquisition or handling data from other
observatories and wavelength regimes such as the Hubble Space
Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme ultra-violet), or ROSAT and
AXAF (X-ray). These external packages are distributed separately
from the main IRAF distribution but can be easily installed.
The IRAF system also the programmable Command Language scripting
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 16 regular users
13 recent
172 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
FITS utilities for IRAF
FITS utilities for IRAF
- Description
Several tasks to operate of FITS files and extensions from within IRAF,
like copying, extension extraction, conversion etc.
The following tasks are available:
- fgread: Read a FITS file with FOREIGN extensions
- fgwrite: Create a FITS file with FOREIGN extensions
- funpack: Uncompress a FITS file
- fxconvert: Convert between IRAF image types.
- fxcopy: Copy FITS files or FITS extension to an output FITS file
- fxdelete: Delete FITS extensions in place
- fxdummyh: Create a dataless single FITS file
- fxextract: Extract a FITS extension
- fxheader: List one line of header description per FITS unit
- fxinsert: Insert FITS files or extensions into another FITS file
- fxplf: Converts a pixel list file into a BINTABLE extension
- fxsplit: Split a multiple extension FITS file into single FITS files
- ricepack: Rice compress a FITS file
- sum32: Compute the 32-bit FITS 1's complement checksum
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
3 recent
58 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Improve entry
CCD mosaic reduction package for IRAF
CCD mosaic reduction package for IRAF
- Description
The MSCRED external package is used to reduce CCD mosaic data in
multiextension FITS format. This format is produced for example by
the Data Capture Agent when observing with the NOAO CCD Mosaic
Imager, as well as similar instruments from AAO, CFA, CFHT, ESO, INT
and others.
The tasks in the mscred package perform the following functions:
- display the mosaic data as an apparent single mosaic image,
- provide interactive examination of displayed mosaic data,
- combine multiple calibration exposures into master calibration files,
- perform the basic CCD calibrations such as zero level and gain,
- reconstruct a single mosaic image with distortions removed,
- register and combine dithered operations, and
- save and restore data on tape.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
3 recent
54 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Improve entry
IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
- Description
This package obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using
cross-correlation methods or emission line fits. It consists of
several SPP tasks:
- XCSAO and PXCSAO: cross-correlate spectra,
- EMSAO and PEMSAO: find emission lines in spectra,
- BCVCORR: solar system barycentric velocity correction,
- SUMSPEC: add and/or modify spectra,
- LINESPEC: synthetic emission line templates,
- EQWIDTH: equivalent widths of lines in spectra,
- WLRANGE: wavelength overlap range for a list of spectra,
- LISTSPEC: list pixel, wavelength, delta wavelength, and/or pixel value for
spectrum image,
- PIX2WL: wavelength at a given pixel in a spectrum,
- WL2PIX: pixel at a given wavelength in a spectrum,
- VELSET Artificially change the redshift of (log-wavelength) spectra
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
3 recent
55 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Deep Infrared Mosaicing Software
Deep Infrared Mosaicing Software
- Description
XDIMSUM is a package for creating accurate sky subtracted images from
sets of dithered observations. While the observations need not be in
the infrared, the dominance of the variable sky background in
infrared data requires the dithering and recombination of many short
carefully sky subtracted exposures to produce deep images.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
1 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package libatlas-dev :-(
??? missing short description for package libatlas-dev :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
107 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
bibliothèque statique pour les E/S avec des fichiers de données au format FITS
bibliothèque statique pour les E/S avec des fichiers de données au format FITS
- Description
CCfits est une interface orientée objet pour la bibliothèque cfitsio. Elle
est conçue pour rendre les fonctionnalités de cfitsio disponibles aux
développeurs travaillant en⋅C++. Elle est écrite en ANSI⋅C++ et mise en
œuvre avec la bibliothèque standard⋅C++ avec des espaces de noms, la
gestion d'exception et des fonctions de modèles de membre.
Ce paquet fournit ce qui est nécessaire pour compiler des sources qui
utilisent cette bibliothèque dans leur code.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
4 recent
82 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package libcfitsio-bin :-(
??? missing short description for package libcfitsio-bin :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 101 regular users
41 recent
1126 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
bibliothèque pour les E/S de fichiers de données au format FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
bibliothèque pour les E/S de fichiers de données au format FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
- Description
FITS (« Flexible Image Transport System », système flexible de transport
d'images) est un format de données utilisé en astronomie. cfitsio est une
bibliothèque de routines⋅C ANSI pour la lecture et l'écriture des fichiers
de données au format FITS. Un jeu de routines en Fortran a été inclus pour
la commodité des programmeurs Fortran.
Ce paquet fournit ce qui est nécessaire pour compiler des sources qui
utilisent cette bibliothèque dans leur code.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 222 regular users
203 recent
2182 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- development package
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- development package
- Description
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for
numerical analysis. The routines are written from scratch by the GSL
team in C, and present a modern API for C programmers, while allowing
wrappers to be written for very high level languages.
This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
links that developers using GNU GSL will need.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 280 regular users
208 recent
2895 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
bibliothèque de routines algébriques version⋅3 –⋅version statique
bibliothèque de routines algébriques version⋅3 –⋅version statique
- Description
LAPACK version⋅3.x est une bibliothèque FORTRAN complète qui effectue des
opérations d'algèbre linéaire, y compris l'inversion de matrice, la
résolution de la méthode des moindres carrés d'ensembles linéaires
d'équations, l'analyse de valeurs propres, la décomposition en valeurs
singulières, etc. Ce paquet très complet et reconnu est intensivement
utilisé dans la communauté scientifique.
Ce paquet fournit une version statique de la bibliothèque.
- Reference
E. Anderson, Z. Bai, C. Bischof, S. Blackford, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, A. Greenbaum, S. Hammarling, A. McKenney and D. Sorensen:
LAPACK Users' Guide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 264 regular users
199 recent
8575 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Scientific plotting library (development files)
Scientific plotting library (development files)
- Description
PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich
enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including
line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters
(including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package
is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a
handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use,
virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable.
This package contains all that is needed for doing development in C,
C++ and Fortran with PLplot. For development in Tcl/Tk, Python and
Java, install the plplot-tcl-dev, python3-plplot and libplplot-java
packages, respectively. This package also includes the OCaml and Lua
examples. To use one of these languages you will also need to install
the libplplot-xxx package for that language.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
14 recent
264 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Extended image format support for Tcl/Tk (development files)
Extended image format support for Tcl/Tk (development files)
- Description
Img is a package to enhance Tk by providing support for various image
formats such as XPM, GIF (transparency supported, but not LZW), PNG,
JPEG, TIFF, and PostScript.
The libimg library can be loaded dynamically into Tcl/Tk scripts to
provide the image handling functions.
This package includes Tcl stub libraries and headers, which are necessary
to develop C-based extensions using Img.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
23 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
gestion du WCS d’une image FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
gestion du WCS d’une image FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
- Description
WCSTools est un ensemble d’utilitaires, écrits en C, qui crée, affiche et
manipule le système de coordonnées mondiales (WCS) d’une image FITS ou
IRAF, en utilisant des mots clés dans l’en-tête d’image qui relie la
position de pixel dans l’image à une position dans le ciel. Des programmes
auxiliaires recherche dans les catalogues d’étoiles et manipulent des
Ce paquet fournit les fichiers nécessaires au développement.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
3 recent
61 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
outils en ligne de commande plotutils de GNU basés sur libplot
outils en ligne de commande plotutils de GNU basés sur libplot
Les utilitaires de traçage GNU comportent des programmes pour le tracé de
données scientifiques en deux dimensions. Ils sont basés sur
GNU « libplot », une bibliothèque de graphiques vectoriels à deux
dimensions indépendants des périphériques.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- suite
- gnu
- uitoolkit
- athena
- works-with
- image, image:vector
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 41 regular users
9 recent
368 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets
Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets
- Description
Pmw est une boîte à outils pour assembler des composants graphiques Python
de haut niveau en utilisant l'interface Tkinter des bibliothèques
graphiques Tk. Elle se compose d'un ensemble de classes de base et d'une
bibliothèque de mégawidgets flexibles et extensibles construits à partir
de ces classes.
Ce paquet fournit les modules pmw.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:python, library
- role
- shared-lib
- uitoolkit
- tk
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
82 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Improve entry
interface Python à wxWidgets, la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme
interface Python à wxWidgets, la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme
- Description
La bibliothèque wxWidgets (précédemment connue sous le nom wxWindows) est
une bibliothèque de classes C++ qui fournit des composants d'interface
graphique et autres utilitaires, pour de nombreuses plateformes populaires
(et d'autres plus confidentielles).
Ce paquet fournit une interface Python à la bibliothèque wxGTK et les
bibliothèques de prise en charge d'exécution de wxPython.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 445 regular users
3 recent
989 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
- Description
The astropy package contains core functionality and some common tools
needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics research with Python.
It can be extended by a number of "affiliated packages" that are
intended to work with the core package.
- Reference
The Astropy Collaboration, A. M. Price-Whelan, B. M. Sipőcz, H. M. Günther, P. L. Lim, S. M. Crawford, S. Conseil, D. L. Shupe, M. W. Craig, N. Dencheva, A. Ginsburg, J. T. VanderPlas, L. D. Bradley, D. Pérez-Suárez, M. de Val-Borro, T. L. Aldcroft, K. L. Cruz, T. P. Robitaille, E. J. Tollerud, C. Ardelean, T. Babej, Y. P. Bach, M. Bachetti, A. V. Bakanov, S. P. Bamford, G. Barentsen, P. Barmby, A. Baumbach, K. L. Berry, F. Biscani, M. Boquien, K. A. Bostroem, L. G. Bouma, G. B. Brammer, E. M. Bray, H. Breytenbach, H. Buddelmeijer, D. J. Burke, G. Calderone, J. L. Cano Rodríguez, M. Cara, J. V. M. Cardoso, S. Cheedella, Y. Copin, L. Corrales, D. Crichton, D. D’Avella, C. Deil, É. Depagne, J. P. Dietrich, A. Donath, M. Droettboom, N. Earl, T. Erben, S. Fabbro, L. A. Ferreira, T. Finethy, R. T. Fox, L. H. Garrison, S. L. J. Gibbons, D. A. Goldstein, R. Gommers, J. P. Greco, P. Greenfield, A. M. Groener, F. Grollier, A. Hagen, P. Hirst, D. Homeier, A. J. Horton, G. Hosseinzadeh, L. Hu, J. S. Hunkeler, Ž. Ivezić, A. Jain, T. Jenness, G. Kanarek, S. Kendrew, N. S. Kern, W. E. Kerzendorf, A. Khvalko, J. King, D. Kirkby, A. M. Kulkarni, A. Kumar, A. Lee, D. Lenz, S. P. Littlefair, Z. Ma, D. M. Macleod, M. Mastropietro, C. McCully, S. Montagnac, B. M. Morris, M. Mueller, S. J. Mumford, D. Muna, N. A. Murphy, S. Nelson, G. H. Nguyen, J. P. Ninan, M. Nöthe, S. Ogaz, S. Oh, J. K. Parejko, N. Parley, S. Pascual, R. Patil, A. A. Patil, A. L. Plunkett, J. X. Prochaska, T. Rastogi, V. Reddy Janga, J. Sabater, P. Sakurikar, M. Seifert, L. E. Sherbert, H. Sherwood-Taylor, A. Y. Shih, J. Sick, M. T. Silbiger, S. Singanamalla, L. P. Singer, P. H. Sladen, K. A. Sooley, S. Sornarajah, O. Streicher, P. Teuben, S. W. Thomas, G. R. Tremblay, J. E. H. Turner, V. Terrón, M. H. van Kerkwijk, A. de la Vega, L. L. Watkins, B. A. Weaver, J. B. Whitmore, J. Woillez and V. Zabalza:
The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package.
The Astronomical Journal
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 261 regular users
158 recent
1347 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
combinaison d’image « dither » avec Python
combinaison d’image « dither » avec Python
- Description
La bibliothèque drizzle est un paquet de Python pour combiner des images
« dithered » (diffusion d’erreur) en une seule image. Cette bibliothèque est
dérivée du code utilisé dans drizzlepac. Comme pour celui-ci, la majeure partie
du code est implémentée dans le langage C. La modification la plus importante
est que le code accepte un tableau qui mappe l’entrée pour une sortie d’image en
code C tandis que le code de drizzlepac calcule le mappage en utilisant une
fonction de rappel en Python. Utiliser un tableau permet de simplifier
grandement le code.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
11 recent
141 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
Debian includes the python-drizzle package instead of python-drizzlepac
- Improve entry
interface de Python pour le programme de tracé gnuplot
interface de Python pour le programme de tracé gnuplot
- Description
✏ est un module Python qui s'interface avec Gnuplot, le programme
de tracé de courbes populaire. Il vous permet d'utiliser gnuplot depuis
Python sur des tableaux de données situés en mémoire, des fichiers de
données ou des fonctions mathématiques. Si vous utilisez Python pour
effectuer des calculs ou comme « colle » pour les programmes numériques,
vous pouvez utiliser ce module pour dessiner des données au fur et à
mesure de leur calcul. Et la combinaison avec Python rend facile
l'automatisation des choses, y compris la création « d'animations » brutes
en dessinant les différents jeux de données les uns après les autres.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 65 regular users
3 recent
189 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
système de traçage basé sur Python dans un style similaire à celui Matlab
système de traçage basé sur Python dans un style similaire à celui Matlab
- Description
Matplotlib est une bibliothèque de traçage en Python pur conçue pour
apporter à Python des capacités de traçage d'une qualité adaptée à la
publication, avec une syntaxe familière aux utilisateurs de Matlab. L'accès
à toutes les commandes de traçage, dans l'interface pylab, est possible
soit à travers une interface fonctionnelle familière aux utilisateurs de
Matlab, soit à travers une interface orientée objet familière à ceux de Python.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 19301 regular users
2194 recent
25332 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package python3-numpy :-(
??? missing short description for package python3-numpy :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 26065 regular users
5093 recent
47625 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Python Imaging Library (Python3)
Python Imaging Library (Python3)
- Description
La bibliothèque d'imagerie pour Python (PIL pour « Python Imaging
Library ») ajoute un objet image à l'interpréteur Python. Il est possible
charger des images d'une grande variété de formats de fichier, et leur
appliquer un ensemble riche d'opérations.
Objets image :
–⋅binaire, niveau de gris, palette, vraie couleur (RVB), vraie
couleur avec transparence (RVBA)⋅;
–⋅séparation des couleurs (CMJN)⋅;
–⋅opérations de copier, couper, coller⋅;
–⋅transformations de retournement, transposition, redimensionnement,
rotation et affines arbitraires⋅;
–⋅opérations de transparence⋅;
–⋅opérations sur les canaux et points⋅;
–⋅transformations de couleurs, y compris opérations matricielles⋅;
–⋅amélioration d'image, y compris filtres de matrice de convolution.
Formats de fichiers :
–⋅prise en charge complète (ouverture/chargement/enregistrement)⋅:
BMP, EPS (avec ghostscript), GIF, IM, JPEG, MSP, PDF, PNG, PPM,
TIFF et XBM⋅ ;
–⋅lecture seule (ouverture/chargement)⋅: ARG, CUR, DCX, FLI,
–⋅enregistrement seul⋅: PDF et EPS (sans ghostscript).
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 33627 regular users
7058 recent
64744 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Communication with the ds9 image display program from Python
Communication with the ds9 image display program from Python
- Description
The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds
of Unix programs, including Tcl/Tk programs such as ds9. The pyds9 module
uses a Python interface to XPA to communicate with ds9. It supports
communication with all of ds9’s XPA access points.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 64 regular users
2 recent
154 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
Last version of python-numdisplay was 1.5.6 from 2009. Use
python3-pyds9 instead.
- Improve entry
Python interface for IRAF
Python interface for IRAF
PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks in a Python like
environment. It works very similar to IRAF CL, but has been updated
to allow such things as importing Python modules, GUI parameter
editing and help. It can be imported into Python allowing you to run
IRAF commands from within a larger script.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
13 recent
149 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
- Description
pysynphot simulates photometric data and spectra as they are observed with
the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Passbands for standard photometric systems
are available, and users can incorporate their own filters, spectra, and
data. pysynphot user interface allows you to:
- Construct complicated composite spectra from various grids of model
atmosphere spectra, parameterized spectrum models, and atlases of stellar
- Simulate observations.
- Query the resulting structures for quantities of interest, such as
countrate, effective wavelength, effective stimulus, as well as the
wavelength and flux arrays.
- Plot HST sensitivity curves and calibration target spectra.
- Compute photometric calibration parameters for any HST instrument mode.
pysynphot can help HST observers to perform cross-instrument simulations, to
examine the transmission curve of the HST Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA),
and spectra of HST calibration targets. Expert users can take advantage of
the control and data structures available in Python to easily perform
repetitive operations such as simulate the observation of multiple type of
sources through multiple observing modes.
- Reference
P. L. Lim, R. I. Diaz and V. Laidler:
PySynphot User’s Guide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
5 recent
139 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
outils scientifiques pour Python 3
outils scientifiques pour Python 3
- Description
SciPy complète le module NumPy populaire (paquet python-numpy),
rassemblant une grande variété de modules de haut niveau technique dans un
seul paquet.
SciPy est un ensemble d’outils scientifiques et numériques pour Python. Il
prend en charge, entre autres, les fonctions spéciales, la résolution
d’intégrales et d’équations différentielles ordinaires, l’optimisation par
gradient, des algorithmes génétiques, des outils de programmation
parallèle, un compilateur expression-vers-C++ pour une exécution rapide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 16582 regular users
2559 recent
24614 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package python3-tk :-(
??? missing short description for package python3-tk :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 18237 regular users
4185 recent
38296 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Improve entry
visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER
visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER
QFitsView est un visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER. En plus
d’affiches des images en deux dimensions, il fournit aussi des moyens
d’explorer des ensembles de données tridimensionnelles. Il intègre les
fonctionnalités de DPUSER, accessibles directement à partir de QFitsView.
Il est à remarquer que ce paquet a été compilé avec la bibliothèque giza au
lieu de PGPLOT, puisque cette dernière n’est pas un logiciel libre.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
4 recent
106 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
outil d’affichage d’image pour l’astronomie
outil d’affichage d’image pour l’astronomie
SAOImage DS9 est application d’imagerie et de visualisation pour
l’astronomie. DS9 gère les images FITS et les tables binaires,
plusieurs tampons de trame, la manipulation de région et plusieurs
algorithmes d’échelle et de cartes de couleurs. Il permet une
communication facile avec des tâches d’analyse externes et est hautement
configurable et extensible à l’aide de XPA et SAMP.
Toutes les versions et plateformes prennent en charge un ensemble cohérent
de capacités graphiques fonctionnelles.
DS9 prend en charge des fonctions modernes telles que les tampons de trame
2D, 3D et RVB, les images en mosaïque, le pavage, le clignotement, les
repères géométriques, la manipulation de carte de couleur, le changement
d’échelle, l’agrandissement arbitraire, le recadrage, la rotation, le
panorama et une variété de systèmes de coordonnées.
L’interface graphique pour DS9 est personnalisable par l’utilisateur. Les
éléments graphiques tels que l’affichage des coordonnées, le panorama
(panner), la loupe, les graphes horizontaux et verticaux, la barre de
boutons et la barre de couleurs peuvent être configurés à l’aide de menus
ou la ligne de commande.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 35 regular users
10 recent
341 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
saoimage is outdated; use saods9
New upstream version
Compute astrometric and photometric solutions
Compute astrometric and photometric solutions
- Description
SCAMP reads SExtractor catalogs and computes astrometric and
photometric solutions for any arbitrary sequence of FITS images in a
completely automatic way.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
4 recent
94 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Image visualization and access to catalogs and data for astronomy
Image visualization and access to catalogs and data for astronomy
The ESO/Starlink Skycat tool combines the image display capabilities
of the RTD (Real-Time Display) with a set of classes for accessing
astronomical catalogs locally and over the network using HTTP. The tool
allows you to view FITS images from files or from the Digitized Sky
Survey (DSS).
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
4 recent
125 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
- Description
Le STIL Tool Set est un ensemble d'outils en ligne de commande basés sur
STIL, la
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. Il gère le traitement de données
Le paquet a été conçu pour les tables astronomiques telles que les catalogues
d'objets, mais il ne se limite pas à cela. Certains outils sont génériques
et peuvent
fonctionner avec de nombreux formats (y compris FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV,
et d'autres sont spécifiques au format VOTable. D'une certaine manière, STILTS
constitue la contrepartie en ligne de commande de l'outil graphique
d'analyse de
tables TOPCAT. Le paquet est robuste, pleinement documenté et conçu pour être
efficace, particulièrement avec de très grands jeux de données.
Ce paquet fournit l’exécutable.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
2 recent
73 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Astronomical image data reduction pipeline
Astronomical image data reduction pipeline
THELI is a powerful tool to reduce optical, near- and mid-infrared
astronomical imaging data, supporting more than 100 different single-
and multi-chip instruments at professional observatories world-wide. The
graphical user interface and internal data model allow the user to
concentrate on the highly automated data processing, without being
side-tracked by the specific complexities and characteristics of optical
and infrared instruments. THELI is fully scalable on multi-processor
machines with shared memory, allowing fast processing also of large data
sets. The integrated data viewer allows access to any products on drive
as well as in memory. User-defined instruments can be added, making
THELI interesting for amateur astronomers as well.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
3 recent
49 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular
data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers
need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other
tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It
understands a number of different astronomically important formats
(including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added.
This package contains the executable.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 15 regular users
3 recent
99 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Handle the WCS of a FITS image
Handle the WCS of a FITS image
- Description
WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create,
display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF
image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel
position within the image to position on the sky. Auxiliary programs
search star catalogs and manipulate images.
This package contains the binary tools.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
5 recent
132 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Terminal emulator to work with IRAF
Terminal emulator to work with IRAF
XGterm provides a Tek 4012 compatible graphics terminal emulation for
IRAF, plus a datastream driven widget server capability using the
Object Manager to provide full access to the underlying toolkit and
widget set. The Gterm graphics window operates almost identically to
the xterm Tek window, however there are extensions for implementing
full-screen cursors, imaging, area fills, colors, graphics erasure,
a "status line" and so on.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 6 regular users
1 recent
61 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Interactive image display program for the X Window System
Interactive image display program for the X Window System
Ximtool provides an image display capability to remote client
applications for IRAF using the standard imtool/iis image display
protocol. The image display server allows a number of image frame
buffers to be created and displayed. The client can read and write
data in these frame buffers. Any frame or combination of frames can
be displayed. Various display options are provided, e.g., zoom and
pan, flip about either axis, frame blink, windowing of the display,
and colortable enhancement.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
2 recent
51 total installations
(of 251864 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
Scientific plotting package for Python
Scientific plotting package for Python
- Description
Biggles is a Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific
plots. It supports multiple output formats (postscript, x11, png, svg, gif),
understands simple TeX, and sports a high-level, elegant interface. It's
intended for technical users with sophisticated plotting needs.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
Photoionization simulations for the discriminating astrophysicist since 1978
Photoionization simulations for the discriminating astrophysicist since 1978
- Description
Cloudy is an open source plasma simulation code that is designed to simulate
conditions in a nonequilibrium gas, and predict its spectrum. The code
incorporates physical processes from first principles, as much as possible.
The goal is to simulate the ionization, level populations, molecular state,
and thermal state, over all extremes of density and temperature. The approach
of working from fundamental processes means that Cloudy can be applied to such
diverse regions as the corona of a star, the intergalactic medium, or the
accretion disk near the supermassive black hole in a luminous quasar.
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
CTIO tools
CTIO tools
- Description
Whatever this is
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
Calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of interferometric data
Calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of interferometric data
- Description
MIRIAD is a radio interferometry data-reduction package, designed for
taking raw visibility data through calibration to the image analysis
stage. It has been designed to handle any interferometric array, with
working examples for BIMA, CARMA, SMA, WSRT, and ATCA. A separate
version for ATCA is available, which differs in a few minor ways from
the CARMA version.
- Debian
- Upstream
Interactive astronomical ephemeris for X
Interactive astronomical ephemeris for X
- Description
Xephem is an interactive astronomical ephemeris program for X Windows
systems with Motif. It provides many graphical views as well as
quantitative heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric information for
Earth satellites, solar system and celestial objects.
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
Not DFSG-Free.
No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)
Spectral Analysis Tool
Spectral Analysis Tool
- Description
SPLAT is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and
analyzing astronomical spectra stored in NDF, FITS and TEXT files as
well as in NDX format. It can read in many spectra at the same time and
then display these as line plots. Display windows can show one or
several spectra at the same time and can be interactively zoomed and
scrolled, centered on specific wavelengths, provide continuous
coordinate readout, produce printable hardcopy and be configured in many
ways. Analysis facilities include the fitting of a polynomial to
selected parts of a spectrum, the fitting of Gaussian, Lorentzian and
Voigt profiles to emission and absorption lines and the filtering of
spectra using average, median and line-shape window functions as well as
wavelet denoising. SPLAT also supports a full range of coordinate
systems for spectra, which allows coordinates to be displayed and
aligned in many different coordinate systems (wavelength, frequency,
energy, velocity) and transformed between these and different standards
of rest (topocentric, heliocentric, dynamic and kinematic local
standards of rest, etc). SPLAT is distributed as part of
theStarlink(ascl:1110.012) software collection.
- Debian
- Upstream
No known packages available
Tools to query databases at CDS
Tools to query databases at CDS
- Description
The cdsclient package is a set of C and shell routines which can be
built on Unix stations or PCs running Linux, which once compiled
allow to query some databases located at CDS or on mirrors over the
The cdsclient package includes two generic query programs:
vizquery, a program to remotely query VizieR. It connects the
VizieR server via the HTTP protocol (requires an access to the
port 80)
find_cats, a program for fast access to large surveys from a list
of positions, via a dedicated client (requires an access to the
port 1660) Specific programs like find2mass or finducac3 are
connecting directly to one of the very large surveys available
from CDS (a very large survey has 107 or more rows).
- Upstream
C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment
C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment
- Description
Written in ANSI C, eclipse is a library offering numerous services
related to astronomical image processing: FITS data access, various
image and cube loading methods, binary image handling and filtering
(including convolution and morphological filters), 2-D cross-
correlation, connected components, cube and image arithmetic, dead pixel
detection and correction, object detection, data extraction, flat-
fielding with robust fit, image generation, statistics, photometry,
image-space resampling, image combination, and cube stacking. It also
contains support for mathematical tools like random number generation,
FFT, curve fitting, matrices, fast median computation, and point-pattern
matching. The main feature of this library is its ability to handle
large amounts of input data (up to 2GB in the current version)
regardless of the amount of memory and swap available on the local
machine. Another feature is the very high speed allowed by optimized C,
making it an ideal base tool for programming efficient number-crunching
applications, e.g., on parallel (Beowulf) systems.
- Upstream
- Remark
Latest version: 5.0-0 released 23 Sept 2005
Photometric Redshift Code
Photometric Redshift Code
- Description
From a photometric catalogue, hyperz finds the redshift of each object
by means of a standard SED fitting procedure, i.e. comparing the
observed magnitudes with the expected ones, computed from template
Spectral Energy Distributions. The set of templates used in the
minimization procedure (age, metallicity, reddening, absorption in the
Lyman forest, ...) is studied in detail, through both real and simulated
data. The expected accuracy of photometric redshifts, as well as the
fraction of catastrophic identifications and wrong detections, is given
as a function of the redshift range, the set of filters considered, and
the photometric accuracy. Special attention is paid to the results
expected from real data.
- Upstream
- Remark
Last update: 2000-12-11
Utilities for creating colour images
Utilities for creating colour images
- Description
A prototype IRAF color image display package, COLOR, is now available.
Currently this package provides conversion of 3 bandpass IRAF images to a
Sun 24-bit RGB rasterfile format, a 24-bit to 8-bit compression algorithm
and Floyd-Steinberg dithering, and an RGB 8-bit pixel dithering algorithm.
The Sun rasterfiles are displayed using non-IRAF tools and the others use
only IRAF images and SAOimage or IMTOOL. These tasks are usable with the
currently common 8-bit color workstations and are provided for those users
which don't have more capable hardware such as 24-bit workstations, IIS
displays, and 24-bit addon cards.
- Upstream
Graphical applications for IRAF
Graphical applications for IRAF
- Description
GUIAPPS is an IRAF external package providing some prototype GUI
applications for data reduction and analysis.
- Upstream
Utilities from NOAO including QDPHOT
Utilities from NOAO including QDPHOT
- Description
MXTOOLS is an IRAF package providing tools for image matching and
image coordinate manipulation.
- Upstream
Utilities from ST-ECF
Utilities from ST-ECF
- Description
Utilities from ST-ECF, including polarimetry reduction and spectral
restoration packages.
- Upstream
HST data analysis and tables systems
HST data analysis and tables systems
- Description
TABLES provides support for tabular data for STSDAS and other packages. Many
types of data are stored in tabular format, such as catalogs of astronomical
objects, spectral data (e.g. columns of wavelength and flux), and
coefficients of fit to data. TABLES provides a programming interface for
accessing tables, and it includes a collection of utility programs for
working with tables. FITS tables, STSDAS format, and simple text tables are
supported. The programming interface is used for the utility programs in
TABLES, by tasks in STSDAS, and by other external packages. The utility
programs are used for such tasks as plotting, selecting rows based on an
expression involving column values, sorting rows in a table, joining tables,
and performing arithmetic operations on column values.
- Upstream
Toolkit for IPC, authentication, graphics display etc.
Toolkit for IPC, authentication, graphics display etc.
- Description
Karma is a toolkit for interprocess communications, authentication,
encryption, graphics display, user interface and manipulating the Karma
network data structure. It contains KarmaLib (the structured libraries
and API) and a large number of modules (applications) to perform many
standard tasks. A suite of visualisation tools are distributed with the
- Upstream
- Remark
Not maintained any longer.
PLatform for AStronomical Tool InterConnection
PLatform for AStronomical Tool InterConnection
- Description
PLASTIC is a protocol for communication between client-side astronomy
applications. It is very simple for application developers to adopt and is
easily extended. Through PLASTIC applications can do tasks such as instruct
each other to load VOTables, highlight a subset of rows or load an image of a
particular area of sky. Although such operations are quite simple, they
enable powerful collaborations between tools. The philosophy is that the
astronomer should have a suite of interoperating tools at his disposal, each
of which does one thing well and which can be composed according to his
particular needs.
- Upstream
- Remark
The IVOA Applications Working Group has now produced a
specification for SAMP, the successor protocol to PLASTIC. It is
recommended to use SAMP rather than PLASTIC.
Python interface for ESO-MIDAS
Python interface for ESO-MIDAS
- Description
PyMidas is an interface between Python and MIDAS, the major ESO legacy
general purpose data processing system. PyMidas allows a user to exploit
both the rich legacy of MIDAS software and the power of Python scripting
in a unified interactive environment. PyMidas also allows the usage of
other Python-based astronomical analysis systems such asPyRAF.
- Upstream
- Remark
PyMidas is outdated and no longer maintained. Does not support Python 2.7 or 3.x.
Python module to handle ASCII tables
Python module to handle ASCII tables
- Description
AstroAsciiData is a Python module to handle ASCII tables. Features:
- Imports all reasonably well-formed Ascii tables
- Column-first access
- Easy creation and manipulation of tables, columns, rows and attached
- Retains formatting of data values
- Support for SExtractor style headers
- Column sorting
- Interchangeable comment character, column delimiter and null value
- Exports data to Ascii, Numpy/Numarray, FITS table, HTML table, LaTeX table
- Upstream
- Remark
Python-asciidata and pyfits are obsoleted by python3-astropy.
Automatic image combination drizzling software
Automatic image combination drizzling software
- Description
MultiDrizzle automates and simplifies the detection of cosmic-rays and the
combination of dithered observations using the Python scripting language and
PyRAF, the Python-based interface to IRAF. MultiDrizzle was developed by the
Science Software Branch at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
- Upstream
Python module for high-performance, numeric computing
Python module for high-performance, numeric computing
- Description
Numeric is a Python module for high-performance, numeric computing. It
provides much of the functionality and performance of commercial numeric
software such as Matlab; in some cases, it provides more functionality than
commercial software.
- Upstream
- Remark
Python-numeric is not maintained anymore, outdated by python3-numpy
Drizzling software
Drizzling software
- Description
PyDrizzle provides a semi-automated interface for computing the
parameters necessary for runningDrizzle. PyDrizzle performs the task of
determining the parameters necessary for aligning images based on the
WCS information in the input image headers, as well as any supplemental
alignment information provided in shift files, and combines the images
onto the same WCS. Though it does not identify cosmic rays, it has the
ability to ignore pixels flagged as bad, such as pixels identified by
other programs as affected by cosmic rays.
- Upstream
1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
- Description
Specview is a tool for 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of
astronomical spectrograms. Written in Java, it is capable of reading all
the Hubble Space Telescope spectral data formats as well as data from
several other instruments (such as IUE, FUSE, ISO, FORS and SDSS),
preview spectra from MAST, and data from generic FITS and ASCII tables.
It can read data from Virtual Observatory servers, and read and write
spectrogram data in Virtual Observatory SED format. It can also read
files in the SPC Galactic format used in the chemistry field. Once
ingested, data can be plotted and examined with a large selection of
custom settings. Specview supports instrument-specific data quality
handling, flexible spectral units conversions, custom plotting
attributes, plot annotations, tiled plots, hardcopy to JPEG files and
PostScript file or printer, etc. Specview can be used to build wide-band
SEDs, overplotting or combining data from the same astronomical source
taken with different instruments and/or spectral bands. Data can be
further processed with averaging, splicing, detrending, and Fourier
filtering tools. Specview has a spectral model fitting capability that
enables the user to work with multi-component models (including user-
defined models) and fit models to data.
- Upstream
Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
- Description
GAIA is an image and data-cube display and analysis tool for astronomy.
It provides the usual facilities of image display tools, plus more
astronomically useful ones such as aperture and optimal photometry,
contouring, source detection, surface photometry, arbitrary region
analysis, celestial coordinate readout, calibration and modification,
grid overlays, blink comparison, defect patching and the ability to
query on-line catalogues and image servers. It can also display slices
from data-cubes, extract and visualize spectra as well as perform full
3D rendering. GAIA uses the Starlink software environment (ascl:1110.012)
and is derived from the ESO SkyCat tool(ascl:1109.019).
- Upstream
HST point-spread function simulation software
HST point-spread function simulation software
- Description
Tiny Tim generates simulated Hubble Space Telescope point spread
functions (PSFs). It is written in C and distributed as source code and
runs on a wide variety of UNIX and VMS systems. Tiny Tim includes mirror
zonal errors, time dependent aberrations (for the pre-repair
instruments), field dependent obscuration patterns (for WF/PC-1 and
WFPC2), and filter passband effects. It can produce a normally sampled
or subsampled PSF. Output is a FITS image file.
- Upstream
- Remark
Unknown, unspecified license
Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility
Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility
- Description
VirGO is the next generation Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive
Facility developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) Systems Department.
It is a plug-in for the popular open source software Stellarium adding
capabilities for browsing professional astronomical data. VirGO gives
astronomers the possibility to easily discover and select data from
millions of observations in a new visual and intuitive way. Its main
feature is to perform real-time access and graphical display of a large
number of observations by showing instrumental footprints and image
previews, and to allow their selection and filtering for subsequent
download from the ESO SAF web interface. It also allows the loading of
external FITS files or VOTables, the superimposition of Digitized Sky
Survey (DSS) background images, and the visualization of the sky in a
`real life' mode as seen from the main ESO sites. All data interfaces
are based on Virtual Observatory standards which allow access to images
and spectra from external data centers, and interaction with the ESO SAF
web interface or any other VO applications supporting the PLASTIC
messaging system.
- Upstream
- Remark
VirGo is no longer supported by ESO. Last version was 1.4.5 from 2010.
VOTable plotting tool
VOTable plotting tool
- Description
VOPlot is a tool for visualizing astronomical data. It was developed in
Java and acts on data available in VOTABLE, ASCII and FITS formats.
VOPlot is available as a stand alone version, which is to be installed
on the user's machine, or as a web-based version fully integrated with
the VizieR database.
- Upstream
tool for handling Virtual Observatory compliant Spectra
tool for handling Virtual Observatory compliant Spectra
- Description
VOSpec is a multi-wavelength spectral analysis tool with access to
spectra, theoretical models and atomic and molecular line databases
registered in the VO. The standard tools of VOSpec include line and
continuum fitting, redshift and reddening correction, spectral
arithmetic and convolution between spectra, equivalent width and flux
calculations, and a best fitting algorithm for fitting selected SEDs to
a TSAP service. VOSpec offers several display modes (tree vs table) and
organising functionalities according to the available metadata for each
service, including distance from the observation position.
- Upstream