Debian Astro Spaceship navigation packages
Spacecraft mission analysis, design and simulation
This metapackage will install packages for simulation, design, and tracking
of satellites and other spacecraft.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
위성 추적 프로그램
위성 추적 프로그램
Gpredict는 Linux 데스크톱용 실시간 위성 추적 및 궤도 예측 프로그램입니다. NORAD 2 라인 요소 세트 (TLE)와 함께 SGP4/SDP4 전파 알고리즘을 사용합니다.
Gpredict의 일부 핵심 기능은 아래와 같습니다:
- 다수의 위성 추적은 컴퓨터의 물리적 메모리와 처리 능력에 의해서만 제한됩니다.
- 목록, 지도, 극좌표 및 이들의 조합으로 추적 데이터를 표시합니다.
- 노트북이나 자체 윈도우에서 동시에 여러 모듈을 열 수 있습니다. 모듈은 전체
화면 모드에서도 실행될 수 있습니다.
- 많은 지상국을 이용할 수 있습니다
- 다가오는 패스를 예측하세요
- Gpredict는 실시간, 시뮬레이트된 실시간 (빨리 감기 및 뒤로 감기), 수동 시간
제어로 실행될 수 있습니다
- 실시간 및 비실시간 모드에 대한 자세한 정보
- Hamlib rigctld을 통한 라디오의 도플러 튜닝
- Hamlib rotctld를 통한 안테나 회전자 제어
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- suite
- gnome
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- learning, monitor
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 59 regular users
45 recent
638 total installations
(of 250320 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
??? missing short description for package scilab-celestlab :-(
??? missing short description for package scilab-celestlab :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
7 total installations
(of 250320 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
Observation geometry system for planetary science missions
Observation geometry system for planetary science missions
- Description
SPICE (Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix Events) is a NASA ancillary
information system used to compute geometric and event information in
analyzing and planning science observations obtained from spacecraft. It is
also used in planning missions and conducting numerous engineering functions
needed to carry out those missions.
This package provides the different utilities comprising the CSPICE toolkit.
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)
Spacecraft mission analysis, desing and simulation
Spacecraft mission analysis, desing and simulation
- Description
The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is designed to model, optimize,
and estimate spacecraft trajectories in flight regimes ranging from low
Earth orbit to lunar applications, interplanetary trajectories, and
other deep space missions.
GMAT contains high-fidelity space system models, optimization and
targeting, built-in scripting and programming infrastructure, and
customizable plots, reports and data products, to enable flexible
analysis and solutions for custom and unique applications.
GMAT can be driven from a fully-featured, interactive Graphical User
Interface (GUI), or from a custom script language.
- Debian
- Upstream