Debian Astro Viewers packages

Interactive astronomical data viewers

This metapackage will install software for the interactive visual inspection of astronomical data. Note that Python packages can be used for interactive inspection as well within the ipython environment.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
aladin 12.001+dfsg-1 Interactive sky atlas for astronomical images and datasets
ftools-fv 5.5+dfsg-2 Tool for viewing and editing FITS format files
ginga 4.0.1-1 Astronomical image viewer
glueviz 1.17.1+dfsg-2 New upstream version 1.18.0 available Linked data visualization
ifrit 4.1.2-5 powerful tool for visualizing 3-dimensional data sets
imagej 1.54g-1 Image processing program with a focus on microscopy images
mayavi2 4.8.0-2 scientific visualization package for 2-D and 3-D data
paraview 4.1.0+dfsg+1-1 並行可視化アプリケーション
qfitsview 4.2+dfsg-1 FITS file viewer based on DPUSER
saods9 7.3.2+repack-1 New upstream version 8.7~b1 available Image display tool for astronomy
ser-player 1.7.3-3 Video player and processing utility for SER files
skycat 3.1.2+starlink1~b+dfsg-2 Image visualization and access to catalogs and data for astronomy
topcat 4.6.2-1 Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
veusz 1.21.1-1 2D and 3D scientific plotting application with graphical interface
yorick-cubeview 2.2-2 3D FITS data viewer specialized in spectro-imaging
yorick-spydr 0.8.2-3 FITS image display and simple analysis

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

Package Version Description
specviz 0.6.2-1 Interactive astronomical 1D spectra analysis tool

No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)

Package Version Description
cubeviz Visualization & Analysis Tool for IFU Data Cubes
glue-vispy-viewers Experimental Glue VisPy plugin