Debian Edu Project
Bugs of task services
Total bugs: 24
Open bugs: 22
Fixed bugs: 2
Links to other tasks
Astronomy 27 (180)
Chemistry 44 (330)
Common 7410 (33029)
Gnome 2049 (15451)
Kde 1611 (13471)
Lxde 1047 (7189)
Lxqt 1036 (7096)
Mate 1716 (12107)
Desktop-other 4824 (30792)
Xfce 202 (1665)
Development 413 (2799)
Electronics 34 (160)
Geography 102 (339)
Graphics 273 (1420)
Danish 5 (9)
Danish desktop 1186 (8406)
German 8 (30)
German desktop 1198 (8463)
Spanish 5 (9)
Spanish desktop 1192 (8421)
French 10 (69)
French desktop 1458 (8719)
Hebrew 1 (0)
Hebrew desktop 1161 (8214)
Italian 10 (36)
Italian desktop 937 (7722)
Japanese 5 (9)
Japanese desktop 1423 (8515)
Norwegian 5 (9)
Norwegian desktop 1192 (8421)
North sami 0 (0)
Language 80 (455)
Laptop 366 (1759)
Logic-games 282 (1024)
Ltsp-server 435 (3383)
Main-server 2653 (16663)
Mathematics 170 (844)
Misc 113 (795)
Music 186 (1416)
Networked 2000 (11216)
Physics 16 (108)
Roaming-workstation 216 (2019)
Services 22 (192)
Standalone 261 (2178)
Thin-client 150 (936)
Workstation 17 (135)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 1 0
important 5 0
normal 9 0
minor 2 0
wishlist 5 0

Summary bugs page of task Services

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (192)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

1 serious, 5 important, 9 normal, 2 minor, 5 wishlist
186347 dansguardian: Hardcoded and short timeouts
402833 dansguardian: please downgrade dependency on clamav
411429 DansGuardian will not start if /tmp is a mounted logical volume
483594 dansguardian: Multitab browser -- cannot do virus scan
486111 unmet dependencies in dansguardian wontfix
488798 dansguardian: leaves "content-encoding: gzip" when sending access denied template
503011 please improve error message when tempdir not writable
506753 dansguardian: download of infected file (.pdf) is possible with av-scanner (clam) active, commandline-scan shows infected file
512763 dansguardian: virus download dir in /tmp moreinfo, patch
524688 dansguardian: support for clamav 0.95/libclamav6 (NMU)
536778 dansguardian: Breaks access to some sites moreinfo, unreproducible
552475 dansguardian: Dansguardian parent process apparently loops
561079 [dansguardian] Some sites never get read completely
572014 dansguardian: is blocked as an ad site
578249 dansguardian: French translation uses "ecute" instead of correct "eacute" HTML escape
581407 dansguardian - problem accessing ssl-pages without appropriate exceptions
587079 Filtering by file extension partially broken
627282 please, source /etc/default/dansguardian in /etc/init.d/dansguardian
800394 wishlist: please support clients using ipv6 ipv6, upstream
801176 dansguardian: DansGuardian is a dead project now
812423 dansguardian is a dead project, please update to e2guardian that is an alive fork
872429 dansguardian FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture patch

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

wims (2) Homepage: Not maintained in Vcs Georges Khaznadar
816935 wims: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation l10n, patch
817963 Wims README files points to non-existent directories
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 17:27:13 -0000