Debian Electronics Project
Bugs of task microcontrollers
Total bugs: 56
Open bugs: 56
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks Legend
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 7 0
normal 25 0
minor 6 1
wishlist 16 1

Summary bugs page of task Microcontrollers

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (349)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

7 important, 25 normal, 6 minor, 16 wishlist
624151 arduino.desktop file creates two launchers in menu wontfix
706312 arduino: Make preferences.txt more transparent, please. unreproducible
726062 arduino: doesn't support ADK or SAM ARM devices
990534 arduino: Arduino-IDE not starting witch Cinnamon Desktop. help, moreinfo, unreproducible
1005115 arduino: Depends: default-jre | openjdk-11-jre
1024460 arduino: Please change the Java dependency back to default-jre | java6-runtime
1052537 arduino: please make dialog/check for dialout group optional or allow for remembering 'ignore' patch
810400 avarice: please switch to libusb 1.0 upstream
781895 avrdude: writing fuse from file does not work
787564 avrdude reporting timeout error moreinfo
794043 avrdude: Segfault when reading an xmega16-e5 cpu
810366 avrdude: please switch to libftdi1
810401 avrdude: please switch to libusb 1.0
819328 avrdude: arduino pro mini reset problem
942289 Upstream commit 1415 breaks ft245r bitbang devices using DEFAULT_USB interface upstream
749605 avrp: Conflicting return types of function nocase_strcmp cause undefined behaviour
953068 bossa: patch to initialize variables (needed when building with -O3) patch
930006 flashrom: "nicintel" programmer does not access more than 128K upstream
959500 misleading 'You need to be root' when Linux is in Lockdown mode upstream
962670 Please change to renable the -o option which is used to collect logs for debugging. upstream
1056003 flashrom: register_spi_master called with incomplete master definition
1059347 flashrom doesn't know its own version
823403 gcc-arm-none-eabi: Missing header files for cortex microcontroller
855248 gcc-arm-none-eabi: internal compiler error: insn does not satisfy its constraints
872933 Tail-call optimization generates incorrect code in specific case with constprop function - observed on Cortex-M4 with -Os. upstream
907461 gcc-arm-none-eabi: Provide Big-Endian libgcc
953844 gcc-arm-none-eabi: PRIx64 not available anymore with gcc-arm-none-eabi_8-2019-q3-1
961091 gcc-arm-none-eabi: Provide gdc (D compiler) cross-compiler for arm-none-eabi
1067692 gcc-arm-none-eabi: inttypes.h fails to define PRIi64 on GCC 13.2.1 with newlib
353269 gcc-avr: Allow multiple versions to be installed
719728 gcc-avr: Should allow poisoned identifier in #elif if previous case was taken
719729 gcc-avr: Should allow poisoned identifier in #warning message
808396 /usr/bin/avr-gcc: please provide a "long double" which would be 8 bytes or just an 8-byte double
917390 gcc-avr: Expand the version string with the atmel version
932989 gcc-avr: Package version severely outdated compared to main gcc-toolchain
1044220 gnusim8085: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
715987 [Mayhem] Bug report on gputils: gplink crashes with exit status 139
715990 [Mayhem] Bug report on gputils: gpstrip crashes with exit status 139
715991 [Mayhem] Bug report on gputils: gpvo crashes with exit status 139
784834 gputils: Please package the new upstream version patch
796135 gputils: synopsis continued in extended description
946278 lpc21isp FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler as a make default patch
1048437 lpctools: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
m16c-flash (2) Homepage: Not maintained in Vcs Uwe Hermann
1007591 m16c-flash: please consider upgrading to 3.0 source format sid, trixie
1014630 diff for NMU version 0.1-1.3 patch
749434 mspdebug: Conflicting parameter types of function demangle confirmed, upstream
810447 mspdebug: please switch to libusb 1.0
756889 openocd: USB 0403:6001 incorrectly assigned to plugdev; is FTDI serial converter wontfix
852856 JTAG adapter udev rules in separate package patch
1070885 openocd: FTBFS with libgpiod/2.1
867136 Impossible to use SDCC with PIC devices as non-free headers are removed
1015659 sdcc: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled sid, trixie
1058859 teensy-loader-cli: use udev.pc to place udev rules patch
557624 uisp: cannot write attiny2313 flash via STK200

Open bugs in suggested packages

1 minor, 1 wishlist
1043994 arduino-builder: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
nitpic (1) Homepage: Not maintained in Vcs Debian QA Group
1021473 nitpic: reproducible-builds: buildid differs in /usr/bin/nitpic patch

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Wed, 15 May 2024 04:09:42 -0000