Debian Hamradio Packet Modes packages

Debian Hamradio Packet Mode Packages

This metapackage will install packages useful when using AX.25, including IPv4 over AX.25 and APRS, with Debian.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
a2d 2.0.5-2 APRS to DAPNET portal
aprsdigi 3.10.0-2 APRS용 Digipeater
aprx 2.9.0+dfsg-1 APRS Digipeater and iGate
ax25-apps 0.0.8-rc5+git20230513+afc4a5f-2 AX.25 ham radio applications
ax25-tools 0.0.10-rc4-3 AX. 25 인터페이스 구성을 위한 도구
ax25-xtools 0.0.10-rc5+git20230513+d3e6d4f-3 tools for AX.25 interface configuration -- X11-based
ax25mail-utils 0.15-1 fbb용 아마추어 무선 패킷 유틸리티들
axmail 2.6-1 Mail user agent for ax.25 users, accessed via a node frontend
direwolf 1.6+dfsg-1 Soundcard TNC for APRS
fbb 7.011-2 Packet radio mailbox and utilities
linpac 0.24-3 terminal for packet radio with mail client
minimodem 0.24-1 범용 소프트웨어 오디오 FSK 모뎀
pat 0.16.0-1 Winlink client for amateur radio email
soundmodem 0.18-1 사운드 카드 아마츄어 패킷 라디오 모뎀
uronode 2.15-5 Node front end for AX.25, NET/ROM, Rose and TCP
xastir 2.1.6-3 X Amateur Station Tracking and Information Reporting

Official Debian packages with lower relevance

Package Version Description
ampr-ripd 2.4-1 Routing daemon for AMPRnet gateway announcements
baycomepp 0.10-13 Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio epp modem
baycomusb 0.10-15 Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio usb modem
z8530-utils2 3.0-1-12 Utilities for Z8530 based HDLC cards for AX.25