Debian Hamradio Satellite Operation packages
Debian Hamradio Satellite Operation Packages
This metapackage will install packages useful for amateur satellite operation.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
위성 추적 프로그램
위성 추적 프로그램
Gpredict는 Linux 데스크톱용 실시간 위성 추적 및 궤도 예측 프로그램입니다. NORAD 2 라인 요소 세트 (TLE)와 함께 SGP4/SDP4 전파 알고리즘을 사용합니다.
Gpredict의 일부 핵심 기능은 아래와 같습니다:
- 다수의 위성 추적은 컴퓨터의 물리적 메모리와 처리 능력에 의해서만 제한됩니다.
- 목록, 지도, 극좌표 및 이들의 조합으로 추적 데이터를 표시합니다.
- 노트북이나 자체 윈도우에서 동시에 여러 모듈을 열 수 있습니다. 모듈은 전체
화면 모드에서도 실행될 수 있습니다.
- 많은 지상국을 이용할 수 있습니다
- 다가오는 패스를 예측하세요
- Gpredict는 실시간, 시뮬레이트된 실시간 (빨리 감기 및 뒤로 감기), 수동 시간
제어로 실행될 수 있습니다
- 실시간 및 비실시간 모드에 대한 자세한 정보
- Hamlib rigctld을 통한 라디오의 도플러 튜닝
- Hamlib rotctld를 통한 안테나 회전자 제어
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- suite
- gnome
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- learning, monitor
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 72 regular users
41 recent
636 total installations
(of 247926 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
New upstream version
Collection of satellite telemetry signal decoders
Collection of satellite telemetry signal decoders
- Description
This GNU Radio out-of-tree module can be used to decode frames
transmitted from most Amateur satellites in orbit, performing
demodulation, forward error correction, etc. Decoded frames can be
saved to a file or displayed in hex format. For some satellites the
telemetry format definition is included in gr-satellites, so the
decoded telemetry frames can be printed out as human-readable values
such as bus voltages and currents. Additionally, some satellites
transmit files such as JPEG images. gr-satellites can be used to
reassemble these files and even display the images in real-time as
they are being received.
It supports most popular protocols, such as AX.25, the GOMspace
NanoCom U482C and AX100 modems, an important part of the CCSDS stack,
the AO-40 protocol used in the FUNcube satellites, and several ad-hoc
protocols used in other satellites.
This package contains the header files and grc block definitions,
and a set of satellite telemetry decoding scripts.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
4 recent
70 total installations
(of 247926 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Generic satellite data processing software
Generic satellite data processing software
It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary
stages to get from satellite transmission to actual products.
- Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF,
LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc.
- Recording of radio basebands from your SDR
- Decoding and processing the data from over 90 different satellites
and even space probes.
- Live decoding of supported satellite links such as APT, LRPT, HRPT,
LRIT, HRIT and many more.
- Image and data decoding from satellites such as NOAA 15-18-19,
Meteor-M, GOES, Elektro-L, Metop, FengYun, etc.
- Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites,
such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. ready to use for
scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts.
- Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including
layering with other instruments or satellites.
- Inmarsat Aero and STD-C EGC messages decoding.
- Scheduler and rotator control for automated satellite stations.
- Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception.
This package provides satdump GUI, CLI and server.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
11 total installations
(of 247926 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry