Debian Sanctuary Project
Bugs of task tools
Total bugs: 54
Open bugs: 54
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks Legend
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 1 0
important 11 0
normal 20 0
minor 5 0
wishlist 17 0

Summary bugs page of task Utilities

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (390)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

1 serious, 11 important, 20 normal, 5 minor, 17 wishlist
891205 assword FTBFS: assword: command not found ftbfs
720899 assword: more context structure would be nice
720900 assword: command-line option for a different db would be nice
757436 assword: GTK GUI crashes when clicking "Create"
762607 assword: Enable multiple keyids for encryption
819365 assword gui fails to start when stderr is closed
829032 assword does scary things when the window it wants to type into goes away
843553 assword add refers to evil key ids
850166 assword fails nastily after expiration of signing-capable subkey
855994 password rotation needed field
865705 impass gui does not appear when key is expired
983780 impass: impass gui fails silently when trying to create a new password when ~/.impass/keyid refers to an OpenPGP certificate incapable of signing
1027038 QR code support
1093220 opening gui fails with sway backtrace
567661 keepassx fails on non alphanumeric characters in passwords wontfix
658312 keepassx: lock file was not deleted wontfix
700014 keepassx: If file changed file is not locked on timeout confirmed, security, wontfix
729578 keepassx: Store location of key file in bookmark patch, upstream, wontfix
799947 [keepassx] 'No systemtrayicon available' error when launched with desktop environment wontfix
812065 keepassx: Support for FIDO U2F Security Key devices upstream, wontfix
812067 keepassx: Show timer for copy buffer erasure upstream, wontfix
812110 KeePassX 0.4 and KeePassX 2.0 should be in different packages wontfix
815806 keepassx: How do you set a default browser in 2.*? wontfix
830851 Keyboard shortcuts do not move with letters when changing keyboard layout wontfix
835602 keepassx: Auto-Type does not complete wontfix
850178 not work AutoInput wontfix
863422 keepassx: Cant change keyboard layout after i accidently try to autotype greek wontfix
866715 keepassx: KeepassX 2.x shouldn't automatically replace older versions wontfix
866769 keepassx fails to clear KDE clipboard history, leaving passwords visible help, security, upstream, wontfix
876872 icons missing in toolbar wontfix
1002304 keepassx: 1) Keepassx fails to preserve interface size when closing. wontfix
1049261 mat2: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
624461 no documentation on how to disable agent
742799 msva-perl: sample systemd unit file
821199 mod-gnutls: FTBFS on non-Linux arches
911764 nautilus-wipe should confirm that it is cancelling the wipe process as soon as the user cancels
919405 nautilus-wipe: Bug #1: Ignores security setting. Bug #2: Cannot abort.
475511 pwgen 2.06-1 produce other results than 2.05-1 by using a hash-file
478723 use dictionary to filter phomeme generated passwords
574622 pwgen: please support a config file or environment variable to support default options
649105 pwgen: Please include numeric only password option
672241 pwgen: Force usage of /dev/random on low entropy system
719151 please add a ~/.pwgenrc file
719153 please consider implementing FIPS 181
726038 please consider a "safe symbols" option
726578 pwgen: Multiple vulnerabilities in passwords generation security
855496 pwgen should have its own changelog derived from git log which diffs the git log between two releases.
1017447 pwgen: [PATCH] Add simple automated tests patch
550236 secure-delete: srm -r fails with 'Too many open files' moreinfo
638185 secure-delete: sfill does not wipe more than the max. file size supported by the underlying filesystem security
793638 Feature request: make verbose mode better
849837 /usr/bin/sfill: malloc assertion failure moreinfo
903553 secure-delete: srm -r: fails to rename dir before truncating it.
1097868 secure-delete: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:23:36 -0000