Debian Astro AstroConda packages

AstroConda packages

Here we list the status of the packages that belong to the AstroConda distribution. AstroConda is a free software repository maintained by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland. AstroConda provides tools and utilities commonly used by the astronomical community.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
ginga 5.2.0-2 Astronomical image viewer
iraf 2.18.1~rc1-3~5 Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
libcfitsio-dev 3.410-1 New upstream version 4.6.0 available library for I/O with FITS format data files (development files)
libfftw3-dev 3.3.5-3 Library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms - development
libxpa-dev 2.1.20-3 Seamless communication between Unix programs (development files)
python3-appdirs 1.4.4-1 determining appropriate platform-specific directories (Python 3)
python3-asdf 4.1.0-1 Python 3 library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format
python3-astropy 5.2.1-2 Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
python3-d2to1 0.2.12-3 ??? missing short description for package python3-d2to1 :-(
python3-gwcs 0.18.3-1 Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (Python 3)
python3-imexam 0.9.1-6 Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting
python3-numpy 1.19.5-1 New upstream version 2.2.4 available ??? missing short description for package python3-numpy :-(
python3-photutils 2.2.0-1 Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
python3-pyds9 1.8.1-1 Communication with the ds9 image display program from Python
python3-pyfftw 0.15.0-1 Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
python3-pyraf 2.2.2-2 Python interface for IRAF
python3-pyregion 2.3.0-2 Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 3)
python3-pysynphot 2.0.0+dfsg-3 Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
python3-pytools 2024.1.14-1 New upstream version 2025.1.1 available big bag of things supplementing Python 3 standard library
python3-scipy 0.14.0-2 scientific tools for Python 3
saods9 7.5+repack1-2 New upstream version 8.7~b1 available Image display tool for astronomy
shunit2 2.1.6-1.1 unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts
wcstools 3.9.7-1.1 Handle the WCS of a FITS image

Official Debian packages with lower relevance

Package Version Description
python3-stsci.distutils 0.3.7-4 Python3 packaging utilities for STScI's packages 4.2.0-1 Miscellaneous Python tools from STScI

No known packages available

Package Version Description
acstools Python Tools for ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) Data
asdf-standard Advanced Scientific Data Format documentation
astroimtools Astronomical Image Convenience Tools
astrolib.coords Astronomical coordinates & angular separations
asv Simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting
calcos Calibration for HST/COS
costools Tools for working with COS data
crds Calibration Reference Data System
cube-tools Data analysis package for cubes
drizzlepac Align and combine HST images
fitsblender FITS header merging from multiple images.
hstcal Calibration for HST/WFC3, HST/ACS, and HST/STIS
htc-utils Homebrew set of HTCondor wrappers
jwst-lib James Webb Space Telescope library
jwst-pipeline James Webb Space Telescope pipeline
jwst-tools James Webb Space Telescope tools
nictools Tools for HST/NICMOS
poppy Physical Optics Propagation in Python
purge-path Small PATH manipulator
recon Release control for git
reftools Tools for HST reference files
specview Java spectrum visualization, manipulation, and fitting
stginga Ginga products specific to STScI data analysis
stistools Tools for working with STIS data
stsci.convolve Subset of SciPy functionality for convolving
stsci.image Image array manipulation functions
stsci.imagemanip STScI general image manipulation tools
stsci.imagestats Compute various useful statistical values for array objects
stsci.ndimage Fork of scipy.ndimage
stsci.numdisplay Visualize numpy array objects
stsci.skypac Sky matching for image mosaic
stsci.sphere STScI's spherical geometry astropy package
stsci.stimage Various functions for performing processing of images
stwcs WCS based distortion models and coordinate transformation
webbpsf WebbPSF: Simulated PSF for the James Webb Space Telescope
wfc3tools Tools for the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3
wfpc2tools Tools for use with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2