Debian Astro Education packages

교육용 천문학 어플리케이션

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Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
celestia 1.6.1+dfsg-3.1 ??? missing short description for package celestia :-(
celestia-glut 1.6.1+dfsg-3.1 ??? missing short description for package celestia-glut :-(
celestia-gnome 1.6.1+dfsg-3.1 ??? missing short description for package celestia-gnome :-(
gpredict 2.3-72-gc596101-3 위성 추적 프로그램
gravit 0.5.1+dfsg-1 시각적으로 아름다운 중력 시뮬레이터
kstars 3.4.3-1 New upstream version 3.7.0 available desktop planetarium, observation planning and telescope control
lightspeed 1.2a.debian.1-3 Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like
openuniverse 1.0beta3.1+dfsg-7.2 3D Universe Simulator
starplot 0.95.5-8.3 ??? missing short description for package starplot :-(
stellarium 0.15.0-1 New upstream version 24.4 available 실시간으로 사진처럼 사실적인 하늘 생성
xplanet 1.3.0-5.1 행성 렌더러
xplanet-images 1.3.0-4 imagery for xplanet

Official Debian packages with lower relevance

Package Version Description
sunclock 3.57-15 fancy clock showing time and geographical data
xtide 2.15.2-1 provides tide and current predictions
xtide-data 20100529-1 ??? missing short description for package xtide-data :-(