Tento metabalík závisí od rôznych balíkov, ktoré sa dajú použiť pri výuke
Official Debian packages with high relevance
??? missing short description for package celestia :-(
??? missing short description for package celestia :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- role
- dummy
- Popularity
104 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package celestia-glut :-(
??? missing short description for package celestia-glut :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- opengl
- interface
- 3d, x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- uitoolkit
- glut
- use
- learning, viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
16 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package celestia-gnome :-(
??? missing short description for package celestia-gnome :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- 3d, x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- suite
- gnome
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- learning, viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
45 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Satellite tracking program
Satellite tracking program
Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program
for the Linux desktop. It uses the SGP4/SDP4 propagation algorithms together
with NORAD two-line element sets (TLE).
Some core features of Gpredict include:
- Tracking of a large number of satellites only limited by the physical
memory and processing power of the computer
- Display the tracking data in lists, maps, polar plots and any combination
of these
- Have many modules open at the same either in a notebook or in their own
windows. The modules can also run in full-screen mode
- You can use many ground stations
- Predict upcoming passes
- Gpredict can run in real-time, simulated real-time (fast forward and
backward), and manual time control
- Detailed information both the real time and non-real time modes
- Doppler tuning of radios via Hamlib rigctld
- Antenna rotator control via Hamlib rotctld
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- suite
- gnome
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- learning, monitor
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 81 regular users
33 recent
667 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
visually stunning gravity simulator
visually stunning gravity simulator
Gravit is a free, visually stunning gravity simulator,
where you can spend endless time experimenting
with various configurations of simulated universes.
- Stunning visualisations
- Create unlimited variations of simulations
- You can view the simulation in
3D without glasses using stereoscopic imaging
- Can be installed as a screen saver in Windows
- You can record, then play back at any speed
- Stores every particle's position for every frame in memory
- Compresses history when needed, for very long recordings
- Mouse controllable rotation
- Console with script execution
- Colours can be based on mass, velocity, acceleration,
momentum or kinetic energy
- Save and Load simulations
- Update display/input while recording a frame
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
8 recent
151 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
planetárium, plánovanie pozorovania a riadenie teleskopu pre pracovné prostredie
planetárium, plánovanie pozorovania a riadenie teleskopu pre pracovné prostredie
KStars je vedecky presné planetárium pre pracovné prostredie, ktoré
vizualizuje grafickú simuláciu nočnej oblohy z ľubovoľného miesta na Zemi v
ľubovoľnom dátume a čase.
Zobrazuje 130 000 hviezd, 13 000 vzdialených objektov, všetkých 8 planét,
Slnko a Mesiac a tisíce komét a asteroidov. KStars napĺňa potreby študentov
a amatérskych astronómov na všetkých úrovniach.
Databázu známych objektov je možné rozšíriť a aktualizovať z lokálnych
alebo vzdialených databáz z používateľsky rozšíriteľného rozhrania.
KStars navrhuje obzvlášť zaujímavé pozorovania s ohľadom na používateľa ako
sú konjunkcie. Pre ciele zvolené používateľom navrhuje tie, ktoré je možné
najlepšie pozorovať.
Softvér je možné používať na plánovanie experimentov po celom svete, napr.
na komerčné služby riadené na diaľku. Ale KStars tiež obsahuje rozhranie
INDI na ovládanie lokálnych teleskopov a fotoaparátov. Používatelia so
skúsenosťami v oblasti programovania ho môžu ovládať pomocou skriptov cez
zbernicu prostredia KDE.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- suite
- kde
- uitoolkit
- qt
- use
- learning
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 120 regular users
43 recent
1221 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like
Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like
Light Speed! is an OpenGL-based program which illustrates the effects of
special relativity on the appearance of moving objects. When an object
accelerates past a few million meters per second, these effects begin to
grow noticeable, becoming more and more pronounced as the speed of light
is approached. These relativistic effects are viewpoint-dependent, and
include shifts in length, object hue, brightness and shape.
The moving object is, by default, a geometric lattice. 3D Studio and
LightWave 3D objects may be imported as well. Best of all, the simulator
is completely interactive, rendering the exotic distortions in real-time!
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- game
- toys
- interface
- 3d, x11
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- entertaining, learning
- works-with
- 3dmodel
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
4 recent
135 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
3D simulátor vesmíru
3D simulátor vesmíru
OpenUniverse (skrátene OU) je zábavný, rýchly a slobodný simulátor vesmíru v
OpenGL. Momentálne sa sústredí na Slnečnú sústavu a umožňuje vám navštíviť
všetky jej planéty, väčšinu hlavných mesiacov a rozsiahlu kolekciu menších
telies v reálnom čase vo farebnom 3D. Ak ste niekedy mali možnosť navštíviť
Merkúr alebo asteroid Geographos, tu ich nájdete a budú vyzerať presne
rovnako a sledovať rovnakú trajektóriu ako keď ste ich opustili.
Všimnite si, že OpenUniverse sa už neudržiava aktuálny a že sa odporúča
namiesto neho použiť program Celestia.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- opengl
- interface
- 3d, commandline
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- uitoolkit
- glut
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 33 regular users
26 recent
364 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
??? missing short description for package starplot :-(
??? missing short description for package starplot :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- game
- toys
- interface
- 3d
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- gameplaying
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 12 regular users
3 recent
137 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
fotorealistický generátor hviezdnej oblohy v reálnom čase
fotorealistický generátor hviezdnej oblohy v reálnom čase
Stellarium vykresľuje 3D fotografie oblohy v reálnom čase. Pomocou tohoto
programu uvidíte to isté ako na vlastné oči, pomocou ďalekohľadu alebo
malého teleskopu.
Niektoré vlastnosti:
- štandardný katalóg viac ako 600 000 hviezd
- informácie o najžiarivejších hviezdach (spektrálny typ, vzdialenosť
- možnosť stiahnuť rozšírenia katalógu hviezd až do 210 miliónov hviezd
- všetky objekty NGC (New General Catalogue)
- obrázky takmer všetkých Messierovych objektov a Mliečnej cesty
- pozície planét a ich satelitov v reálnom čase
- 13 rozličných kultúr s ich súhvezdiami
- umelecké ilustrácie 88 západných súhvezdí
- veľmi realistická atmosféra, východ a západ slnka
- 7 panoramatických krajiniek (ďalšie možno vytvoriť alebo stiahnuť
z webu)
- písanie skriptov v ECMAScripte
- podpora zásuvných modulov: Stellarium sa štandardne dodáva s 8 modulmi
- modulu umelých satelitov (aktualizovaný z on-line databázy TLE),
- modulu simulácie okulára (zobrazuje ako vyzerajú objekty v danom
- modulu editora Slnečnej sústavy (importuje dáta o kométach a
asteroidoch z MPC)
- modulu na ovládanie teleskopu (kompatibilný s Meade LX200 a Celestron
Stellarium by ste nemali používať na veľmi presné výpočty alebo efemeridy
ako predpovede zatmenia. Je to však ideálny program na prípravu
pred vlastným pozorovaním oblohy, či už voľným okom, ďalekohľadom alebo
malým teleskopom.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- opengl
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- application
- uitoolkit
- sdl
- use
- learning, viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 342 regular users
120 recent
2673 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
vykresľovanie planetárnych telies
vykresľovanie planetárnych telies
Xplanet vykresľuje obraz planéty do okna X alebo do súboru. Môže vykresliť
všetky hlavné planéty a väčšinu satelitov a podporuje rôzne projekcie máp,
vrátane azimutálnej, pologuľovej, Lambertovej, Mercatorovej, Mollweideho,
Petersovej, polykónickej a pravouhlej.
Na spustenie xplanet budete potrebovať aspoň jeden súbor máp. Niektoré mapy
sú v balíku xplanet-images.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy, geography
- game
- toys
- interface
- commandline, x11
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- use
- learning, viewing
- x11
- screensaver
- Popularity
- 177 regular users
52 recent
1621 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
imagery for xplanet
imagery for xplanet
- Description
Xplanet renders an image of a planet into an X window or a file.
In order to run xplanet, you'll need at least one map file. This package
includes some map files that can be used with xplanet.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- game
- toys
- interface
- x11
- role
- app-data
- use
- learning, viewing
- x11
- screensaver
- Popularity
1634 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
fancy clock showing time and geographical data
fancy clock showing time and geographical data
sunclock is an X11 application that displays a map of the Earth and
indicates the illuminated portion of the globe by drawing sunlit
areas dark on light, night areas as light on dark. In addition to
providing local time for the default timezone, it also displays GMT
time, legal and solar time of major cities, their latitude and
longitude, and the mutual distances of arbitrary locations on Earth.
Sunclock can display meridians, parallels, tropics and arctic
circles. It has builtin functions that accelerate the speed of time
and show the evolution of seasons.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- uitoolkit
- xlib
- use
- learning, timekeeping
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 23 regular users
22 recent
192 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
provides tide and current predictions
provides tide and current predictions
XTide is a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide
variety of formats. Graphs, text listings, and calendars can be generated,
or a tide clock can be provided on your desktop.
XTide can work with the X window system, plain text terminals, or the
web. This is accomplished with three separate programs: the interactive
interface (xtide), the non-interactive or command line interface (tide),
and the web interface (xttpd).
The algorithm that XTide uses to predict tides is used by the National
Ocean Service in the U.S. It is significantly more accurate than the
simple tide clocks that can be bought in novelty stores. However, it takes
more to predict tides accurately than just a spiffy algorithm -- data are
required for every tidal prediction location. This package provides a
sample data set for only one location so you can try out the package, but
anything useful requires the data packaged in the xtide-data package (or
downloaded from the XTide ftp site).
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- geography, meteorology
- interface
- commandline, daemon, web, x11
- network
- server
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- athena
- use
- learning, timekeeping
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 13 regular users
35 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package xtide-data :-(
??? missing short description for package xtide-data :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- role
- app-data
- use
- timekeeping
- Popularity
51 total installations
(of 252156 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry