Debian Astro Python3 packages

Python 3 packages for astronomy

This metapackage will install Python 3 packages for astronomy. The packages can be used for interactive analysis, or to create specific programs.

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
ipython3 8.30.0-2 New upstream version 8.31.0 available Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
python3 3.13.1-2 ??? missing short description for package python3 :-(
python3-aplpy 2.0.3-2 Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
python3-asdf 2.14.3-1+deb12u1 Python 3 library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format
python3-astlib 0.12.0-1 General Python3 tools for astronomy
python3-astroalign 2.4.1-3 Astrometric registration of images when no WCS info is available
python3-astrodendro 0.2.0+dfsg1-4 New upstream version 0.3.1 available Astronomical Dendrograms in Python 3
python3-astroml 0.3-6 New upstream version 1.0.2.post1 available Python 3 Machine Learning library for astronomy
python3-astroplan 0.10.1-1 Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 3)
python3-astropy 1.3-8 Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
python3-astropy-affiliated 2.1 Collection of all astropy affiliated packages
python3-astropy-coordinated 2.1 Collection of all astropy coordinated packages
python3-astropy-healpix 0.6-1 HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python 3
python3-astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-2 New upstream version 0.4.8 available Python online astronomical database querying (Python 3)
python3-astroscrappy 1.0.8-1 Optimized Cosmic Ray Annihilation in Python
python3-bdsf 1.12.0-1 Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
python3-casacore 3.5.2-1 New upstream version 3.6.1 available Python bindings to the casacore library
python3-ccdproc 2.1.0-4 Basic data reductions of astronomy CCD images
python3-cpl 0.7.4-2 Control pipeline recipes from the ESO (Python3)
python3-cvxopt 1.1.9+dfsg-3 New upstream version 1.3.2 available Python3 package for convex optimization
python3-dask 2024.12.1+dfsg-1 New upstream version 2025.1.0 available Minimal task scheduling abstraction for Python 3
python3-drizzle 2.0.0-1 Dithered image combination for Python
python3-drms 0.8.0-1 Access HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python
python3-einsteinpy 0.3.0-2 General Relativity in Python
python3-emcee 2.2.1-1 Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3
python3-ephem 4.1.6-1 Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python
python3-extinction 0.4.7-1 Fast interstellar dust extinction laws (Python 3)
python3-fast-histogram 0.11-2 Fast 1D and 2D histogram functions in Python
python3-fitsio 1.1.8+dfsg-1 Python 3 library to read from and write to FITS files
python3-galpy 1.2-1 New upstream version 1.10.1 available Python 3 package for Galactic Dynamics
python3-gammapy 1.3-1 Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
python3-gdl 0.9.9-13 Python interface for the GNU Data Language
python3-ginga 2.7.2-2 Astronomical image toolkit for Python
python3-glue 0.14.1+dfsg-1 New upstream version 1.18.0 available Python 3 library for data interaction
python3-gwcs 0.18.3-1 Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (Python 3)
python3-gyoto 2.0.2-5 General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 3 language
python3-healpy 1.12.8-8 HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python3 interface
python3-hips 0.2-2 Python package for Hierarchical Progressive Surveys
python3-imexam 0.9.1-1 Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting
python3-keras 2.3.1+dfsg-3 deep learning framework running on Theano or TensorFlow
python3-lmfit 0.8.0+dfsg.1-1 New upstream version 1.3.2 available Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
python3-matplotlib 2.0.0+dfsg1-2 New upstream version 3.10.0 available Python based plotting system in a style similar to Matlab
python3-montage-wrapper 0.9.9-4 Python-3 wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit
python3-montagepy 6.0+dfsg-6 Python toolkit for assembling FITS images into mosaics
python3-mpl-scatter-density 0.7-2 New upstream version 0.8 available Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib
python3-ndcube 2.0.3-1+deb12u1 Package for multi-dimensional coordinate-aware arrays (Python 3)
python3-numpy 1.19.5-1 New upstream version 2.2.1 available Fast array facility to the Python language (Python 3)
python3-orbit-predictor 1.15.0-2 Python library to propagate satellite orbits
python3-pandas 0.19.2-5.1 data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data
python3-photutils 0.6-1 Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
python3-poliastro 0.17.0-2 ??? missing short description for package python3-poliastro :-(
python3-pyavm 0.9.1-1 Python3 module to handle Astronomy Visualization Metadata Standard
python3-pydl 0.5.3-3 Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python 3
python3-pyds9 1.8.1-5 Communication with the ds9 image display program from Python
python3-pyfftw 0.13.1-2 New upstream version 0.15.0 available Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
python3-pygnuplot 0.11.16-5 New upstream version 0.12.3 available Simple Python wrapper for Gnuplot
python3-pymoc 0.5.2-2 Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
python3-pynpoint 0.11.0-3 Pipeline for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data
python3-pyraf 2.1.15-2 Python interface for IRAF
python3-pyregion 2.3.0-2 Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 3)
python3-pysynphot Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
python3-pyvo 1.2.1-1 New upstream version 1.6 available Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
python3-radio-beam 0.3.2-1 Python Tools for Radio Beam IO and Manipulation
python3-regions 0.10-1 Python astronomy package for region handling
python3-reproject 0.7.1-1 Reproject astronomical images with Python 3
python3-scipy 1.15.1-1exp2 New upstream version 1.15.1 available scientific tools for Python 3
python3-sep 1.2.1-7 Python library for source extraction and photometry
python3-skimage 0.24.0-7 New upstream version 0.25.0 available Python 3 modules for image processing
python3-sklearn 0.18-5 New upstream version 1.6.1 available Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3
python3-skyfield 1.49+ds-2 Elegant astronomy for Python
python3-sncosmo 2.11.2-1 Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis
python3-spectral-cube 0.6.6-1 Manipulate astronomical data cubes with Python
python3-specutils 1.1.1-1 Base classes and utilities for astronomical spectra in Python
python3-sunpy 4.1.2-1 New upstream version 6.1.0~rc1 available Software library for solar physics based on Python
python3-theano 0.8.2-6 CPU/GPU math expression compiler for Python 3
python3-vispy 0.6.6-1 New upstream version 0.14.3 available interactive visualization in Python 3
python3-yt 4.4.0-1 Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

Package Version Description
python3-bokeh 3.4.0-0 interactive visualization library for modern web browsers
python3-heliopy 0.8.0-1 Python for heliospheric and planetary physics
python3-pyspeckit 0.1.20-1 Python toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data (Python 3)
python3-supersmoother 0.4-1 Python implementation of Friedman's Supersmoother (Python 3)

No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)

Package Version Description
python3-gatspy General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python
python3-pytorch Tensors and Dynamic neural networks with GPU acceleration
python3-sherpa Modeling and fitting in Python 3