DebiChem Project
Bugs of task view-edit-2d
Total bugs: 8
Open bugs: 8
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks Legend
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 0 0
normal 5 0
minor 1 0
wishlist 2 0

Summary bugs page of task Chemical formula/structure editors

Consider looking into bugs of this task*

Open bugs in dependent packages

5 normal, 1 minor, 2 wishlist
1003405 consider devendoring pmw module
967291 chemtool: depends on deprecated GTK 2
705980 easychem application hangs on File -> Export unreproducible, moreinfo
786826 easychem: [INTL:nl] Dutch po file for the easychem package l10n, patch
798682 unknown deveice - epswrite patch
798684 unknown deveice - epswrite patch
967322 easychem: depends on deprecated GTK 2
932425 gchempaint: Dashed bonds in CDX files inverted

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:37:06 -0000