This metapackage will install packages useful when using
Software-Defined Radio with Debian.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - utilities
Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - utilities
- Description
Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive
between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth.
12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB)
It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus.
This package contains a set of command line utilities:
- airspy_cpldjtag: program CLPD
- airspy_info: probe device and show configuration
- airspy_max2837: chip register read/write tool
- airspy_rffc5071: chip register read/write tool
- airspy_si5351c: chip register read/write tool
- airspy_spiflash: read and write flash data from file.
- airspy_transfer: file based transmit and receive sdr
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 27 regular users
21 recent
215 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - user runtime
HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - user runtime
- Description
Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive
9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz.
It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus.
This package contains some utility applications.
- airspyhf_gpio
- airspyhf_lib_version
- airspyhf_info: probe device and show configuration
- airspyhf_rx
- airspyhf_calibrate
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 20 regular users
10 recent
136 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Nuand bladeRF software-defined radio device (tools)
Nuand bladeRF software-defined radio device (tools)
- Description
The Nuand bladeRF is an open-source software-defined radio (SDR) system,
comprised of an RF transceiver, a field-programmable gate array (FPGA),
a microcontroller driving a USB 3.0 interface, and a suite of host
libraries and drivers to facilitate interaction with the device.
This package provides command-line tools for controlling the bladeRF.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 133 regular users
108 recent
1714 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Software Defined Radio receiver
Software Defined Radio receiver
- Description
CubicSDR is a cross-platform Software-Defined Radio application which allows
you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might
discover. It currently includes several common analog demodulation schemes such
as AM and FM and will support digital modes in the future.
CubicSDR uses SoapySDR to access SDR hardware and thereby supports all hardware
for which a SoapySDR module exists.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 40 regular users
18 recent
370 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
simple demodulation and spectrum display program
simple demodulation and spectrum display program
The CuteSDR application's primary purpose is for spawning custom
applications or for educational use. It is NOT a full featured
program as it is purposely kept simple in order for developers to
more easily spin off their own applications. A further goal was to
use only the stock functionality of Qt ie no libraries or special
drivers. This limits CuteSDR to using only a network connection.
The main gui and framework is written by Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.
CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support
the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi and SDRxxServer
applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to
RFSPACE USB devices.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- uitoolkit
- qt
- Popularity
- 21 regular users
10 recent
193 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
New upstream version
Global navigation satellite systems software defined receiver
Global navigation satellite systems software defined receiver
- Description
Global Navigation Satellite Systems receiver defined by software.
It performs all the signal processing from raw signal samples up to the
computation of the Position-Velocity-Time solution, including
code and phase observables. It is able to work with raw data files or,
if there is computational power enough, in real time with suitable
radiofrequency front-ends. This software is mainly developed at CTTC
(Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya,
with contributions from around the world.
More info at
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 15 regular users
9 recent
135 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit
GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit
GNU Radio provides signal processing blocks to implement software
radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF
hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a
simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic
and commercial environments to support both wireless communications
research and real-world radio systems.
GNU Radio applications are primarily written using the Python
programming language, while the supplied performance-critical signal
processing path is implemented in C++ using processor floating-point
extensions, where available. Thus, the developer is able to implement
real-time, high-throughput radio systems in a simple-to-use,
rapid-application-development environment.
While not primarily a simulation tool, GNU Radio does support
development of signal processing algorithms using pre-recorded or
generated data, avoiding the need for actual RF hardware.
This package contains the gnuradio-companion, a graphical tool for
creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code.
Also included are a variety of tools and utility programs.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- role
- dummy
- suite
- gnu
- Popularity
- 224 regular users
131 recent
1302 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
Software defined radio receiver
Software defined radio receiver
Gqrx works with hardware supported by gr-osmosdr, including Funcube
Dongle, RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF, RFSpace, USRP and SoapySDR.
Gqrx can operate as an AM/FM/SSB receiver with audio output or as an
FFT-only instrument. The built-in Gqrx AFSK1200 decoder can decode
and display AX.25 packets. There are also various hooks for
interacting with external applications using network sockets.
Wideband FM mode has mono, stereo, and RDS (Radio Data System) modes.
Displays FFT plot and spectrum waterfall.
It is powered by GNU Radio and the Qt GUI toolkit.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- uitoolkit
- qt
- Popularity
- 126 regular users
44 recent
990 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
gnuradio interface module for OpenHPSDR protocol 1
gnuradio interface module for OpenHPSDR protocol 1
- Description
Hardware supported includes OpenHPSDR Hermes / Metis and Red Pitaya
using the OpenHpsdr protocol.
hermesNB sources decimated downconverted 48K-to-384K receiver complex
stream(s), and sinks one 48k sample rate transmit complex stream.
hermesWB sources raw ADC samples as a vector of floats, with
vlen=16384. Each individual vector contains time contiguous
samples. However there are large time gaps between vectors. This is
how HPSDR produces raw samples, it is due to Ethernet interface rate
limitations between HPSDR and the host computer.
The modules are compatible with version 3.8 of gnuradio and versions of
Hermes firmware 1.8 through at 3.2. (known as OpenHPSDR protocol
1). It is not compatible with the new OpenHPSDR protocol 2.
This package contains the header files and grc block definitions.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 14 regular users
18 recent
133 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio
LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio
- Description
LimeSDR is a low cost, open source software defined radio (SDR) platform that
can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard.
Currently this plugin supports LimeSDR-USB and LimeSDR-Mini boards.
The gr-limesdr blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that
interface LimeSDR devices through liblimesuite.
This package contains the development files.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 12 regular users
17 recent
120 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project
Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project
- Description
The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source
mobile communications.
While primarily being developed for the OsmoSDR hardware, this block
as well supports:
- FUNcube Dongle through gr-funcube
- FUNcube Dongle Pro+ through gr-funcube
- RTL2832U based DVB-T dongles through librtlsdr
- RTL-TCP spectrum server (see librtlsdr project)
- gnuradio .cfile input through libgnuradio-blocks
- RFSPACE SDR-IQ, SDR-IP, NetSDR (incl. X2 option)
- Great Scott Gadgets HackRF through libhackrf
- Nuand LLC bladeRF through libbladeRF library
- Ettus USRP Devices through Ettus UHD library
- Fairwaves UmTRX through Fairwaves' fork of UHD
- AIRSPY Receiver
- AIRSPY HF+ Receiver
- SoapySDR support
- Red Pitaya SDR transceiver (
- FreeSRP through libfreesrp
Example applications include osmocom_fft, osmocom_siggen,
and osmocom_spectrum_sense.
By using the OsmoSDR block you can take advantage of a common
software API in your application(s) independent of the underlying
radio hardware. This package provides C++ header files,
documentation, and Python3 wrappers to the library.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 128 regular users
127 recent
1049 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Software defined radio peripheral - utilities
Software defined radio peripheral - utilities
- Description
HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive
and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth.
It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus.
This package contains a set of command line utilities:
- hackrf_clock: HackRF clock configuration utility
- hackrf_cpldjtag: program CLPD
- hackrf_debug: chip register read/write/config tool
- hackrf_info: probe device and show configuration
- hackrf_operacake: control of operacake board via hackrf
- hackrf_spiflash: read and write flash data from file.
- hackrf_sweep: control frequency sweep of hackrf
- hackrf_transfer: file based transmit and receive sdr
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 28 regular users
75 recent
326 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
tool for visualising captured radio signals
tool for visualising captured radio signals
- Description
inspectrum is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from
software-defined radio receivers.
inspectrum supports the following file types:
*.sigmf-meta, *.sigmf-data - Signal Metadata Format (SigMF) recordings
*.cf32, *.cfile - Complex 32-bit floating point (GNURadio, osmocom_fft)
*.cf64 - Complex 64-bit floating point samples
*.cs16 - Complex 16-bit signed integer (BladeRF)
*.cs8 - Complex 8-bit signed integer (HackRF)
*.cu8 - Complex 8-bit unsigned integer (RTL-SDR)
*.f32 - Real 32-bit floating point samples
*.f64 - Real 64-bit floating point samples (MATLAB)
*.s16 - Real 16-bit signed integer samples
*.s8 - Real 8-bit signed integer samples
*.u8 - Real 8-bit unsigned integer samples
- Large (100GB+) file support
- Spectrogram with zoom/pan
- Plots of amplitude, frequency, phase and IQ samples
- Cursors for measuring period, symbol rate and extracting symbols
- Export of selected time period, filtered samples and demodulated data
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 26 regular users
12 recent
238 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Control programs for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board
Control programs for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board
- Description
These utilities can be used to set up low level functions in the "Noctar"
(formerly "Phi") IQ demodulator board from Per Vices.
If you are unsure whether you need this package, then you don't.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
10 recent
96 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
tools to test, control and update LMS7 transceiver based hardware
tools to test, control and update LMS7 transceiver based hardware
Lime Suite is a collection of software supporting Lime Microsystems LMS7 RF
transceiver based hardware such as the LimeSDR, LMS7002M UNITE board, or the
Novena with LMS7 RF board.
This package contains the command line and GUI tools to control and update the
hardware devices.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 13 regular users
10 recent
128 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (tools)
Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (tools)
- Description
Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform
The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector
to a USB plug.
This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware
and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host.
This package contains a set of command line utilities:
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 12 regular users
6 recent
121 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (tools)
Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (tools)
- Description
OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive
SDR (Software Defined Radio) project.
The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector
to a USB plug.
This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware
and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host.
This package contains a set of command line utilities:
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 16 regular users
10 recent
162 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Funcube Dongle controller
Funcube Dongle controller
Controller application for the Funcube Dongle software defined radio receiver,
built using the HID API library and the Qt GUI toolkit.
The Funcube Dongle is a small software defined radio receiver for
64 MHz - 1.7 GHz. It fits into a computer's USB port and uses USB audio
to transfer complex I/Q data to SDR applications. The control API for
setting frequency, gain, filter, etc. uses the USB HID standard.
It provides full support for the Funcube Dongle API::
- Change frequency and apply frequency correction.
- Change RF gains and filters.
- Change IF gains and filters.
- LNA enhancement, bias current, etc.
- I/Q correction.
- Auto-repeat tuning buttons (click and hold button to scan).
- Variable frequency step.
- Upgrade and verify the firmware.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 109 regular users
1 recent
150 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
This is Quisk, a Software Defined Radio (SDR). You supply an antenna and a
complex (I/Q) mixer to convert the radio spectrum to a low IF. Then send that
IF to your computer using the sound card, Ethernet or USB. The Quisk software
will read the I/Q data, tune it, filter it, demodulate it, and send the audio
to headphones or speakers. Quisk has a microphone input and a key input so it
can operate as a complete transceiver.
Quisk works with this hardware:
- SoftRock connected to the sound card
- Many other SDR's connected to the sound card
- SDR-IQ connected by USB
- Perseus connected by USB
- N2ADR hardware connected by Ethernet and IP
- HiQSDR hardware connected by Ethernet and IP
- The Hermes-Lite project at
- Quisk can be used as a pan adapter, and can control some radios
Quisk is small and simple, and has been designed so that it is easy to change
Quisk to suit your own hardware. Quisk rhymes with "brisk", and is QSK plus a
few letters to make it easier to pronounce. QSK is a Q signal meaning full
breakin CW operation, and Quisk has been designed for low latency. Quisk
includes an input keying signal that can mute the audio and substitute a
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 24 regular users
24 recent
178 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (tools)
Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (tools)
- Description
rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain
low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip.
This package contains a set of command line utilities:
- rtl_adsb: a simple ADS-B decoder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- rtl_eeprom: an EEPROM programming tool for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- rtl_fm: a narrow band FM demodulator for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- rtl_sdr: an I/Q recorder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- rtl_tcp: an I/Q spectrum server for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- rtl_test: a benchmark tool for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 167 regular users
47 recent
1379 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware specific package.
- Improve entry
Use SoapySDR devices over network (server)
Use SoapySDR devices over network (server)
- Description
The SoapyRemote project provides a client module and a server that make it
possible on the client side to list and access hardware supported by SoapySDR
modules on the server as if they were local modules.
This package contains the server.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 112 regular users
1 recent
117 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Airspy device support for SoapySDR (default version)
Airspy device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The Soapy Airspy project provides a SoapySDR hardware support module.
Using this, any program using SoapySDR to interface to software
defined radio hardware can make use of Airspy receivers.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the Airspy module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
65 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
Audio device support for SoapySDR (default version)
Audio device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The SoapyAudio project provides a SoapySDR module for using Software
Defined Radio devices that are connected through audio interfaces.
It uses hamlib to provide control of tuning and other functions where
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the audio module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
56 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
New upstream version
bladeRF device support for SoapySDR (default version)
bladeRF device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The Soapy bladeRF project provides a SoapySDR hardware support module.
Using this, any program using SoapySDR to interface to software
defined radio hardware can make use of the nuand bladeRF device to
transmit and receive.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the bladeRF module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
48 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
HackRF device support for SoapySDR (default version)
HackRF device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The Soapy HackRF project provides a SoapySDR hardware support module.
Using this, any program using SoapySDR to interface to software
defined radio hardware can make use of the open source HackRF device
to transmit and receive.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the HackRF module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
83 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
Lime Microsystems LMS7 device support for SoapySDR (default version)
Lime Microsystems LMS7 device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
Lime Suite is a collection of software supporting Lime Microsystems LMS7 RF
transceiver based hardware such as the LimeSDR, LMS7002M UNITE board, or the
Novena with LMS7 RF board.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the LMS7 support module for
the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
58 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
Mirics SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
Mirics SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The SoapyOsmo project provides SoapySDR hardware support modules using
drivers in gr-osmosdr. Using this, any program using SoapySDR to
interface to software defined radio hardware can make use of OsmoSDR,
Mirics SDR, and RFSpace SDR devices.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the Mirics SDR module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
59 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
OsmoSDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
OsmoSDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The SoapyOsmo project provides SoapySDR hardware support modules using
drivers in gr-osmosdr. Using this, any program using SoapySDR to
interface to software defined radio hardware can make use of OsmoSDR,
Mirics SDR, and RFSpace SDR devices.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the OsmoSDR module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
53 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
RedPitaya device support for SoapySDR (default version)
RedPitaya device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The Soapy Red Pitaya project provides a SoapySDR hardware support module.
Using this, any program using SoapySDR to interface to software
defined radio hardware can make use of the Red Pitaya HF channels to
transmit and receive.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the Red Pitaya module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
45 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
Use SoapySDR devices over network (default client module)
Use SoapySDR devices over network (default client module)
- Description
The SoapyRemote project provides a client module and a server that make it
possible on the client side to list and access hardware supported by SoapySDR
modules on the server as if they were local modules.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the client module for the
default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
52 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
RFSpace device support for SoapySDR (default version)
RFSpace device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The SoapyOsmo project provides SoapySDR hardware support modules using
drivers in gr-osmosdr. Using this, any program using SoapySDR to
interface to software defined radio hardware can make use of OsmoSDR,
Mirics SDR, and RFSpace SDR devices.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the RFSpace module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
46 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
RTL-SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
RTL-SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
The Soapy RTL-SDR project provides a SoapySDR hardware support module.
Using this, any program using SoapySDR to interface to software
defined radio hardware can make use of low cost DVB-T/DAB+ USB dongles
based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip as receivers.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the RTL-SDR module
for the default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
156 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
UHD device support for SoapySDR (default version)
UHD device support for SoapySDR (default version)
- Description
Both SoapySDR and the Universal Hardware Driver by Ettus Research projects
provide libraries to access various software defined radio hardware through a
common interface.
This SoapySDR hardware support module makes all UHD devices available to
applications using SoapySDR. An interface in the other direction is available
in the uhd-soapysdr package.
This is an empty dependency package that pulls in the UHD module for the
default version of libsoapysdr.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
50 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
This is a hardware-specific package.
- Improve entry
software defined radio interface library tools
software defined radio interface library tools
- Description
SoapySDR is a library providing a common interface to SDR (software
defined radio) hardware. Support for different hardware is added through
external modules.
This package contains the SoapySDRUtil command line utility which can
list available modules and hardware.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 88 regular users
145 recent
1096 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
New upstream version
universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - host apps
universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - host apps
- Description
Host utilities for the Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research products.
The supported devices provide analog radio receiver and transmitter hardware
along with digital interfaces for getting signals to and from a software
defined radio running on the host computer.
This package includes the uhd_find_devices application to locate and
configure attached peripherals, the uhd_usrp_probe application to
display hardware configuration information and Doxygen generated
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- uitoolkit
- ncurses
- Popularity
- 497 regular users
19 recent
645 total installations
(of 251424 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
SoapySDR device support for libuhd
SoapySDR device support for libuhd
- Description
Both SoapySDR and the Universal Hardware Driver by Ettus Research projects
provide libraries to access various software defined radio hardware through a
common interface.
This UHD module makes all SoapySDR devices available to applications using
libuhd. An interface in the other direction is available in the
soapysdr-module-uhd package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
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