Debian Junior Project
Bugs of task games-puzzle
Total bugs: 70
Open bugs: 64
Fixed bugs: 6
Links to other tasks
Art 329 (2697)
Desktop 2544 (21141)
Doudou-base 1836 (14571)
Doudou-dev-artists 252 (1971)
Doudou-games 108 (819)
Education 36 (231)
Games-adventure 21 (96)
Games-arcade 81 (561)
Games-card 23 (120)
Games-gl 40 (264)
Games-net 33 (165)
Games-puzzle 64 (387)
Games-sim 52 (339)
Games-text 42 (237)
Internet 370 (2781)
Math 139 (846)
Programming 31 (318)
Sound 125 (894)
System 68 (405)
Toys 67 (612)
Typing 39 (282)
Video 117 (1059)
Writing 132 (768)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 6 0
normal 31 0
minor 6 0
wishlist 21 0

Summary bugs page of task Games-puzzle

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (387)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

6 important, 31 normal, 6 minor, 21 wishlist
748366 2048-qt: Segfaults on startup
781692 2048-qt: Please provide i18n infrastructure for your man page
853800 2048-qt: Does not show up in GNOME Software app patch
1055834 2048-qt: doesn't scale to lower resolution displays upstream
1055836 2048-qt: wish this had support for touch displays
1079446 2048-qt: new version available
999379 amoebax: bashism in configure script ftbfs
1038021 amoebax: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
722637 berusky2: Abort in XCB code
722639 berusky2: Segfault in XSync on exit
722693 berusky2: Double free on exit
1038046 berusky2: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
788462 biniax2: looks as arcade and tactic mode are swapped .... moreinfo
1038049 biniax2: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1038057 brainparty: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1096391 brainparty: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
145961 frozen-bubble: Can I please have a red bubble? I haven't had one in ages!
198080 save in frozen-bubble
248616 frozen-bubble: dosn't sleep if it isn't visible
278710 frozen-bubble: disable if not visible
395852 frozen-bubble: Please anti-alias the graphics.
407414 frozen-bubble: Frozen bubble should support http_proxies
416209 frozen-bubble: error in multiplayer training high score
437170 frozen-bubble: no arrow displayed to indicate direction
701556 frozen-bubble: Locale settings not working (upstream patch avalible) confirmed, l10n
722078 frozen-bubble: unable to change graphics to full-screen via GUI
805803 frozen-bubble: frozen-bubble doesn't start; crashes in [Sound Init]
863805 frozen-bubble is very small in HiRes display
1038087 frozen-bubble: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1055982 frozen-bubble: doesn't support touch screen
276014 Printing drawings would be nice
304997 gcompris: real fullscreen support (doesn't work on greater resolutions) fixed-upstream
441772 gcompris: self learning "klick on a letter"
441773 gcompris: option "alphabet" for "klick on a letter"
720077 gcompris: would be nice to have a NEWS.gz
889562 gcompris: missing L10n in gcompris-edit desktop file l10n, moreinfo, patch
893868 gcompris-qt: please package the voice files
908130 gcompris-qt: Gcompris is crashing after making first move in "End of chess game"
920752 gcompris-qt-data: Gcompris Debian version is missing activities found in flatpak version
1096688 gcompris-qt: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
439999 stuck in the water on stripes
440741 hex-a-hop: weird symbol for "better than par" in map
440831 no text on winning the game
450760 hex-a-hop: Does not remember fullscreen option
522970 hex-a-hop: More undo steps needed
528250 [hex-a-hop] stack-based buffer overflow via crafted save-game security
546272 hex-a-hop: wish there was a level editor
981447 hex-a-hop: Memory leak in savestate.h patch
1038456 hex-a-hop: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1048662 hex-a-hop: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
1057317 hex-a-hop: Please put an undo button on-screen for phone/tablet use upstream
642534 lmemory: Scalable or adjustable card size
967599 lmemory: depends on deprecated GTK 2
1097308 lmemory: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
406913 monsterz: consumes way too many CPU cycles for such a game, even when paused confirmed
721829 pysiogame: Uses country flags for language selection
721830 pysiogame: Stores config file in XDG_DATA_HOME
721852 pysiogame: Please switch ad-hoc i18n support to use gettext
721899 pysiogame: Failed to connect with espeak
927312 Pysiogame changed name on eduactiv8
1023469 pysiogame craches at startup
379989 ri-li: cannot adjust keys upstream
432172 ri-li-data: Consider using better, more space-efficient translation methods
761010 ri-li: Make it possible to deactivate guessing game upstream

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

968078 gcompris-qt: no images displayed without libqt5svg5 upstream
995009 gcompris: Mouse cursor not visible with full screen Gnome/Wayland
1033727 gcompris-qt: Some images not shown (qt plugin missing)
1044516 gcompris-qt: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
1051267 gcompris-qt: Removing libqt5quick5-gles as potential GCompris dependency fixed-upstream, patch
1055953 Gcompris does not read images without qt5-image-formats-plugins
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 16:28:36 -0000