Debian Astro Project
Bugs of task education
Total bugs: 24
Open bugs: 24
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Ascl 114 (1162)
Astroconda 31 (219)
Catalogs 1 (3)
Data reduction 44 (473)
Development 78 (682)
Education 24 (183)
Fedora 1269 (8466)
Frameworks 11 (66)
Gdl 4 (27)
Iraf 1 (9)
Java 7 (24)
Publication 243 (1809)
Python 58 (597)
Python3 104 (1110)
Radio astronomy 8 (147)
Scisoft 158 (1356)
Simulation 5 (102)
Tcl/tk 18 (144)
Tools 12 (132)
Viewers 35 (252)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 1
important 5 1
normal 9 1
minor 3 0
wishlist 3 1

Summary bugs page of task Education

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (183)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

5 important, 9 normal, 3 minor, 3 wishlist
998272 Please switch the dependency from ttf-bitstream-vera to fonts-dejavu-core
1020944 gravit: FTBFS with pkgconf ftbfs
1038372 gravit: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
961437 kstars: Several icons are empty
1046187 kstars: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
986176 openuniverse runs with crippled GUI, then crashes.
1050116 openuniverse: Please do not refer to unavailable packages in descriptions
664457 stellarium: please package additional star packs
688049 stellarium: have sound-support embedded for stellarium upstream
766717 stellarium: failed shader compilation crashes stellarium fixed-upstream, upstream
788699 stellarium: Hangs after moving to the past/future by several days confirmed
794986 Does not scale up fonts on a high-DPI display (Xft.dpi)
829484 stellarium: position input fields allow invalid values upstream
861630 stellarium: Stellarium does not start at all
983333 stellarium should re-enable parallel building
1000400 stellarium: mouse pointer not visible in fullscreen on gnome/wayland
1000755 stellarium: Dialog boxes cause segfault crash under Wayland
1010251 stellarium: please consider packaging JPL ephemerides
1034183 stellarium: CVE-2023-28371 security, upstream
618511 Xplanet generates unreadable text labels moreinfo, unreproducible

Open bugs in suggested packages

1 serious, 1 important, 1 normal, 1 wishlist
555314 sunclock: Boundaries of India need to be corrected
1026439 xtide: FTBFS (invalid conversion from ‘char**’ to ‘const char**’) ftbfs, patch
1039428 xtide: ships sysv-init script without systemd unit
454597 xtide: My location missing from map after upgrade to 2.9

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Wed, 08 May 2024 04:15:52 -0000