Debian 3D Printer Project
Debian 3dprinter packages for slicing

This metapackage will install packages related to slicing.


For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:

If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian 3D Printer to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a description of that project to the Debian 3D Printer mailing list

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Debian 3D Printer slicer packages

Official Debian packages with high relevance

G-code generator for 3D printers
Versions of package slic3r
Popcon: 74 users (9 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Slic3r converts digital 3D models into printing instructions (G-code) for your 3D printer. It cuts the model into horizontal slices (layers), generates toolpaths to fill them and calculates the amount of material to be extruded.

Slic3r supports input in the STL, AMF and OBJ formats, and can output G-code for several series of 3D printers, including RepRap, Ultimaker, Makerbot, as well as SVG files for DLP printers.

It can be used with a graphical interface, or in batch mode via the command-line.

Screenshots of package slic3r

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

octoprint - wnpp
Responsive web interface for 3D printers
Versions of package octoprint
Versions and Archs
License: AGPL-3
Debian package not available
Version: 1.0.0~rc1-1

OctoPrint provides a responsive web interface for controlling a 3D printer such as a RepRap, Ultimaker or other model.

It allows you to upload gcode files via a web interface and to print it without wiring up the computer where you built the model.

*Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of 252235