GDL (« GNU Data Language ») est un remplaçant libre du logiciel commercial
IDL (« Interactive Data Language »). Il est entièrement compatible avec la
syntaxe IDL 7.1 et est utilisable pour l'analyse de données astronomiques.
Ce métapaquet installe les paquets liés à l'astronomie utilisables avec GDL
et en particulier la bibliothèque « IDL Astronomy Users Library ».
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Low-level astronomy software for GDL
Low-level astronomy software for GDL
- Description
The IDL Astronomy Users Library is a central repository for low-level
astronomy software written in the GNU Data Language (GDL).
The library is not meant to be an integrated package, but rather is a
collection of procedures from which users can pick and choose (and possibly
modify) for their own use. Submitted procedures are given a cursory testing,
but are basically stored in the library as submitted.
The library was originally written for the commercial IDL interpreter, but
large parts are usable with the GDL interpreter as well. Other names for the
libraries are "astron" and "idlastro".
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
86 total installations
(of 252235 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
GDL library from D. Fannings IDL courses
GDL library from D. Fannings IDL courses
The Coyote Library evolved from work David Fanning was doing teaching
IDL courses and answering IDL questions on the IDL newsgroup. It is
meant to be a well-documented library that demonstrates how to write
solid IDL/GDL programs that are easy to maintain and extend.
The main content of the library is the Coyote Graphics System (CGS),
a collection of Coyote Library programs that turn the traditional
GDL/IDL graphics commands (e.g., Plot, Contour, Surface, TV, etc.)
into modern programs.
The most important features of Coyote Graphics System are:
- The commands work identically on the display, in PostScript, and
in the Z-graphics buffer.
- The commands can be displayed automatically in resizable graphics
- The commands automatically create high quality PostScript, PDF,
and raster file output.
- CGS graphics visualizations can be saved and restore later, or
e-mailed to colleagues.
- The commands work identically in an indexed or decomposed color
- The commands can use colors by name (e.g., "red", "dodger blue").
- CGS commands are faster (often much faster) than the equivalent
IDL function graphics commands.
- Greek letters and other symbols can be directly embedded in Coyote
Graphics text.
- The commands fix the most annoying quirks (e.g., contour holes and
levels) in traditional IDL commands.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
91 total installations
(of 252235 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting for GDL
Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting for GDL
- Description
These GDL routines provide a robust and relatively fast way to perform
least-squares curve and surface fitting. The algorithms are translated from
MINPACK-1, which is a rugged minimization routine found on Netlib, and
distributed with permission. This algorithm is more desirable than CURVEFIT
because it is generally more stable and less likely to crash than the
brute-force approach taken by CURVEFIT, which is based upon Numerical
MPFIT has additional capabilities not found in CURVEFIT. Model parameters can
be "frozen" (that is, held constant during the fitting process). Simple
boundary constraints can be imposed on parameter values, which can be helpful
to keep parameters from becoming negative, for example. Please see the
documentation for the PARINFO keyword if you wish to use this facility.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
90 total installations
(of 252235 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry
compilateur incrémental libre compatible avec IDL
compilateur incrémental libre compatible avec IDL
GNU Data Language (GDL) est un compilateur incrémental libre compatible
avec IDL (Interactive Data Language). Sa syntaxe est entièrement compatible
avec IDL 7.1. IDL est une marque déposée d’ITT Visual Information
Solutions. À partir de IDL 8.0, les éléments de langage suivants sont pris
en charge :
— boucle FOREACH ;
— indices de tableau négatifs ;
— ramasse-miettes pour les pointeurs et objets ;
— méthodes d’appel sur des objets en utilisant « . » (par exemple,
Le système d’entrée et sortie de fichiers est complètement implémenté. La
prise en charge de l’interface graphique (composants graphiques) est
officiellement fournie, mais pas encore finie.
Ce paquet fournit le frontal de l’interpréteur en ligne de commande.
- Reference
A. Coulais, M. Schellens, J. Gales, S. Arabas, M. Boquien, P. Chanial, P. Messmer, D. Fillmore, O. Poplawski, S. Maret, G. Marchal, N. Galmiche and T. Mermet:
Status of GDL - GNU Data Language.
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- interface
- text-mode
- role
- program
- scope
- utility
- uitoolkit
- ncurses
- works-with
- software:source
- Popularity
- 21 regular users
20 recent
240 total installations
(of 252235 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
interface de Python pour GDL (GNU Data Language)
interface de Python pour GDL (GNU Data Language)
- Description
GNU Data Language (GDL) est un compilateur incrémental libre compatible
avec IDL (Interactive Data Language). Sa syntaxe est entièrement
compatible avec IDL 7.1. IDL est une marque déposée d’ITT Visual
Information Solutions. À partir de IDL 8.0, les éléments de langage
suivants sont pris en charge :
— boucle FOREACH ;
— indices de tableau négatifs ;
— ramasse-miettes pour les pointeurs et objets ;
— méthodes d’appel sur des objets en utilisant « . » (par exemple,
Le système d’entrée et sortie de fichiers est complètement implémenté. La
prise en charge de l’interface graphique (composants graphiques) est
officiellement fournie, mais pas encore finie.
Ce paquet fournit la bibliothèque/interface de Python.
- Reference
A. Coulais, M. Schellens, J. Gales, S. Arabas, M. Boquien, P. Chanial, P. Messmer, D. Fillmore, O. Poplawski, S. Maret, G. Marchal, N. Galmiche and T. Mermet:
Status of GDL - GNU Data Language.
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
8 recent
95 total installations
(of 252235 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Improve entry