Debian Astro Virtual Observatory packages

Tools and viewers for the Virtual Observatory

This metapackage will install commonly used interfaces for interacting with datasets and archive data within the online distributed Virtual Observatory.

The Virtual Observatory allows astronomers to interrogate multiple data centers in a seamless and transparent way, provides new powerful analysis and visualization tools within that system, and gives data centers a standard framework for publishing and delivering services using their data. This is made possible by standardization of data and metadata, by standardization of data exchange methods, and by the use of a registry, which lists available services and what can be done with them.

When running, many of these tools can communicate with each other using the Simple Application Messaging Protocol (SAMP)

Official Debian packages with high relevance

Package Version Description
adql-java 1.5-2 Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries with Java
aladin 10.076+dfsg-1 Interactive sky atlas for astronomical images and datasets
gavodachs2-server 2.7+dfsg-2 New upstream version 2.11.1 available server package of the Virtual Observatory data center suite
jsamp 1.3.7-1 Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol tool for VO
jython-stilts 3.4.7-4 Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (Jython package)
libcds-moc-java 4.6-1 Multi-Order Coverage maps Virtual Observatory library
libcds-savot-java 4.0.0-1 Simple Access to VOTable (SAVOT) library for Virtual Observatory
libjsamp-java 1.3.5-1 Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol library
pymoctool 0.4.2-1 Python Multi-Order Coverage maps tool for Virtual Observatory
python3-gavo 2.7+dfsg-2 New upstream version 2.11.1 available Virtual Observatory data center publishing suite
python3-gavo-stc 2.3+dfsg-3 New upstream version 2.11.1 available IVOA Space-Time-Coordinate (STC) library
python3-gavo-votable 2.11+dfsg-1 New upstream version 2.11.1 available library for the reading and writing of VOTables
python3-pymoc 0.5.0-4 Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
python3-pyvo 0.5.0+dfsg-1 Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
skyview 3.5.6+repack-1 Image generation from a range of remote databases
stilts 3.5.2-1 Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
topcat 4.10.3-1 Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

Package Version Description
cassis 5.1.1-1 Virtual Observatory aware spectrum analysis tool

No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)

Package Version Description
splat-vo Spectral Analysis Tool (SPLAT) for Virtual Observatory
tapsh Table Access Protocol (TAP) Shell for Virtual Observatory