PAN Blend Project
Bugs of task spectroscopy
Total bugs: 21
Open bugs: 21
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Control-systems 22 (261)
Diffraction 30 (339)
Imaging 250 (2090)
Laue 0 (0)
Machine-learning 26 (291)
Modelling 6 (57)
Mx 82 (599)
Mx-dev 1 (10)
Powder 16 (180)
Spectroscopy 21 (264)
Tomography 64 (573)
Xas 7 (39)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 3 0
important 3 0
normal 14 0
minor 1 0
wishlist 0 0

Summary bugs page of task Spectroscopy

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (264)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

3 serious, 3 important, 14 normal, 1 minor
1035168 arpys: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1036490 arpys: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-matplotlib)
1064714 codraft: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'update_dataset' from 'guidata.dataset' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/guidata/dataset/ ftbfs, sid, trixie
978503 etsf-io: uscan fails due to gone download page
1044263 etsf-io: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
1050791 etsf-io: Drop unused libnetcdf-dev build dependency patch
1035167 mantis-xray: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1036479 mantis-xray: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-matplotlib)
1051216 reportbug: mantis-xray GUI fails start on error 'PyQt5.QtGui' has no attribute 'QGraphicsScene'
1035190 navarp: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1036495 navarp: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-matplotlib)
1035202 pyimagetool: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1051221 pyimagetool: The GUI does not start, and produces a python error 'Qt' has no attribute 'DashLine'
1030722 python3-pymatgen: WavecarTest.test_get_parchg fails on most arches
1069219 pymatgen ftbfs with Python 3.12 ftbfs, sid, trixie
1035229 python-spectral: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1022088 xrstools: Uses deprecated yaml.load
1022504 xrstools: FTBFS: distutils.errors.DistutilsClassError: command class <class '__main__.CleanCommand'> must subclass Command bookworm, ftbfs, sid, trixie
1035272 xrstools: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-numpy)
1036507 xrstools: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-matplotlib)
1056895 xrstools: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x sid, trixie

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 04:20:06 -0000