The Astrophysics Source Code Library is a free online registry for
source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists and lists codes
that have been used in research that has appeared in, or been submitted to,
peer-reviewed publications. The ASCL is indexed by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics
Data System (ADS) and is citable by using the
unique ascl ID assigned to each code.
Official Debian packages with high relevance
atlas interactif du ciel pour des images et ensembles de données astronomiques
atlas interactif du ciel pour des images et ensembles de données astronomiques
Aladin est logiciel interactif d’atlas du ciel permettant de visualiser des
images astronomiques numérisées, de superposer des données de catalogues ou
bases de données astronomiques et de manière interactive accéder aux
données et informations de la base de données Simbad, du service VizieR et
d’autres archives à partir de toutes les sources relatives à l’astronomie.
Créé en 1999 par le Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS),
Aladin est devenu un outil largement utilisé par le cadriciel VO (Virtual
Observatory), capable de faire face à des problèmes tels que la
localisation de données intéressantes, l’accession et l’exploration des
ensembles de données distribués et la visualisation de données de plusieurs
longueurs d’onde. Le respect des normes de VO, existantes ou en gestation,
l’interopérabilité avec d’autres outils de visualisation et d’analyse et la
possibilité de facilement comparer des données hétérogènes sont les
principaux sujets qui permettent à Aladin d’être un outil puissant
d’exploration et d’intégration de données.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 18 regular users
8 recent
153 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1112.019
- Improve entry
algorithme d'ajustement de ligne automatisé
algorithme d'ajustement de ligne automatisé
- Description
ALFA mesure les flux dans des spectres de lignes d'émissions, tels que ceux
de nébuleuses planétaires et de régions HII, grâce à un algorithme
génétique pour rapidement optimiser les ajustements à un grand nombre de
lignes en simultané. Il peut soustraire les lignes d'émission nocturne
avant d'ajuster les lignes nébulaires si nécessaire. Il peut lire les
fichiers texte contenant des données spectrales en 1D ou les fichiers FITS
contenant des jeux de données en 1D, 2D ou 3D.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
8 recent
97 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1512.005
- Improve entry
découverte des RFI dans les observations radioastronomiques
découverte des RFI dans les observations radioastronomiques
AOFlagger est un outil qui peut trouver et supprimer les interférences des
fréquences radio (RFI) dans les observations radioastronomiques. Son code
a été fortement optimisé pour la rapidité et la précision. Il est utilisé
par défaut par le radiotélescope LOFAR et donc en phase de production. Le
logiciel peut être exécuté de façon totalement automatique, mais une
interface graphique est fournie pour analyser les résultats et mettre au
point les stratégies. Le format de fichier d'entrée privilégié est le
format Measurement Set (MS) de CASA.
En plus du marqueur, le logiciel consiste en outils pour visualiser
efficacement les données de différentes manières, par exemple le traçage de
diagrammes temps-fréquence et de spectres de puissance. Il fournit les
programmes aoflagger, rfigui, aoqplot, aoquality et d'autres.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
5 recent
85 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.017
- Improve entry
solveur de plaque photographique astrométrique
solveur de plaque photographique astrométrique
Le moteur astrometry prend n'importe quelle image et renvoie le système de
coordonnées mondiales (WCS) d’astrométrie, une description basée sur les
standards de la transformation entre les coordonnées de l'image et les
coordonnées célestes.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 128 regular users
76 recent
1031 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1208.001
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package cpl-plugin-muse :-(
??? missing short description for package cpl-plugin-muse :-(
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
80 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1610.004
- Improve entry
??? missing short description for package cpl-plugin-sinfo :-(
??? missing short description for package cpl-plugin-sinfo :-(
- Reference
F. Eisenhauer, R. Abuter, K. Bickert, F. Biancat-Marchet, H. Bonnet, J. Brynnel, R.D. Conzelmann, B. Delabre, R. Donaldson, J. Farinato, E. Fedrigo, R. Genzel, N.N. Hubin, C. Iserlohe, M.E. Kasper, M. Kissler-Patig, G.J. Monnet, C. Roehrle, J. Schreiber, S. Stroebele, M. Tecza, N.A. Thatte and H. Weisz:
SINFONI - Integral field spectroscopy at 50 milli-arcsecond resolution with the ESO VLT.
Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
3 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1708.019
- Improve entry
Interactive language for handling numbers, strings, and matrices
Interactive language for handling numbers, strings, and matrices
DPUSER is an interactive language capable of handling numbers (both real and
complex), strings, and matrices. Its main aim is to do astronomical image
analysis, for which it provides a comprehensive set of functions, but it can
also be used for many other applications.
Note that this package was compiled with the giza library instead of PGPLOT,
since the latter is non-free software.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
3 recent
77 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1303.025
- Improve entry
ESO-Midas (European Southern Observatory — Munich Image Data Analysis System)
ESO-Midas (European Southern Observatory — Munich Image Data Analysis System)
Le système ESO-MIDAS fournit des outils généraux pour le traitement des
images et la réduction des données en mettant l'accent sur les applications
astronomiques. En outre, il contient des paquets d'applications pour la
photométrie stellaire ou d'objets étendus, la décomposition et l'affinage
des images, ainsi que des traitements spécifiques pour l'instrumentation de
l'ESO à la Silla et le Very Large Telescope (VLT) à Paranal.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
4 recent
108 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1302.017
- Improve entry
outils d’exécution pour des automatismes de l’Observatoire européen austral
outils d’exécution pour des automatismes de l’Observatoire européen austral
- Description
EsoRex veut dire European Southern Observatory (ESO) Recipe Execution Tool,
outil d’exécution de procédés de l’ESO. Il peut lister, configurer et
exécuter des « recipes » (procédés) basés sur CPL à partir de la ligne de
CPL (Common Pipeline Library) se compose d’un ensemble de bibliothèques en
C ISO fournissant une boîte à outils logicielle complète, efficace et
fiable. Elle constitue une base pour la création de tâches automatisées de
réduction des données pour l’astronomie.
Une des fonctions fournies par CPL est la possibilité de créer des
algorithmes de réduction de données fonctionnant sous forme de greffons
(bibliothèques dynamiques). Ceux-ci sont appelés « recipes » (procédés) et
sont les éléments principaux de l’environnement CPL de développement de
réduction de données.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- commandline
- role
- program
- science
- calculation
- use
- converting, organizing
- works-with
- image, image:raster
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
6 recent
111 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1504.003
- Improve entry
Software package for astronomical image processing
Software package for astronomical image processing
- Description
This software package provides independent binary programs (so called tasks)
which performs various steps of astronomical image reduction and data
processing. These tasks are designed for execution from a UNIX command line
shell or shell script. Each of these tasks performs a specific operation
(e.g. transforming an image to another reference frame, search and identifiy
stars or other point-like sources, do photometry, transform/display a
FITS image to a popular graphics format, ...) while the details of a
certain operation are specified via command switches and arguments.
Therefore this package does not need any higher level operating environment
than a standard UNIX shell, however, processing the related data might
require a little more knowledge of the used shell itself. If you find this
program useful in your research, please cite 2012MNRAS.421.1825P
as "2012, MNRAS, 421, 1825". See also the web page of the project, found at That page gathers information about the program
(including documentation and examples), this is the primary download source
of the package itself, and additionally, serves a public forum for the
program users in various topics. Bug reports, comments and ideas are welcomed!
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
5 recent
92 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1111.014
- Improve entry
Free software to capTure meteors
Free software to capTure meteors
- Description
This meteor detection software is aimed to monitor the sky with GigE all-sky
cameras to detect and record falling stars and fireball.
It was originally developed for the FRIPON (Fireball Recovery and
InterPlanetary Observation Network) project.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
9 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2104.011
- Improve entry
outil pour afficher et éditer des fichiers au format FITS
outil pour afficher et éditer des fichiers au format FITS
- Description
Fv fournit une interface graphique pour les données stockées dans des
fichiers FITS (Flexible Image Transport System). Des fichiers locaux
peuvent être créés, visualisés et édités. Des fichiers sur Internet
peuvent être ouverts uniquement en mode lecture au travers des
protocoles HTTP et FTP. À travers le programme POWplot, des données FITS
peuvent être visualisées dans une grande diversité de styles. Une
interface pour la base de données en ligne, SkyView, permet de
rechercher, de télécharger et de réaliser un tracé des objets et des
images listés pour une région particulière du ciel.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- works-with
- file
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 13 regular users
6 recent
150 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1205.005
- Improve entry
Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
- Description
Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at
the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library
provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard
astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event
lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering
library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean
operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools
also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using
index files.
This package contains the tools.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
6 recent
106 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1112.002
- Improve entry
Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting for GDL
Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting for GDL
- Description
These GDL routines provide a robust and relatively fast way to perform
least-squares curve and surface fitting. The algorithms are translated from
MINPACK-1, which is a rugged minimization routine found on Netlib, and
distributed with permission. This algorithm is more desirable than CURVEFIT
because it is generally more stable and less likely to crash than the
brute-force approach taken by CURVEFIT, which is based upon Numerical
MPFIT has additional capabilities not found in CURVEFIT. Model parameters can
be "frozen" (that is, held constant during the fitting process). Simple
boundary constraints can be imposed on parameter values, which can be helpful
to keep parameters from becoming negative, for example. Please see the
documentation for the PARINFO keyword if you wish to use this facility.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
93 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1208.019
- Improve entry
outil de description et de simulation de détecteur de particules
outil de description et de simulation de détecteur de particules
- Description
GEANT est un cadriciel pour la simulation de la traversée de particules
subatomiques à travers la matière, par exemple, les détecteurs de
particules. Pour plus de souplesse, les simulations de GEANT sont réalisées
en liant du code en Fortran fourni par l’utilisateur avec la bibliothèque
de GEANT, puis en actionnant l’exécutable qui en résulte.
Ce paquet fournit gxint, un script rendant cette étape de liaison plus
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:fortran
- field
- physics
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
113 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.079
- Improve entry
système de visualisation de données de grande dimension
système de visualisation de données de grande dimension
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- statistics
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- gtk
- use
- viewing
- works-with-format
- xml
- Popularity
- 24 regular users
1 recent
161 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1112.008
- Improve entry
Astronomical image viewer
Astronomical image viewer
Ginga is a toolkit designed for building viewers for scientific image
data in Python, visualizing 2D pixel data in numpy arrays.
It can view astronomical data such as contained in files based on the
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file format. It is written and
is maintained by software engineers at the Subaru Telescope, National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
The Ginga toolkit centers around an image display object which supports
zooming and panning, color and intensity mapping, a choice of several
automatic cut levels algorithms and canvases for plotting scalable
geometric forms. In addition to this widget, a general purpose
"reference" FITS viewer is provided, based on a plugin framework.
A fairly complete set of standard plugins are provided for features
that is expected from a modern FITS viewer: panning and zooming windows,
star catalog access, cuts, star pick/fwhm, thumbnails, etc.
This package contains the image viewer based on Python 3.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
5 recent
91 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1303.020
- Improve entry
visualisation de données liées
visualisation de données liées
Glue est un projet de Python pour relier des visualisations d’ensembles de
données scientifiques à travers plusieurs fichiers. Quelques-unes des
caractéristiques sont :
– graphismes interactifs liés statistiquement de plusieurs fichiers ;
– prise en charge de plusieurs formats de fichier incluant les formats d’image
courants, les tables ASCII, les formats de table et d’image astronomique
(FITS, VOT, IPAC) et HDF5. Les chargeurs de données personnels peuvent être
facilement ajoutés ;
– hautement scriptable et extensible.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
10 recent
136 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1402.002
- Improve entry
programmes GNU Astronomy Utilities
programmes GNU Astronomy Utilities
- Description
Gnuastro (GNU Astronomy Utilities) est un ensemble de bibliothèques et de
programmes pour l'analyse et la manipulation de données astronomiques. Les
programmes peuvent être exécutés en ligne de commande pour une utilisation
simple et efficace, et les bibliothèques peuvent être utilisées dans des
programmes C et C++.
Ce paquet fournit les programmes de Gnuastro.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
6 recent
102 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1801.009
- Improve entry
intégration et lancer de rayons pour des géodésiques de relativité générale
intégration et lancer de rayons pour des géodésiques de relativité générale
Gyoto un cadriciel pour le calcul de géodésiques dans des espaces-temps
courbes. Le programme d’utilitaire gyoto utilise ce cadriciel pour calculer
des images d’objets astronomiques au voisinage d’objets denses (par
exemple, les trous noirs). De telles images subissent des distorsions sous
l’effet de fortes lentilles gravitationnelles. Le programme gyoto prend une
description de décor au format XML, calcule ce décor en utilisant le lancer
de rayons relativiste et sauvegarde le résultat dans le format FITS.
Ce métapaquet dépend de toutes les interfaces de Gyoto (ligne de commande,
Python 3 et Yorick).
La parallélisation MPI requiert le paquet mpi-default-bin. La documentation
de Gyoto est fournie par le paquet gyoto-doc.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
108 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1203.005
- Improve entry
outil puissant pour visualiser des ensembles de données tridimensionnelles
outil puissant pour visualiser des ensembles de données tridimensionnelles
IFRIT (Ionization FRont Interactive Tool, outil interactif pour front
d’ionisation) tire ses origines (et donc son nom) d’un utilitaire
spécialement conçu pour visualiser les fronts d’ionisation dans les
simulations numériques cosmologiques. IFRIT a depuis outrepassé son but
originel et peut maintenant visualiser des ensembles divers de données.
IFRIT est écrit en C++ et utilise deux boîtes à outils performantes : VTK
(boîte à outils pour visualisation) et Qt (boîte à outils pour interface
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- chemistry, physics
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- ncurses, qt
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
22 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1304.019
programme de traitement d’image ciblant les images de microscopie
programme de traitement d’image ciblant les images de microscopie
Ce programme peut afficher, éditer, analyser, traiter, enregistrer et
imprimer des images 8, 16 et 32 bits. Il peut lire de nombreux formats
d'image, dont TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS et RAW. Il prend en charge
les « stacks », une série d'images partageant une même fenêtre.
ImageJ peut calculer des statistiques de zones et pixels à partir de
sélections de l'utilisateur. Il peut mesurer les distances et les angles.
Il peut créer des histogrammes de densité et des affichages de profils
linéaires. Il prend en charge les fonctions standard de traitement d'images
telles que la manipulation du contraste, l'accentuation, l'adoucissement,
la détection d'arêtes et le filtrage médian.
La calibration spatiale est disponible pour fournir des mesures de
dimensions réelles dans des unités comme le millimètre. La calibration de
la densité ou des niveaux de gris est également disponible.
ImageJ est développé par Wayne Rasband ( dans la
Research Services Branch du National Institute of Mental Health à Bethesda,
Maryland, USA.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- role
- program
- use
- analysing, editing, viewing
- works-with
- image, image:raster
- works-with-format
- gif, jpg, tiff
- Popularity
- 84 regular users
35 recent
899 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1206.013
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main
IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for
general image processing and graphics.
Other external or layered packages are available for
applications such as data acquisition or handling data from other
observatories and wavelength regimes such as the Hubble Space
Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme ultra-violet), or ROSAT and
AXAF (X-ray). These external packages are distributed separately
from the main IRAF distribution but can be easily installed.
The IRAF system also the programmable Command Language scripting
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 20 regular users
12 recent
176 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 9911.002
- Improve entry
IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra
- Description
This package obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using
cross-correlation methods or emission line fits. It consists of
several SPP tasks:
- XCSAO and PXCSAO: cross-correlate spectra,
- EMSAO and PEMSAO: find emission lines in spectra,
- BCVCORR: solar system barycentric velocity correction,
- SUMSPEC: add and/or modify spectra,
- LINESPEC: synthetic emission line templates,
- EQWIDTH: equivalent widths of lines in spectra,
- WLRANGE: wavelength overlap range for a list of spectra,
- LISTSPEC: list pixel, wavelength, delta wavelength, and/or pixel value for
spectrum image,
- PIX2WL: wavelength at a given pixel in a spectrum,
- WL2PIX: pixel at a given wavelength in a spectrum,
- VELSET Artificially change the redshift of (log-wavelength) spectra
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
3 recent
60 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 9912.003
- Improve entry
New upstream version
un autre échantillonneur Gibbs pour les simulations bayésiennes MCMC —⋅exécutable
un autre échantillonneur Gibbs pour les simulations bayésiennes MCMC —⋅exécutable
- Description
JAGS est un échantillonneur Gibbs et signifie «⋅Just Another Gibbs
Sampler⋅». C'est un programme d'analyse des modèles bayésiens
hiérarchiques utilisant partiellement (contrairement à BUGS) les
simulations de chaînes de Markov par les méthodes de Monte-Carlo
JAGS a été écrit avec ces 3 idées en tête⋅:
—⋅avoir un moteur sous Unix pour le langage BUGS⋅;
—⋅être extensible, permettre aux utilisateurs d'écrire leurs propres
fonctions, distributions et échantillonneurs⋅;
—⋅être une plateforme d'expérimentation des modèles bayésiens.
Ce paquet fournit l'exécutable «⋅jags⋅» et les modules associés
de bibliothèque partagée chargés par l'exécutable.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- statistics
- role
- program
- use
- analysing
- Popularity
- 43 regular users
13 recent
218 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1209.002
- Improve entry
New upstream version
??? missing short description for package libcfitsio-bin :-(
??? missing short description for package libcfitsio-bin :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 101 regular users
44 recent
1114 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.002
- Improve entry
New upstream version
bibliothèque pour les E/S de fichiers de données au format FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
bibliothèque pour les E/S de fichiers de données au format FITS –⋅fichiers de développement
- Description
FITS (« Flexible Image Transport System », système flexible de transport
d'images) est un format de données utilisé en astronomie. cfitsio est une
bibliothèque de routines⋅C ANSI pour la lecture et l'écriture des fichiers
de données au format FITS. Un jeu de routines en Fortran a été inclus pour
la commodité des programmeurs Fortran.
Ce paquet fournit ce qui est nécessaire pour compiler des sources qui
utilisent cette bibliothèque dans leur code.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 228 regular users
230 recent
2256 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.001
- Improve entry
HEALPix representation of spherical data - C development library
HEALPix representation of spherical data - C development library
- Description
HEALPix is an acronym for Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization
of a sphere. As suggested in the name, this pixelization produces a
subdivision of a spherical surface in which each pixel covers the same
surface area as every other pixel. It is commonly used to store all-sky
astronomical images, most famously maps of the cosmic microwave background.
This package provides the static library and headers for the C language
implementation of HEALPix. The C library provides basic input/output of
HEALPix maps as well as basic spatial operations like conversion between
spherical coordinates and HEALPix pixels.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
3 recent
68 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1107.018
- Improve entry
ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction
ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction
- Description
The Common Pipeline Library (CPL) comprises a set of ISO-C libraries that
provide a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit. It forms a
basis for the creation of automated astronomical data-reduction tasks (known
as "pipelines").
The CPL was developed to standardise the way instrument pipelines
are built, to shorten their development cycle and to ease their
maintenance. However, it may be more generally applied to any similar
application, and the details of the CPL code have been engineered in
a way to make the library portable and flexible, as well as
minimising external dependencies.
The CPL provides a host of functionality, presented in a clear,
generic and uniform manner. Among its many features, the CPL offers:
- many useful low-level data types (images, tables, matrices, strings,
property lists, ...),
- many fundamental statistic, arithmetic and conversion operations for
these data types.
- medium-level data access methods (e.g. a data abstraction layer for
FITS files),
- data table organisation and manipulation,
- keyword/value handling and management,
- a standardised application interface for pipeline recipes, and,
- support for dynamic loading of recipe modules.
Despite the current bias towards instrument pipeline development, the
library also provides a variety of general-purpose image- and
signal-processing functions, making it an excellent framework for the
creation of more generic data-handling packages.
This package contains the static library and the C header files.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:c, library
- field
- astronomy
- role
- devel-lib
- science
- calculation
- works-with
- image, image:raster
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
3 recent
65 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1402.010
- Improve entry
bibliothèque de calcul des transformées de Fourier rapides — développement
bibliothèque de calcul des transformées de Fourier rapides — développement
- Description
La bibliothèque FFTW calcule les transformées de Fourier rapides (FFT) en
une ou plusieurs dimensions. Elle est très rapide. Ce paquet fournit la
bibliothèque statique liée, les fichiers d'en-tête et les programmes de test.
Ce paquet fournit les fichiers d'en-tête et les bibliothèques statiques.
Pour la documentation, consultez libfftw3-doc.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 397 regular users
459 recent
6741 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1201.015
- Improve entry
bibliothèque de routines algébriques version⋅3 –⋅version statique
bibliothèque de routines algébriques version⋅3 –⋅version statique
- Description
LAPACK version⋅3.x est une bibliothèque FORTRAN complète qui effectue des
opérations d'algèbre linéaire, y compris l'inversion de matrice, la
résolution de la méthode des moindres carrés d'ensembles linéaires
d'équations, l'analyse de valeurs propres, la décomposition en valeurs
singulières, etc. Ce paquet très complet et reconnu est intensivement
utilisé dans la communauté scientifique.
Ce paquet fournit une version statique de la bibliothèque.
- Reference
E. Anderson, Z. Bai, C. Bischof, S. Blackford, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, A. Greenbaum, S. Hammarling, A. McKenney and D. Sorensen:
LAPACK Users' Guide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 245 regular users
172 recent
8589 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2104.020
- Improve entry
development files for libnova astronomical library
development files for libnova astronomical library
- Description
libnova is a general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics,
Astrometry and Astrodynamics library.
This package contains the development files.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:c, lang:c++, library
- field
- astronomy
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
9 recent
121 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1502.016
- Improve entry
Scientific plotting library (development files)
Scientific plotting library (development files)
- Description
PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich
enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including
line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters
(including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package
is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a
handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use,
virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable.
This package contains all that is needed for doing development in C,
C++ and Fortran with PLplot. For development in Tcl/Tk, Python and
Java, install the plplot-tcl-dev, python3-plplot and libplplot-java
packages, respectively. This package also includes the OCaml and Lua
examples. To use one of these languages you will also need to install
the libplplot-xxx package for that language.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
13 recent
263 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1106.003
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Development package for Sparse OPTimisation library
Development package for Sparse OPTimisation library
- Description
SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a
variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA
SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion
open-source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also
written by the authors of SOPT.
This package contains the development files.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
5 recent
83 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1307.020
- Improve entry
Handle World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy (development package)
Handle World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy (development package)
- Description
AST implements an object oriented model for describing physical
coordinate systems, and the transformations that exist between them.
It provides a comprehensive range of facilities for attaching world
coordinate systems (WCS) to astronomical data and for retrieving and
manipulating that information.
It has built-in intelligence for identifying types of celestial,
spectral, time and other coordinate systems (including
compound systems that combine axes of different types)
and determining how to transform between them. This
allows general purpose code to be written that makes no
assumptions about the nature of the coordinate systems.
This package contains the files needed for development.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
3 recent
56 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1404.016
- Improve entry
Positional Astronomy Library (development files)
Positional Astronomy Library (development files)
- Description
This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA
library with code from NOVAS and ERFA.
Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a
"pal" prefix.
This package contains the development files.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- library
- role
- devel-lib
- Popularity
3 recent
56 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1606.002
- Improve entry
framework for numerical relativity
framework for numerical relativity
- Description
LORENE is a set of C++ classes to solve various problems arising in
numerical relativity, and more generally in computational
astrophysics. It provides tools to solve partial differential
equations by means of multi-domain spectral methods.
This metapackage depends on all of the LORENE software
components. The reference guide is available in the lorene-doc
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
90 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1608.018
- Improve entry
paquet de visualisation scientifique de données 2D ou 3D
paquet de visualisation scientifique de données 2D ou 3D
MayaVi2 est un outil multiplateformes de visualisation de donnée scientifiques
2D et 3D. Ses fonctionnalités incluent :
- Visualisation de données scalaires, en vecteur et de tenseur en 2 et 3
- Scriptabilité simple en Python
- Extensitivé simple via des sources personnalisée, des modules et des filtres
de données
- lecture de divers formats de fichiers : VTK (de base et XML), PLOT3D, etc.
- Enregistrement des visualisations
- Enregistrement des visualisations affichées dans divers formats d'image.
MayaVi2 a été conçu pour être scriptable et extensible. Si vous pouvez
utiliser l'application mayavi2 elle-même, vous pouvez l'utiliser comme
greffon Envisage, ce qui vous permet de l'embarquer nativement dans des
applications utilisateur. Vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser comme un moteur de
visualisation pour une application.
Ce paquet fournit également TVTK, qui englobe des objets VTK pour offrir une
API pratique et en Python, tout en supportant les attributs Traits et les palettes
NumPy/SciPy. TVTK est en général implémenté en pur Python, sauf pour un petit
module complémentaire.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- examples, lang:python
- role
- program
- use
- viewing
- Popularity
- 18 regular users
7 recent
351 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1205.008
Basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files
Basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files
- Description
MissFITS is a program that performs basic maintenance and packaging tasks on
FITS files using an optimised FITS library. MissFITS can:
- add/edit/remove FITS header keywords
- split/join Multi-Extension-FITS (MEF) files
- unpile/pile FITS data-cubes
- create/check/update FITS checksums, using R. Seaman’s protocol.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
5 recent
95 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.062
- Improve entry
New upstream version
MOnte CArlo SimulationS of Ionised Nebulae
MOnte CArlo SimulationS of Ionised Nebulae
- Description
mocassin is a fully 3D or 2D photoionisation and dust radiative transfer code
which employs a Monte Carlo approach to the transfer of radiation through
media of arbitrary geometry and density distribution. It was originally
developed for the modelling of photoionised regions like HII regions and
planetary nebulae and has since expanded and been applied to a variety of
astrophysical problems, including modelling clumpy dusty supernova envelopes,
star forming galaxies, protoplanetary disks and inner shell fluorence emission
in the photospheres of stars and disk atmospheres. The code can deal with
arbitrary Cartesian grids of variable resolution, it has successfully been
used to model complex density fields from SPH calculations and can deal with
ionising radiation extending from Lyman edge to the X-ray. The dust and gas
microphysics is fully coupled both in the radiation transfer and in the
thermal balance.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
9 recent
101 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1110.010
- Improve entry
Toolkit for assembling FITS images into mosaics
Toolkit for assembling FITS images into mosaics
- Description
Montage is a toolkit for assembling astronomical images into custom mosaics.
It uses algorithms that preserve the calibration and positional (astrometric)
fidelity of the input images to deliver mosaics that meet user-specified
parameters of projection, coordinates, and spatial scale. It supports all
projections and coordinate systems in use in astronomy.
It contains independent modules for analyzing the geometry of images on the
sky, and for creating and managing mosaics; these modules are powerful tools
in their own right and have applicability outside mosaic production, in areas
such as data validation.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
15 recent
119 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.036
- Improve entry
MPI version of N-body initial conditions grafic package
MPI version of N-body initial conditions grafic package
- Description
mpgrafic produces initial conditions files for N-body simulations of
cosmological large-scale structure formation. It is a free-licensed,
MPI-parallelised, rewritten version of Ed Bertschinger's grafic-1
program, producing output files in the grafic format. It includes
options for an Eisenstein and Hu baryonic wiggles power spectrum, for
using a low-resolution map for large-scale modes in the spirit of
grafic-2, and together with constrfield, can be used for generating
constrained initial conditions. Details are given in Prunet et al
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
8 recent
88 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1304.014
- Improve entry
Astronomical photometry software package
Astronomical photometry software package
- Description
Munipack is a general astronomical photometry software package.
Currently implements functions for standard photometry processing
(photometry reductions - dark, flat), aperture photometry, astrometry
and photometry calibration, accessing Virtual observatory, etc.
This is a dependency package providing recommended complete installation.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
88 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1402.006
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Nebular Empirical Analysis Tool – outil d’analyse empirique de nébuleuse
Nebular Empirical Analysis Tool – outil d’analyse empirique de nébuleuse
- Description
NEAT analyse des listes de flux de raies spectrales mesurés à partir de
nébuleuses photoionisées telles que les nébuleuses planétaires ou de
régions d’hydrogène ionisé. Il détermine l’extinction et alors adopte un
modèle à trois zones pour déterminer les températures, les densités et les
abondances ioniques et totales de raies excitées pas collisions et de
raies de recombinaison. Il calcule si nécessaire les incertitudes en
utilisant la technique de Monte Carlo.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
8 recent
97 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1411.013
- Improve entry
application parallèle de visualisation
application parallèle de visualisation
ParaView est une application multi-plateforme au code source ouvert conçue
pour visualiser des ensembles de données allant du plus petit au plus
grand. Les buts du projet ParaView incluent les éléments suivants :
– développer une application de visualisation, multi-plateforme et au code
source ouvert ;
– prendre en charge les modèles de calcul distribué pour traiter de grands
ensembles de données ;
– créer une interface pour l’utilisateur libre, adaptable et intuitive ;
– développer une architecture extensible basée sur les normes ouvertes.
ParaView s’exécute aussi bien sur des systèmes distribués avec partage de
mémoire que sur des systèmes avec processeur unique, et a été testé avec
succès sur Windows, Mac OS X, Linux et sur diverses stations de travail Unix,
des grappes et des supercalculateurs. Sous le capot, ParaView utilise la
boîte à outils de visualisation « Visualization Toolkit » pour le
traitement des données et le moteur de rendu et possède une interface
écrite en Qt.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- qt
- use
- viewing
- Popularity
- 138 regular users
51 recent
1199 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1103.014
??? missing short description for package predict :-(
??? missing short description for package predict :-(
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- hardware
- hamradio
- interface
- text-mode
- network
- server
- role
- program
- uitoolkit
- ncurses
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
36 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1112.016
- Improve entry
Point Spread Function model extractor
Point Spread Function model extractor
- Description
Extract models of the Point Spread Function (PSF) from FITS images processed
with SExtractor, and measures the quality of images. The generated PSF models
can be used for model-fitting photometry or morphological analyses.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 6 regular users
7 recent
97 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1301.001
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Collection of routines for radio interferometric imaging
Collection of routines for radio interferometric imaging
- Description
PURIFY is a collection of routines written in C that implements different
tools for radio interferometric imaging including file handling (for both
visibilities and fits files), implementation of the measurement operator
and set-up of the different optimization problems used for image
deconvolution. The code calls the generic Sparse OPTimization (SOPT)
package to solve the imaging optimization problems.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 1 regular users
2 recent
51 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1307.019
- Improve entry
Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
- Description
APLpy is a Python module aimed at producing publication-quality plots
of astronomical imaging data in FITS format. The module uses
Matplotlib, a powerful and interactive plotting package. It is capable
of creating output files in several graphical formats, including EPS,
PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
9 recent
171 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1208.017
- Improve entry
General Python3 tools for astronomy
General Python3 tools for astronomy
- Description
astLib is a set of Python3 modules that provides some tools for research
astronomers. It can be used for astronomical plots, some statistics, common
calculations, coordinate conversions, and manipulating FITS images with World
Coordinate System (WCS) information through PyWCSTools - a simple wrapping of
WCSTools by Jessica Mink. PyWCSTools is distributed (and developed) as part
of astLib.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 80 regular users
12 recent
148 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1607.016
- Improve entry
enregistrement astronomique d’images quand aucune information WCS n’est disponible
enregistrement astronomique d’images quand aucune information WCS n’est disponible
- Description
Astroalign est un module de Python qui essaie d’aligner deux images
astronomiques d’étoiles, particulièrement quand aucune information WCS
n’est disponible.
Cela est fait en trouvant des astérismes « trois points » (triangles) dans
les deux images et en déduisant une transformation affine entre eux.
Les routines génériques d’enregistrement essaient de faire correspondre
des points caractéristiques, en utilisant des routines de détection
d’angles pour déterminer des correspondances de points. Elles échouent
généralement pour des images astronomiques stellaires puisque les étoiles
ont des structures très peu stables et sont donc, en général,
indistinguables les unes des autres. La correspondance d’astérismes est
plus robuste et plus proche de la façon humaine de faire correspondre des
images stellaires.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
5 recent
71 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1906.001
- Improve entry
Astronomical Dendrograms in Python 3
Astronomical Dendrograms in Python 3
- Description
Python 3 module is to provide an easy way to compute dendrograms of observed or
simulated Astronomical data in Python 3.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 8 regular users
13 recent
156 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1907.016
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Python 3 Machine Learning library for astronomy
Python 3 Machine Learning library for astronomy
- Description
AstroML is a Python 3 module for machine learning and data mining built on
numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, and matplotlib. It contains a growing library of
statistical and machine learning routines for analyzing astronomical data in
Python, loaders for several open astronomical datasets, and a large suite of
examples of analyzing and visualizing astronomical datasets.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 21 regular users
10 recent
168 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1407.018
- Improve entry
Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 3)
Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 3)
- Description
Astroplan is an observation planning package for astronomers that can help
you plan for everything but the clouds.
It is an Astropy affiliated package that seeks to make your life as an
observational astronomer a little less infuriating.
This is the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
9 recent
177 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1802.009
- Improve entry
Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
- Description
The astropy package contains core functionality and some common tools
needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics research with Python.
It can be extended by a number of "affiliated packages" that are
intended to work with the core package.
- Reference
The Astropy Collaboration, A. M. Price-Whelan, B. M. Sipőcz, H. M. Günther, P. L. Lim, S. M. Crawford, S. Conseil, D. L. Shupe, M. W. Craig, N. Dencheva, A. Ginsburg, J. T. VanderPlas, L. D. Bradley, D. Pérez-Suárez, M. de Val-Borro, T. L. Aldcroft, K. L. Cruz, T. P. Robitaille, E. J. Tollerud, C. Ardelean, T. Babej, Y. P. Bach, M. Bachetti, A. V. Bakanov, S. P. Bamford, G. Barentsen, P. Barmby, A. Baumbach, K. L. Berry, F. Biscani, M. Boquien, K. A. Bostroem, L. G. Bouma, G. B. Brammer, E. M. Bray, H. Breytenbach, H. Buddelmeijer, D. J. Burke, G. Calderone, J. L. Cano Rodríguez, M. Cara, J. V. M. Cardoso, S. Cheedella, Y. Copin, L. Corrales, D. Crichton, D. D’Avella, C. Deil, É. Depagne, J. P. Dietrich, A. Donath, M. Droettboom, N. Earl, T. Erben, S. Fabbro, L. A. Ferreira, T. Finethy, R. T. Fox, L. H. Garrison, S. L. J. Gibbons, D. A. Goldstein, R. Gommers, J. P. Greco, P. Greenfield, A. M. Groener, F. Grollier, A. Hagen, P. Hirst, D. Homeier, A. J. Horton, G. Hosseinzadeh, L. Hu, J. S. Hunkeler, Ž. Ivezić, A. Jain, T. Jenness, G. Kanarek, S. Kendrew, N. S. Kern, W. E. Kerzendorf, A. Khvalko, J. King, D. Kirkby, A. M. Kulkarni, A. Kumar, A. Lee, D. Lenz, S. P. Littlefair, Z. Ma, D. M. Macleod, M. Mastropietro, C. McCully, S. Montagnac, B. M. Morris, M. Mueller, S. J. Mumford, D. Muna, N. A. Murphy, S. Nelson, G. H. Nguyen, J. P. Ninan, M. Nöthe, S. Ogaz, S. Oh, J. K. Parejko, N. Parley, S. Pascual, R. Patil, A. A. Patil, A. L. Plunkett, J. X. Prochaska, T. Rastogi, V. Reddy Janga, J. Sabater, P. Sakurikar, M. Seifert, L. E. Sherbert, H. Sherwood-Taylor, A. Y. Shih, J. Sick, M. T. Silbiger, S. Singanamalla, L. P. Singer, P. H. Sladen, K. A. Sooley, S. Sornarajah, O. Streicher, P. Teuben, S. W. Thomas, G. R. Tremblay, J. E. H. Turner, V. Terrón, M. H. van Kerkwijk, A. de la Vega, L. L. Watkins, B. A. Weaver, J. B. Whitmore, J. Woillez and V. Zabalza:
The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package.
The Astronomical Journal
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 280 regular users
196 recent
1338 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1304.002
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Python online astronomical database querying (Python 3)
Python online astronomical database querying (Python 3)
- Description
Astroquery is a set of Python tools for querying astronomical web forms and
This is the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 17 regular users
15 recent
186 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1708.004
- Improve entry
annihilation optimisée de rayons cosmiques avec Python
annihilation optimisée de rayons cosmiques avec Python
- Description
Astro-SCRAPPY est conçu pour la détection des rayons cosmiques dans des
images (tableaux numpy), basée sur l’algorithme L.A.Cosmic de Pieter van
Dokkum. La parallélisation est réalisée en utilisant OpenMP.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
17 recent
180 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1907.032
- Improve entry
Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
- Description
PyBDSF (the Python Blob Detection and Source Finder) is a tool
designed to decompose radio interferometry images into sources and
make available their properties for further use. PyBDSF can decompose
an image into a set of Gaussians, shapelets, or wavelets as well as
calculate spectral indices and polarization properties of sources and
measure the psf variation across an image. PyBDSF uses an interactive
environment based on CASA that will be familiar to most radio
astronomers. Additionally, PyBDSF may also be used in Python
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
13 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1502.007
- Improve entry
Basic data reductions of astronomy CCD images
Basic data reductions of astronomy CCD images
- Description
The ccdproc package provides many of the necessary tools for processing
of ccd images built on a framework to provide error propagation and bad
pixel tracking throughout the reduction process.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
10 recent
174 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1510.007
- Improve entry
Control pipeline recipes from the ESO (Python3)
Control pipeline recipes from the ESO (Python3)
- Description
This module can list, configure and execute CPL-based recipes from Python3.
The input, calibration and output data can be specified as FITS files
or as astropy fits objects in memory.
The Common Pipeline Library (CPL) comprises a set of ISO-C libraries that
provide a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit. It forms a
basis for the creation of automated astronomical data-reduction tasks.
One of the features provided by the CPL is the ability to create
data-reduction algorithms that run as plugins (dynamic libraries). These are
called "recipes" and are one of the main aspects of the CPL data-reduction
development environment.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 8 regular users
15 recent
165 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1612.001
- Improve entry
New upstream version
paquet de Python⋅3 pour l’optimisation convexe
paquet de Python⋅3 pour l’optimisation convexe
- Description
CVXOPT est un paquet de Python pour l’optimisation convexe. Il inclut :
– des classes de Python pour stocker et manipuler des matrices denses et
creuses ;
– une interface pour la plupart des programmes BLAS réels et
complexes à double précision ;
– une interface pour les solveurs d’équations linéaires denses et les
routines de valeur propre de LAPACK ;
– des interfaces pour les solveurs LU et Cholesky de matrices creuses
– des routines pour résoudre les problèmes d’optimisation convexe, une
interface de solveur pour l’optimisation linéaire de GLPK et des
interfaces pour solveurs d’optimisation linéaire et quadratique de
– un outil de modélisation pour des problèmes d’optimisation convexe
de fonction linéaire par morceaux.
Ce paquet fournit le module Python 3.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 60 regular users
102 recent
818 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2008.017
- Improve entry
General Relativity in Python
General Relativity in Python
- Description
EinsteinPy is an open source pure Python package
dedicated to problems arising in General Relativity
and relativistic physics, such as goedesics plotting
for schwarzschild space-time model, calculation of
schwarzschild radius for any mass given, symbolic
calculation of various functions related to GR such
as christoffel symbols. Features like visualization
of geodesics of curved black holes and 3D visualizations
are some of the features which are planned.
It is released under the MIT license.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
5 recent
106 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2012.026
- Improve entry
Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3
Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3
- Description
emcee is an extensible, pure-Python implementation of Goodman &
Weare's Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble
sampler. It's designed for Bayesian parameter estimation.
- Reference
D. Foreman-Mackey, D.W. Hogg, D. Lang and J. Goodman:
emcee: The MCMC Hammer.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 12 regular users
10 recent
159 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1303.002
- Improve entry
Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python
Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python
- Description
PyEphem provides an ephem Python package for performing high-precision
astronomy computations. The underlying numeric routines are coded in C and
are the same ones that drive the popular XEphem astronomy application, whose
author, Elwood Charles Downey, generously gave permission for their use in
The name ephem is short for the word ephemeris, which is the
traditional term for a table giving the position of a planet, asteroid, or
comet for a series of dates.
Nothe that this package will continue to be maintained, but it no
longer stands at the cutting edge of astronomy in Python.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 277 regular users
78 recent
740 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1112.014
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Python 3 package for Galactic Dynamics
Python 3 package for Galactic Dynamics
- Description
Python 3 module that supports orbit integration in a variety of potentials,
evaluating and sampling various distribution functions, and the calculation of
action-angle coordinates for all static potentials.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
13 recent
162 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1411.008
- Improve entry
Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
- Description
Gammapy is an in-development affiliated package of Astropy
that builds on the core scientific Python stack to provide
tools to simulate and analyse the gamma-ray sky for telescopes
such as CTA, H.E.S.S., VERITAS, MAGIC, HAWC and Fermi-LAT.
- Reference
C. Deil, R. Zanin, J. Lefaucheur, C. Boisson, B. Khélifi, R. Terrier, M. Wood, L. Mohrmann, N. Chakraborty, J. Watson, R. López Coto, S. Klepser, M. Cerruti, J.-P. Lenain, F. Acero, A. Djannati-Ataï, S. Pita, Z. Bosnjak, J. E. Ruiz, C. Trichard, T. Vuillaume, A. Donath, J. King, L. Jouvin, E. Owen, M. P. Arribas, B. Sipocz, D. Lennarz, A. Voruganti and M. Spir-Jacob:
Gammapy - A prototype for the CTA science tools.
ArXiv e-prints
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
8 recent
93 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1711.014
- Improve entry
HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python3 interface
HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python3 interface
- Description
HEALPix is an acronym for Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization
of a sphere. As suggested in the name, this pixelization produces a
subdivision of a spherical surface in which each pixel covers the same
surface area as every other pixel. It is commonly used to store all-sky
astronomical images, most famously maps of the cosmic microwave background.
This package provides a Python3 wrapper around the C++ implementation of
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 15 regular users
16 recent
184 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2008.022
- Improve entry
deep learning framework running on Theano or TensorFlow
deep learning framework running on Theano or TensorFlow
- Description
Keras is a Python library for machine learning based on deep (multi-
layered) artificial neural networks (DNN), which follows a minimalistic
and modular design with a focus on fast experimentation.
Features of DNNs like neural layers, cost functions, optimizers,
initialization schemes, activation functions and regularization schemes
are available in Keras a standalone modules which can be plugged together
as wanted to create sequence models or more complex architectures.
Keras supports convolutions neural networks (CNN, used for image
recognition resp. classification) and recurrent neural networks (RNN,
suitable for sequence analysis like in natural language processing).
It runs as an abstraction layer on the top of Theano (math expression
compiler) by default, which makes it possible to accelerate the computations
by using (GP)GPU devices. Alternatively, Keras could run on Google's
TensorFlow (not yet available in Debian).
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 13 regular users
2 recent
105 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1806.022
- Improve entry
New upstream version
Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
- Description
The lmfit Python package provides a simple, flexible interface to
non-linear optimization or curve fitting problems. The package
extends the optimization capabilities of scipy.optimize by replacing
floating pointing values for the variables to be optimized with
Parameter objects. These Parameters can be fixed or varied, have
upper and/or lower bounds placed on its value, or written as an
algebraic expression of other Parameters.
The principal advantage of using Parameters instead of simple
variables is that the objective function does not have to be
rewritten to reflect every change of what is varied in the fit, or
what relationships or constraints are placed on the Parameters. This
means a scientific programmer can write a general model that
encapsulates the phenomenon to be optimized, and then allow user of
that model to change what is varied and fixed, what range of values
is acceptable for Parameters, and what constraints are placed on the
model. The ease with which the model can be changed also allows one
to easily test the significance of certain Parameters in a fitting
The lmfit package allows a choice of several optimization methods
available from scipy.optimize. The default, and by far best tested
optimization method used is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from
MINPACK-1 as implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq. This method
is by far the most tested and best support method in lmfit, and much
of this document assumes this algorithm is used unless explicitly
stated. An important point for many scientific analysis is that this
is only method that automatically estimates uncertainties and
correlations between fitted variables from the covariance matrix
calculated during the fit.
A few other optimization routines are also supported, including
Nelder-Mead simplex downhill, Powell's method, COBYLA, Sequential
Least Squares methods as implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin, and
several others from scipy.optimize. In their native form, some of
these methods setting allow upper or lower bounds on parameter
variables, or adding constraints on fitted variables. By using
Parameter objects, lmfit allows bounds and constraints for all of
these methods, and makes it easy to swap between methods without
hanging the objective function or set of Parameters.
Finally, because the approach derived from MINPACK-1 usin the
covariance matrix to determine uncertainties is sometimes questioned
(and sometimes rightly so), lmfit supports methods to do a brute
force search of the confidence intervals and correlations for sets of
This is the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 31 regular users
24 recent
306 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1606.014
- Improve entry
Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
- Description
Photutils contains functions for:
- estimating the background and background rms in astronomical images
- detecting sources in astronomical images
- estimating morphological parameters of those sources (e.g., centroid
and shape parameters)
- performing aperture and PSF photometry
This package contains the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
22 recent
191 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1609.011
- Improve entry
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
- Description
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the speedy FFT library. The ultimate
aim is to present a unified interface for all the possible transforms
that FFTW can perform.
Both the complex DFT and the real DFT are supported, as well as
arbitrary axes of abitrary shaped and strided arrays, which makes it
almost feature equivalent to standard and real FFT functions of
numpy.fft (indeed, it supports the clongdouble dtype which numpy.fft
does not).
pyFFTW is BSD-licensed and should not be confused with python-fftw, a
GPL-licensed python module with the same aim of providing python
bindings to FFTW3. Or python3-gpyfft, which provides bindings to the
OpenCL FFT library clFFT.
This package provides the Python 3 bindings.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 14 regular users
7 recent
152 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2109.009
- Improve entry
Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
- Description
PyMOC provides a Python compatible library for handling MOCs.
Frequently astronomical survey catalogues or images are sparse and
cover only a small part of the sky. In a Multi-Order Coverage map
the extent of data in a particular dataset is cached as a
pre-calculated mask image. The hierarchical nature enables fast
boolean operations in image space, without needing to perform complex
geometrical calculations. Services such as VizieR generally offer the
MOC masks, allowing a faster experience in graphical applications
such as Aladin, or for researchers quickly needing to locate which
datasets may contain overlapping coverage.
The MOC mask image itself is tessellated and stored in NASA HealPix
format, encoded inside a FITS image container. Using the HealPix
(Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization) tessellation
method ensures that more precision (pixels) in the mask are available
when describing complex shapes such as approximating survey or
polygon edges, while only needing to store a single big cell/pixel
when an coverage is either completely inside, or outside of the mask.
Catalogues can be rendered on the mask as circles.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 83 regular users
7 recent
156 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1707.005
- Improve entry
Python interface for IRAF
Python interface for IRAF
PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks in a Python like
environment. It works very similar to IRAF CL, but has been updated
to allow such things as importing Python modules, GUI parameter
editing and help. It can be imported into Python allowing you to run
IRAF commands from within a larger script.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
14 recent
150 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1207.011
- Improve entry
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
- Description
pysynphot simulates photometric data and spectra as they are observed with
the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Passbands for standard photometric systems
are available, and users can incorporate their own filters, spectra, and
data. pysynphot user interface allows you to:
- Construct complicated composite spectra from various grids of model
atmosphere spectra, parameterized spectrum models, and atlases of stellar
- Simulate observations.
- Query the resulting structures for quantities of interest, such as
countrate, effective wavelength, effective stimulus, as well as the
wavelength and flux arrays.
- Plot HST sensitivity curves and calibration target spectra.
- Compute photometric calibration parameters for any HST instrument mode.
pysynphot can help HST observers to perform cross-instrument simulations, to
examine the transmission curve of the HST Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA),
and spectra of HST calibration targets. Expert users can take advantage of
the control and data structures available in Python to easily perform
repetitive operations such as simulate the observation of multiple type of
sources through multiple observing modes.
- Reference
P. L. Lim, R. I. Diaz and V. Laidler:
PySynphot User’s Guide.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
9 recent
144 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1303.023
- Improve entry
Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
- Description
The pyvo module currently provides these main capabilities:
Find archives that provide particular data of a particular type and/or relates
to a particular topic search an archive for datasets of a particular type.
Do simple searches on catalogs or databases get information about an object via
its name.
This is the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 19 regular users
25 recent
200 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1402.004
- Improve entry
Reproject astronomical images with Python 3
Reproject astronomical images with Python 3
- Description
This is a package to reproject astronomical images using various techniques
via a uniform interface. Reprojection means the re-gridding of images from
one world coordinate system to another (for example changing the pixel
resolution, orientation, coordinate system). Currently implemented are
reprojection of celestial images by interpolation, as well as by finding the
exact overlap between pixels on the celestial sphere. It can also reproject
to/from HEALPIX projections.
This package contains the Python 3 version of the package.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 9 regular users
20 recent
185 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 2011.023
- Improve entry
Python library for source extraction and photometry
Python library for source extraction and photometry
- Description
SEP makes the core algorithms of Source Extractor available as a
library of stand-alone functions and classes. These operate
directly on in-memory arrays (no FITS files or configuration files).
The code is derived from the Source Extractor code base (written in
C) and aims to produce results compatible with Source Extractor
whenever possible.
This Python module that wraps the C library in a Pythonic API. The
Python wrapper operates on NumPy arrays.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
9 recent
71 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1811.004
- Improve entry
Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis
Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis
- Description
SNCosmo synthesizes supernova spectra and photometry from SN models,
and has functions for fitting and sampling SN model parameters given
photometric light curve data. It offers fast implementations of
several commonly used extinction laws and can be used to construct SN
models that include dust. The SNCosmo library includes supernova
models such as SALT2, MLCS2k2, Hsiao, Nugent, PSNID, SNANA and Whalen
models, as well as a variety of built-in bandpasses and magnitude
systems, and provides convenience functions for reading and writing
peculiar data formats used in other packages. The library is
extensible, allowing new models, bandpasses, and magnitude systems to
be defined using an object-oriented interface.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
8 recent
69 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1611.017
- Improve entry
manipulation de cubes de données astronomiques avec Python
manipulation de cubes de données astronomiques avec Python
- Description
Le paquet spectral-cube fournit un moyen simple de lire, manipuler,
analyser et écrire des cubes multidimensionnels de données avec deux
dimensions de position et une dimension spectrale, et, de manière
facultative, avec des paramètres de Stokes.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
10 recent
181 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1609.017
- Improve entry
Software library for solar physics based on Python
Software library for solar physics based on Python
- Description
SunPy is a community-developed free and open-source software package for
solar physics. SunPy is meant to be a free alternative to the SolarSoft data
analysis environment. The aim of the SunPy project is to provide the
software tools necessary so that anyone can analyze solar data.
- Reference
T. SunPy Community, S.J. Mumford, S. Christe, D. Perez-Suarez, J. Ireland, A.Y. Shih, A.R. Inglis, S. Liedtke, R.J. Hewett, F. Mayer, K. Hughitt, N. Freij, T. Meszaros, S.M. Bennett, M. Malocha, J. Evans, A. Agrawal, A.J. Leonard, T.P. Robitaille, B. Mampaey, J. Ivan Campos-Rozo and M.S. Kirk:
SunPy-Python for solar physics.
Computational Science and Discovery
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
75 recent
144 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1401.010
- Improve entry
simulation de spectres et données photométriques d’astronomie
simulation de spectres et données photométriques d’astronomie
- Description
Synphot simule des spectres et des données astrophotométriques, observées
ou autres. Il peut incorporer des filtres, des spectres et des données
externes. Il est possible d’utiliser une étoile standard (Véga), une bande
passante et une loi d’extinction pré-définies. De plus, il permet de :
– construire des spectres composites compliqués en utilisant différents
modèles ;
– simuler des observations ;
– calculer des propriétés photométriques tels que le taux de comptage, la
longueur d’onde effective et les stimulus effectifs ;
– manipuler un spectre, par exemple, appliquer le décalage vers le rouge
ou sa normalisation à une valeur donnée de flux, dans une bande
passante donnée ;
– échantillonner un spectre selon des longueurs d’onde données ;
– tracer une vue rapide du spectre ;
– réaliser des opérations répétitives telles que la simulation
d’observations de types multiples de source selon de multiples bandes
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
13 recent
92 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1811.001
- Improve entry
Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)
Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)
- Description
The yt project aims to produce an integrated science environment for
collaboratively asking and answering astrophysical questions. To do so, it will
encompass the creation of initial conditions, the execution of simulations, and
the detailed exploration and visualization of the resultant data. It will also
provide a standard framework based on physical quantities interoperability
between codes.
This package contains the Python 3 version of the package.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 11 regular users
14 recent
162 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1011.022
- Improve entry
visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER
visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER
QFitsView est un visualisateur de fichier FITS basé sur DPUSER. En plus
d’affiches des images en deux dimensions, il fournit aussi des moyens
d’explorer des ensembles de données tridimensionnelles. Il intègre les
fonctionnalités de DPUSER, accessibles directement à partir de QFitsView.
Il est à remarquer que ce paquet a été compilé avec la bibliothèque giza au
lieu de PGPLOT, puisque cette dernière n’est pas un logiciel libre.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 7 regular users
4 recent
107 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1210.019
- Improve entry
New upstream version
outil d’affichage d’image pour l’astronomie
outil d’affichage d’image pour l’astronomie
SAOImage DS9 est application d’imagerie et de visualisation pour
l’astronomie. DS9 gère les images FITS et les tables binaires,
plusieurs tampons de trame, la manipulation de région et plusieurs
algorithmes d’échelle et de cartes de couleurs. Il permet une
communication facile avec des tâches d’analyse externes et est hautement
configurable et extensible à l’aide de XPA et SAMP.
Toutes les versions et plateformes prennent en charge un ensemble cohérent
de capacités graphiques fonctionnelles.
DS9 prend en charge des fonctions modernes telles que les tampons de trame
2D, 3D et RVB, les images en mosaïque, le pavage, le clignotement, les
repères géométriques, la manipulation de carte de couleur, le changement
d’échelle, l’agrandissement arbitraire, le recadrage, la rotation, le
panorama et une variété de systèmes de coordonnées.
L’interface graphique pour DS9 est personnalisable par l’utilisateur. Les
éléments graphiques tels que l’affichage des coordonnées, le panorama
(panner), la loupe, les graphes horizontaux et verticaux, la barre de
boutons et la barre de couleurs peuvent être configurés à l’aide de menus
ou la ligne de commande.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 30 regular users
14 recent
354 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 0003.002
New upstream version
Compute astrometric and photometric solutions
Compute astrometric and photometric solutions
- Description
SCAMP reads SExtractor catalogs and computes astrometric and
photometric solutions for any arbitrary sequence of FITS images in a
completely automatic way.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 6 regular users
6 recent
97 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.063
- Improve entry
Image visualization and access to catalogs and data for astronomy
Image visualization and access to catalogs and data for astronomy
The ESO/Starlink Skycat tool combines the image display capabilities
of the RTD (Real-Time Display) with a set of classes for accessing
astronomical catalogs locally and over the network using HTTP. The tool
allows you to view FITS images from files or from the Digitized Sky
Survey (DSS).
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- field
- astronomy
- interface
- x11
- role
- program
- science
- visualisation
- uitoolkit
- tk
- use
- viewing
- x11
- application
- Popularity
- 12 regular users
5 recent
128 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1109.019
- Improve entry
Image generation from a range of remote databases
Image generation from a range of remote databases
- Description
SkyView is a "virtual" observatory dynamically generating images of
the sky in different wavelength regimes from a static image
database. SkyView is intended as a quick look facility to see the
This package includes the executable.
- Reference
T. McGlynn and K. Scollick:
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III
61:34 - 37
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
5 recent
75 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1511.003
- Improve entry
Visualisation tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation
Visualisation tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation
This (formerly SUPERSPHPLOT) is a visualisation tool for output from
(astrophysical) simulations using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
(SPH) method in one, two and three dimensions. It is written in
Fortran 90 and can utilise the PGPLOT graphics subroutine library to do
the actual plotting. It is based around a command-line menu structure
but utilises the interactive capabilities of PGPLOT to manipulate data
interactively in the plotting window.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
11 recent
113 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1103.004
- Improve entry
conversion d’images scientifiques FITS dans le format TIFF
conversion d’images scientifiques FITS dans le format TIFF
- Description
STIFF est un programme qui convertit les images scientifiques FITS dans le
format TIFF pour servir d’illustrations. Les principales caractéristiques
sont :
– reproduction précise de la luminosité et de la couleur des surfaces originelles ;
– ajustement automatique ou manuel du contraste et de la brillance ;
– balance automatique de l’intensité et de la couleur du ciel d’arrière-plan ;
– saturation des couleurs ajustable ;
– possibilité de correction gamma adaptée aux couleurs ;
– un ou trois canaux d’entrée, sortie en niveau de gris ou vrai couleur ;
– sortie en 8 ou 16 bits par composante ;
– recombinaison de pixels (rebinning) et options de déplacement x/y ;
– prise en charge de grandes images d’entrée et sortie sur du matériel standard
(prise en charge du format BigTIFF) ;
– prise en charge de pyramides tuilées et multirésolutions ;
– prise en charge des méthodes de compression sans ou avec pertes ;
– code multi-processus légers avec équilibrage de charge pour pleinement utiliser
plusieurs cœurs et plusieurs processeurs ;
– sortie XML, conforme au format VOT, des métadonnées.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
5 recent
105 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1110.006
- Improve entry
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
- Description
Le STIL Tool Set est un ensemble d'outils en ligne de commande basés sur
STIL, la
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. Il gère le traitement de données
Le paquet a été conçu pour les tables astronomiques telles que les catalogues
d'objets, mais il ne se limite pas à cela. Certains outils sont génériques
et peuvent
fonctionner avec de nombreux formats (y compris FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV,
et d'autres sont spécifiques au format VOTable. D'une certaine manière, STILTS
constitue la contrepartie en ligne de commande de l'outil graphique
d'analyse de
tables TOPCAT. Le paquet est robuste, pleinement documenté et conçu pour être
efficace, particulièrement avec de très grands jeux de données.
Ce paquet fournit l’exécutable.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 3 regular users
10 recent
76 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1105.001
- Improve entry
Resample and co-add together FITS images
Resample and co-add together FITS images
- Description
Resample and co-add together FITS images using any arbitrary astrometric
projection defined in the WCS standard. The main features of SWarp
- FITS format (including multi-extensions) in input and output,
- Full handling of weight-maps in input and output,
- Ability to work with very large images (up to 500 Mpixels on
32-bit machines and 10^6 Tpixels with 64-bits), thanks to customized
virtual-memory-mapping and buffering,
- Works with arrays in up to 9 dimensions (including or not two spherical
- Selectable high-order interpolation method (up to 8-tap filters) in any
- Compatible with WCS and TNX (IRAF) astrometric descriptions,
- Support for equatorial, galactic and equatorial coordinate systems,
- Astrometric and photometric parameters are read from FITS headers or
external ASCIIfiles,
- Built-in background subtraction,
- Built-in noise-level measurement for automatic weighting,
- Automatic centering and sizing functions of the output field,
- Multi-threaded code with load-balancing to take advantageof multiple
- XML VOTable-compliant output of meta-data.
- Reference
E. Bertin, Y. Mellier, M. Radovich, G. Missonnier, P. Didelon and B. Morin:
The TERAPIX Pipeline.
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
7 recent
107 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.068
- Improve entry
Astronomical image data reduction pipeline
Astronomical image data reduction pipeline
THELI is a powerful tool to reduce optical, near- and mid-infrared
astronomical imaging data, supporting more than 100 different single-
and multi-chip instruments at professional observatories world-wide. The
graphical user interface and internal data model allow the user to
concentrate on the highly automated data processing, without being
side-tracked by the specific complexities and characteristics of optical
and infrared instruments. THELI is fully scalable on multi-processor
machines with shared memory, allowing fast processing also of large data
sets. The integrated data viewer allows access to any products on drive
as well as in memory. User-defined instruments can be added, making
THELI interesting for amateur astronomers as well.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
3 recent
52 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1308.013
- Improve entry
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular
data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers
need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other
tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It
understands a number of different astronomically important formats
(including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added.
This package contains the executable.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 13 regular users
15 recent
103 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1101.010
- Improve entry
Header files and static library for wcslib and pgsbox
Header files and static library for wcslib and pgsbox
- Description
WCSLIB is a C library, supplied with a full set of Fortran wrappers, that
implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) standard in FITS (Flexible
Image Transport System).
PGSBOX draws and labels a curvilinear coordinate grid. The caller
must provide a separate external function, NLFUNC, to define the
non-linear coordinate transformation.
This package contains the static libraries and the C header files.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Tags
- devel
- lang:c, lang:fortran, library
- field
- astronomy
- role
- devel-lib
- use
- converting
- works-with
- file, image, image:raster
- Popularity
- 4 regular users
6 recent
108 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Enhancements
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1108.003
- Improve entry
Handle the WCS of a FITS image
Handle the WCS of a FITS image
- Description
WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create,
display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF
image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel
position within the image to position on the sky. Auxiliary programs
search star catalogs and manipulate images.
This package contains the binary tools.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 10 regular users
8 recent
137 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1109.015
- Improve entry
Combine maps and polygon data for astronomical image processing
Combine maps and polygon data for astronomical image processing
- Description
WeightWatcher is a program that combines weight-maps, flag-maps and polygon
data in order to produce control maps which can directly be used in
astronomical image-processing packages like Drizzle, Swarp or SExtractor.
Weight-thresholding and/or specific flag selections are applied by
WeightWatcher through a configuration file: this alleviates other programs
from such interpretation work. WeightWatcher will mostly be useful as part of
an imaging survey pipeline. Its main features are:
- Processing speed: limited by the I/O performances of the machine
(typically 50 Mpixel/s on a workstation),
- Ability to work with very large images (up to, say, 10^8 × 10^9 pixels on
a 64 bit system),
- FITS format (including Multi-Extension) is used for input and
output. Output flag-map format selection is automatic (8, 16 or 32bits),
- Up to 30 weight-maps, 30 flag-maps, and thousands of polygons can be
handled simultaneously.
- Automatic rasterizing of DS9 .reg files,
- Statistics of flagged and weighted areas,
- Metadata output in XML-VOTable format.
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 5 regular users
5 recent
93 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1010.069
- Improve entry
Fast generic widefield interferometric imager
Fast generic widefield interferometric imager
WSClean (w-stacking clean) is a fast generic widefield imager. It uses the
w-stacking algorithm and can make use of the w-snapshot algorithm. As of
Feb 2014, it is 2-12 times faster than CASA's w-projection, depending on the
array configuration. It supports full-sky imaging and proper beam correction
for homogeneous dipole arrays such as the MWA.
WSClean allows Hogbom and Cotton-Schwab cleaning, and can clean polarizations
joinedly. All operations are performed on the CPU (it is not specialized for
- Reference
A. R. Offringa, B. McKinley, N. Hurley-Walker, F. H. Briggs, R. B. Wayth, D. L. Kaplan, M. E. Bell, L. Feng, A. R. Neben, J. D. Hughes, J. Rhee, T. Murphy, N. D. R. Bhat, G. Bernardi, J. D. Bowman, R. J. Cappallo, B. E. Corey, A. A. Deshpande, D. Emrich, A. Ewall-Wice, B. M. Gaensler, R. Goeke, L. J. Greenhill, B. J. Hazelton, L. Hindson, M. Johnston-Hollitt, D. C. Jacobs, J. C. Kasper, E. Kratzenberg, E. Lenc, C. J. Lonsdale, M. J. Lynch, S. R. McWhirter, D. A. Mitchell, M. F. Morales, E. Morgan, N. Kudryavtseva, D. Oberoi, S. M. Ord, B. Pindor, P. Procopio, T. Prabu, J. Riding, D. A. Roshi, N. U. Shankar, K. S. Srivani, R. Subrahmanyan, S. J. Tingay, M. Waterson, R. L. Webster, A. R. Whitney, A. Williams and C. L. Williams:
WSCLEAN: an implementation of a fast, generic wide-field imager for radio astronomy.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
444:606 - 619
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
- 2 regular users
5 recent
86 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1408.023
- Improve entry
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
??? missing short description for package python3-pyfits :-(
??? missing short description for package python3-pyfits :-(
- Reference
- Maintainer
- Versions
- Popularity
10 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1207.009
- Improve entry
Debian packages in contrib or non-free
5.2.2-19.7 (non-free)
large subroutine library for plotting scientific data
large subroutine library for plotting scientific data
- Description
Many routines are included in pgplot for viewing scientific data. Many
(about 70) output devices are supported. 2-D, 3-D, contour, image
manipulation, etc. are well supported. Interactive routines are
included. Both a C and a FORTRAN library are present.
- Maintainer
- Versions
5.2.2-19.4 (non-free)
5.2.2-19.3 (non-free)
5.2.2-19.7 (non-free)
5.2.2-19.5 (non-free)
5.2.2-19+deb8u1 (non-free)
5.2.2-19.3 (non-free)
5.2.2-19.7 (non-free)
- Tags
- devel
- library
- field
- mathematics
- role
- devel-lib, shared-lib
- Popularity
- 57 regular users
4 recent
212 total installations
(of 251658 submissions)
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1103.002. Giza-dev is a DFSG-free replacement for pgplot5.
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
Virtual Observatory aware spectrum analysis tool
Virtual Observatory aware spectrum analysis tool
- Description
CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Infrarouges et
Submillimetriques), is suited for broad-band spectral surveys to
speed up the scientific analysis of high spectral resolution
observations. It uses a local spectroscopic database made of the two
molecular spectroscopic databases JPL and CDMS, as well as the atomic
spectroscopic database NIST. Its tools include a LTE model and the
RADEX model connected to the LAMDA molecular collisional
database. CASSIS can build a line list fitting the various
transitions of a given species and to directly produce rotational
diagrams from these lists. CASSIS is fully integrated intoHIPE, the
Herschel Interactive Processing Environment, as a plug-in.
This is the end user tool.
- Reference
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1402.013
Photoionization simulations for the discriminating astrophysicist since 1978
Photoionization simulations for the discriminating astrophysicist since 1978
- Description
Cloudy is an open source plasma simulation code that is designed to simulate
conditions in a nonequilibrium gas, and predict its spectrum. The code
incorporates physical processes from first principles, as much as possible.
The goal is to simulate the ionization, level populations, molecular state,
and thermal state, over all extremes of density and temperature. The approach
of working from fundamental processes means that Cloudy can be applied to such
diverse regions as the corona of a star, the intergalactic medium, or the
accretion disk near the supermassive black hole in a luminous quasar.
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 9910.001
Python toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data (Python 3)
Python toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data (Python 3)
- Description
PySpecKit is a code framework designed to allow for analysis of spectroscopic
data from a wide variety of astronomical instruments.
Initial implementation focuses on optical and radio applications, e.g.
gaussian and voigt profile fitting, baseline/continuum fitting, and
equivalent width measurements.
- Responsible
- Versions
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1109.001
No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)
Automatic feature identification in 2D and 3D
Automatic feature identification in 2D and 3D
- Description
DisPerSE stands for "Discrete Persistent Structures Extractor" and
its main purpose is the automatic identification of persistent
topological features such as peaks, voids, walls and in particular
filamentary structures within sampled distributions in 2D, 3D, and
possibly more...
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1302.015
General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python
General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python
- Description
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id: 1610.007
Modeling and fitting in Python 3
Modeling and fitting in Python 3
- Description
Sherpa is a Python package for modeling and fitting. It enables the user to
construct complex models from simple definitions and fit those models to
data, using a variety of statistics and optimization methods.
It was originally developed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory /
Chandra X-Ray Center as part of the larger CIAO package for X-ray data
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1107.005
Spectral Analysis Tool (SPLAT) for Virtual Observatory
Spectral Analysis Tool (SPLAT) for Virtual Observatory
- Description
Splat-VO is an desktop client for viewing and analysis of Virtual
Observatory (VO) spectral data. This graphical tool can display,
analyse, compare and modify already extracted spectra stored in FITS,
TEXT, and NDF/NDX formats. It can also interact with the Virtual
Observatory registery and data-centres to dynamically query and
download data for a particular section of the sky on-demand.
Splat-VO can work in multiple coordinate systems and can plot and
overlay multiple spectra at the same time. Plots are displayed in a
visually rich format. Analysis can be performed by selecting and
zooming multiple, and fitting to emission and absorption lines.
- Debian
- Upstream
- Remark
ASCL-Id 1402.007