Tento metabalík nainštaluje vzdelávacie logické hry.
For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:
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to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
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Debian Games puzzle packages
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Slide and add puzzle game for text mode
Versions of package 2048 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.20220905.1556-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.20210105.1243-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 1.0.3 |
License: DFSG free
The 2048 game is a mathematics based puzzle game where you have to
slide tiles in a 4x4 board in any of the four possible directions.
Touching tiles with the same value are then merged into tiles with the
added value of the merged ones. You start with a couple of 2-valued
tiles and new tiles appear randomly after sliding. The target of the
game is to reach a tile with a value of 2048 before the board is full.
Versions of package 2048-qt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.1.5-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Logická hra 2048 je matematická hra, kde musíte presúvať dlaždice na
mriežke tak, aby ste ich skombinovali a vytvorili dlaždicu s číslom
2048. Musíte zlučovať dlaždice s podobným číslom (2n) ich presúvaním v
štyroch smeroch pomocou klávesov so šípkami. Keď sa dotknú dve dlaždice
s rovnakým číslom, zlúčia sa do jednej.
hry typu Solitaire so vzhľadom tučniaka
Versions of package ace-of-penguins |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.3-13 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.5~rc2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.5~rc2-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.5~rc2-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.5~rc2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5~rc2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.5~rc2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package ace-of-penguins: |
game | board, card, puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ace of Penguins je sada solitaire hier inšpirovaná tými, ktoré sú
dostupné pre MS Windows, ale s početnými rozšíreniami.
Balík pozostáva z hier Canfield, Freecell, Golf, Mastermind, Merlin,
Minesweeper, Pegged, Solitaire, Spider, Taipei (s editorom úrovní), a
Pozn: Ak narazíte na problémy s klávesom F1, prosím, uistite sa, že máte
nainštalovaný balík xfonts-100dpi.
logická hra v štýle Puyo Puyo pre jedného alebo dvoch hráčov
Versions of package amoebax |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.2.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.2.1+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.2.1+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.1+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.2.1+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.1+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.2.1+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package amoebax: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Kvôli strašnej mutácii sa niektoré druhy meňaviek začali množiť a ak ich
nedokážete zastaviť, prevezmú nadvládu nad svetom. Našťastie sú vďaka
mutácii nestabilné a ak zarovnáte vedľa seba štyri alebo viac z nich,
Hrajte ako Kim alebo Tom šiestimi úrovňami a zabráňte milým množiacim sa
meňavkám zaplaviť svet a staňte sa novým Pánom meňaviek. Dávajte si pozor
na stvorenia, ktoré sú milé, ale ovládajú ich meňavky. Pokúsia sa vám
zabrániť vo vašej misii.
Amoebax má úrovne pre každého, od detí po dospelých. Vaka tréningovému
režimu si hru každý rýchlo osvojí a v režime turnaja sa budete môcť zabaviť
s vašimi priateľmi. Tiež má chytľavú hudbu, zábavné zvukové efekty a
nádherné scény, ktoré sa určite budú páčiť celej rodine.
originálna logická hra s farbami pre dvoch hráčov
Versions of package atom4 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 4.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 4.1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 4.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 4.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 4.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 4.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 4.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package atom4: |
game | puzzle |
interface | text-mode, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Atom-4 je hra pre dvoch hráčov s manipuláciou farieb, ktorá sa hrá s
farebnými guľovými figúrami na doske rozdelenej na rovnostranné
trojuholníky. Hráč, ktorý ako prvý vytvorí rad 4 figúr správnej farby
Hráči však nehrajú priamo s figúrami víťaznej farby - svoje výherné figúry
musia zostaviť zmenami farby, ktoré sa dejú na susedných figúrach pri
umiestnení novej figúry na dosku.
Atom-4 podporuje textové rozhranie založené na curses aj rozhranie X11.
logická hra s cieľom zostaviť molekulu z izolovaných atómov
Versions of package atomix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.34.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.31.90-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.22.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.14.0-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 44.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 44.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.34.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package atomix: |
field | chemistry |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
suite | gnome |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying, learning |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Atomix je vzdelávacia hra navrhnutá pre GNOME, v ktorej máte zostavovať od
jednoduchých anorganických po extrémne komplexné organické molekuly z
izolovaných atómov.
Jednoduchosť prvých úrovní môže byť zavádzajúca, pretože so zvyšujúcou sa
úrovňou sa zvyšuje komplexnosť, takže na každej úrovni môžete stráviť
niekoľko minút (alebo aj oveľa viac).
jednoduchý hudobný kvíz o vašich hudobných súboroch
Versions of package auralquiz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.8.1-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.8.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.0-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
auralquiz je hra hudobného kvízu, ktorý prehľadá priečinok s hudbou, ktorý
vyberiete a vytvorí kvíz na základe značiek zo zvukových súborov. Prehrá
vzorku náhodnej piesne a hráč musí zodpovedať otázku o tejto vzorke buď
výberom z viacerých možností alebo v prípade obtiažnosti hardcore napísať
správnu odpoveď. Hru môže hrať 1-8 hráčov, ktorí sa striedajú. Hra sa boduje
a za rýchlejšie zodpovedanie otázky je možné získať viac bodov.
logická hra v štýle Sokoban
Versions of package berusky |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.7.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.7.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.7.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.7-1+deb9u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.4-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.7.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package berusky: |
game | puzzle |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Berusky je slobodná logická hra založená na starobylej hre Sokoban. Pôvodná
myšlienka hry spočívala v presúvaní krabíc v bludisku a bola rozšírená o veci
ako výbušniny, kamene, špeciálne brány a podobne. Naviac je k dispozícii až
päť chrobákov, ktoré môže hráč ovládať. Na splnenie každej úrovne (je ich
okolo 120) je nutné získať päť kľúčov a mať voľnú cestu k východu.
logická hra Bugs Escape 3D
Versions of package berusky2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.12-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.12-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.12-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.10-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.10-7+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.12-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package berusky2: |
game | puzzle |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Rozšírená 3D verzia hry, vychádzajúca z hry Berušky, ktorá je tiež dostupná
v Debiane. Berušky II je hra, v ktorej pomocou vizuálne-priestorového
uvažovania a schopnosti hľadať cestu riešite logickú úlohu.
Celá hra sa odohráva v 3D prostredí, pričom hráte v roli rôznych chrobákov
a vediete ich von z bludiska. Okrem ľubovoľného otáčania a približovania
úrovní sa všetky logické zápletky odohrávajú v priestore.
V porovnaní s prvým dielom boli pridané nové logické prvky, jednoduchý
lineárny príbeh sprevádzaný sériou komiksov, rôzne 3D prostredia, vodné
povrchy a ďalšie.
game about consciousness and isolation
Versions of package between |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 6+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 6+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package between: |
game | platform, puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
system | laptop |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.
You know exactly what you need to do -- you can see it shimmering
right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming, too, and
the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people
blend in and out: real characters and dream characters, all woven into
the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and you're alone in the
expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing,
a pinhole that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The
construction languishes, though the expanse seems indifferent.
One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not
have conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms
of leaves. Not distant planets' erosion networks as viewed through
telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but lack
the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and
non-procedural: indecipherable transmissions bubbling up through static,
faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints on cave
walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and
distance of unknown magnitude, but stale evidence is still evidence.
Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is an "other".
logic game with arcade and tactics modes
Versions of package biniax2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.30-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.30-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.30-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.30-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.30-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.30-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.30-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package biniax2: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Biniax-2 is an original and entertaining game. It only takes a minute to learn
and gives you hours and hours of game play. There are three game modes (two
single-player and one multi-player), a hall of fame, dynamic music and a nice
cartoon look.
Versions of package black-box |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.4.8-2.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.4.8-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package black-box: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves
the box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to
guess where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots.
puzzle game inspired by Tetris
Versions of package blockattack |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.8.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.4.1+ds1-2.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.9.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 2.0.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.9.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 2.3.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.6.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 2.9.1 |
Debtags of package blockattack: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
network | client, server |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | editing, gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Block Attack is a puzzle/blockfall game inspired by Nintendo's Tetris Attack
for the Super Nintendo. The game is pretty action packed for a puzzle game :-)
- Based on the classic "Tetris Attack" for the SNES
- 5 single player modes: Endless, Time Trial, Puzzle Mode, Stage Clear and
Vs. Mode
- 2 two player options: Time Trial and Vs. Mode
- Puzzle mode has 20+ puzzles
- Players can use a custom key setup
- Handicap in multiplayer
- Highscores are saved
- Joypad support
- Music and sound effects
- Animations
- Select puzzle file from a list in the game
System requirements:
- Screen resolution: 1024x768 (cannot be changed, but it can run in a window)
- Keyboard
- Mouse (optional)
- Processor: Decent (tested on 733 MHz)
- Memory: at least 64 MB
Tetris Attack clone with spooky undertones
Versions of package blocks-of-the-undead |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package blocks-of-the-undead: |
game | puzzle |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Blocks of the Undead is a puzzle game.
You have to remove all the blocks on the field by swapping these
36 logických hier pre celú rodinu
Versions of package brainparty |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.61+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.61+dfsg-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.61+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.61+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.61+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.61+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.61+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package brainparty: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Brain Party je zábavná logická hra pre celú rodinu, ktorá sa môže
skladať až z 36 minihier, ktoré odskúšajú hranice vášho mozgu v
oblastiach pamäti, logiky, matematiky, reakčnej doby a ďalších. Brain
party je rozdelená do dvoch režimov: testovací režim vám dá päť
minihier za sebou a sčíta vaše skóre, aby ste videli aký ste
inteligentný a režim cvičenia, kde môžete svoje obľúbené minihry hrať
ľubovoľne. Ak ich zahráte dostatočne dobre, môžete odomknúť až ďalších
šesť minihier a nový herný režim, v ktorom budete hrať a užívať si
svoje obľúbené hry ešte dlhšie.
??? missing short description for package bsdgames :-(
Versions of package bsdgames |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 2.17-22 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 2.17-28 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.17-28 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.17-29 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.17-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.17-35 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 2.17-25 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package bsdgames: |
game | adventure, board, puzzle, rpg, simulation, sport, toys, typing |
interface | commandline, text-mode |
role | program |
suite | bsd |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
sokoban game with network based multiplayer gaming
Versions of package cavepacker |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.5.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.5.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.5.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.5.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.4+git20160609-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.4+git20160609-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
CavePacker is a sokoban game. It is a puzzle game where you have to move the
packages onto their targets without getting stuck. The lesser steps you made
for solving a level, the better. You may only push but not pull packages.
Abstract puzzle game - graphical version
Versions of package chroma |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.19-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster-backports | 0.8.2-1~bpo10+2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.6.3+really0.6.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.19-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.19-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Chroma is an abstract puzzle game. A variety of colourful shapes are
arranged in a series of increasingly complex patterns, forming
fiendish traps that must be disarmed and mysterious puzzles that must
be manipulated in order to give up their subtle secrets. Initially so
straightforward that anyone can pick it up and begin to play, yet
gradually becoming difficult enough to tax even the brightest of
minds. Have you got what it takes to solve Chroma?
A terminal-based version of this game is available in the
'chroma-curses' package.
A circular color puzzle game
Versions of package chromono |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.1.1-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.1.1-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.1-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
chro.mono is a puzzle game originally developed in 2013 for mobile devices.
The goal of the game is to touch half-colored spheres with full-colored
spheres in such a way that all spheres are filledwith a single color each.
Later on in the game, additional limitations and variations on the game
mechanics plus time limits keep the gameplay interesting.
Versions of package connectagram |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.2.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.1.2-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.3.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.11-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package connectagram: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The board consists of several scrambled words that are joined together.
You can choose the length of the words, the amount of words, and the
pattern that the words are arranged in. The game provides a hint option
for times when you are stuck.
logická hra inšpirovaná Eisteinovým hlavolamom
Versions of package einstein |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.0.dfsg.2-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.0.dfsg.2-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.0.dfsg.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.0.dfsg.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.0.dfsg.2-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.0.dfsg.2-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.0.dfsg.2-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package einstein: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Táto logická hra je remake starej hry Sherlock pre DOS, ktorú inšpiroval
hlavolam Alberta Eisteina. Cieľom hry je otvoriť všetky karty v poradí v
štvorci 6x6 kariet. Na to je uvedených niekoľko rád popisujúcich vzťahy
medzi polohami kariet. Použite ich na nájdenie správneho rozloženia.
Game where you control a marble with the mouse
Versions of package enigma |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.20-dfsg.1-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.20-dfsg.1-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.30+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.30+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.20-dfsg.1-2.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.20-dfsg.1-2.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.20-dfsg.1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package enigma: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll
on the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and
some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept.
In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of
Oxyd stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by
the fact that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected
by unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot
of dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive).
This package contains the game engine.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Versions of package explosive-c4 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The classic four in a row game.
Two players can play on the same device, or it can be played
against an AI.
It is similar to kfourinline but optimised for mobile devices
with touch screens and slower CPUs.
logická hra o inteligentnej rybe zachraňujúcej svet v štýle Sokobanu
Versions of package fillets-ng |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.0.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package fillets-ng: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Fish Fillets je prísne logická hra. Všetkých sedemdesiat úrovní má rovnaký
cieľ: nájsť bezpečnú únikovú cestu. Ryby trúsia vtipné poznámky o svojom
okolí, rozličných obyvateľoch sveta pod hladinou, škriepia sa navzájom a
komentujú snahy vašej ryby. Celú hru sprevádza tichá, ukľudňujúca hudba.
Fast Light Toolkit - example games: checkers, sudoku
Versions of package fltk1.3-games |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.3.8-6.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.3.2-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.3.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.3.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.3.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.8-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.3.8-6.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package fltk1.3-games: |
devel | examples |
game | board, puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | fltk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
This package contains the example games that accompany FLTK.
Specifically, it contains the following two programs:
- flblocks: clear groups of adjacent blocks before they fill the screen;
- flcheckers: classic board game, also known as draughts;
- flsudoku: Sudoku puzzle (place numbers in a grid).
The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface
toolkit originally based on libForms.
simpler figure block game
Versions of package freealchemist |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.5-1 | all |
sid | 0.5-2 | all |
trixie | 0.5-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.5-1.1 | all |
buster | 0.5-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.5-2 | all |
jessie | 0.5-1 | all |
upstream | 0.7 |
Debtags of package freealchemist: |
game | tetris |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
FreeAlchemist is a figure block game written in Python where you have to
connect blocks.
The three or more blocks connected with the same shape will be replaced by a
block with a different shape.
Versions of package freesweep |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.0.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.90-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.90-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package freesweep: |
game | puzzle |
interface | text-mode |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying, scanning |
License: DFSG free
Freesweep is an implementation of the popular minesweeper game, where
one tries to find all the mines without igniting any, based on hints given
by the computer. Unlike most implementations of this game, Freesweep
works in any visual text display - in Linux console, in an xterm, and in
most text-based terminals currently in use.
hra testujúca a trénujúca mozog, pre zábavu i zlepšovanie
Versions of package gbrainy |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 2.2.3-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.4.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.3.0-1 | all |
buster | 2.3.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.4.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gbrainy: |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | learning |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
gbrainy je platforma na trénovanie pamäti, aritmetických a logických
schopností pomocou mnohých typov testov rôznej zložitosti. Obsahuje úlohy
pre všetky vekové kategórie a účely: pre deti, ktorým chcú ich rodičia
rozvíjať schopnosti, pre dospelých, ktorí si chcú udržať pamäť v kondícii,
pre starších ľudí, ktorí chcú precvičovať svoju pamäť, atď.
Obsahuje nasledujúce typy hier:
- logické hádanky: hry, ktoré sú výzvou pre vaše myslenie a uvažovanie
- počítanie v duchu: hry založené na aritmetických operáciách na zvýšenie
vašich počítacích zručností
- trénovanie pamäti: hry vytvorené na trénovanie krátkodobej pamäti
- verbálne analógie: hry vytvorené na trénovanie verbálnych schopností
Recreate a grid of mirrors from clues given by tests
Versions of package gfpoken |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
Debtags of package gfpoken: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Send balls through an invisible grid of mirrors (and other interesting
widgets) and observe where they end up. Then, try to recreate the same
grid from the results you just obtained.
Tangram (puzzle) game clone
Versions of package glpeces |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 5.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 5.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 5.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 5.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 5.0-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 5.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package glpeces: |
game | puzzle |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
The Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle game where the player has to arrange
a set of figures with 7 polygonal pieces.
Peces allows playing 40 different modalities of tangrams and it includes more
than 31,000 figures to solve. Also, it allows creating new figures and
competitions. glpeces is especially designed to use in education.
figure out which letters are which numbers
Versions of package gmult |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 10.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 11.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 11.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 8.0-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 8.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 8.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 8.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gmult: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Multiplication Puzzle is a simple GTK 4 game that emulates the
multiplication game found in Emacs. Basically, a multiplication
problem is shown with all digits replaced by letters. Your job
is to guess which letter represents which number.
klasická východná hra s kockami pre GNOME
Versions of package gnome-mahjongg |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 3.14.1-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 3.22.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.38.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.38.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 48~rc-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 48~rc-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 3.22.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gnome-mahjongg: |
uitoolkit | gtk |
License: DFSG free
Toto je verzia klasickej východnej hry Mahjongg s kockami pre jedného
Začínate s piatimi úrovňami kociek, ktoré sú naskladané na seba tak, že
niektoré zakrývajú vyššie položené kocky. Cieľom Mahjonggu je odstrániť
z hernej plochy všetky kocky nájdením zodpovedajúcich si dvojíc kociek.
logická hra portovaná z ATARI XE/XL
Versions of package gnurobbo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.66+dfsg-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.68+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.68+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.68+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.68+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.68+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.68+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gnurobbo: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
GNU Robbo je veľmi návyková logická hra. Musíte pomôcť malému robotovi
dostať sa z nepriateľskej planéty, pričom zbierate súčiastky núdzového
Hru pôvodne napísal pre Atari XE/XL Janusz Pelc z „LK. Avalon“.
jednoduchá logická hra s rozuzľovaním rovinných grafov
Versions of package gplanarity |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 17906-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 17906-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 17906-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 17906-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 17906-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 17906-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 17906-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package gplanarity: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
gPlanarity je logická hra s cieľom rozuzliť rovinné grafy pre zábavu a
ceny. Ak obľubujete milé malé matematické hádanky, táto je skvelá.
gPlanarity je super klon flashovej hry Planarity, ktorú napísal John
Tantalo. Pôvodná Planarity dobre fungovala v IE a Firefoxe na iných
platformách, ale bola pomalá a v linuxových prehliadačoch rada zamrzla
alebo havarovala.
gPlanarity implementuje rovnakú hernú mechaniku ako pôvodná Planarity, ale
pridáva niektoré doplnky rozhrania a hry k základnej hre ako viaceré
algoritmy na generovanie dosiek, dosky s problémami, kompletný stav grafu,
skupinový výber/ťahanie atď.
curses-based clone of the DOS free-ware game Greed
Versions of package greed |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 3.10-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 3.10-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 4.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 4.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package greed: |
game | puzzle |
hardware | input:keyboard |
interface | text-mode |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
This is a curses-based clone of the DOS free-ware game Greed. The goal
of this game is to try to eat as much as possible of the board before
munching yourself into a corner.
Versions of package groundhog |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.4-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.4-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.4-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.4-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package groundhog: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The purpose of this game is to put balls in pockets of the same color
by manipulating a maze of tubes.
??? missing short description for package gtans :-(
Versions of package gtans |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.99.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.99.0-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.99.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.99.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.99.0-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package gtans: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying, learning |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Versions of package gtkballs |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 3.1.5-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3.1.5-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.1.5-11 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 3.1.5-10 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.1.5-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 3.1.5+git20210713.6e53b66-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.1.5+git20210713.6e53b66-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package gtkballs: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The goal of this game is to make the highest score by matching a number of
balls of the same color in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.
This is a clone of well-known DOS game "Lines".
logická hra v štýle „Diamond mine“
Versions of package gweled |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.9.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.9.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0~beta1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0~beta1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye-backports | 0.9.1-8~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.9.1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package gweled: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Gweled je GNOME verzia populárnej hry pre PalmOS/Windows/Java zvanej
„Bejeweled“ alebo „Diamond mine“. Cieľom hry je zarovnanie 3 alebo viac
drahých kameňov zvisle alebo vodorovne tým, že vymeníte kamene stojace vedľa
seba. Hra končí, keď už nie sú možné žiadne ťahy.
puzzle game based on hexagonal tiles
Versions of package hex-a-hop |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.1.0+git20140926-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.0.20070315-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.0.20070315-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1.0+git20140926-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.1.0+git20140926-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.0+git20140926-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.0+git20140926-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package hex-a-hop: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Hex-a-hop is a great puzzle game in which a girl has to break all the green
tiles in an hexagonal map and step onto a safe tile without getting trapped.
As you progress through the game, more types of tiles are introduced which
make things more difficult and interesting as you progress through the many
levels. You can use the infinite undo feature to retrace your steps if you
make a mistake. You can take as long as you like to complete each level.
Versions of package hexalate |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.3-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 1.2.5 |
Debtags of package hexalate: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Hexalate is a color matching game. The goal of the game is to rotate and
position the circles so that each touching line matches in color. You rotate
circles by right clicking, and you move circles by dragging them. The game
stores the positions and rotations of the circles across runs.
logická hra podobná sudoku
Versions of package hitori |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 44.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.22.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.31.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.38.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.38.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 44.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package hitori: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Hitori vám dá mriežku naplnenú číslami. Cieľom je odstrániť čísla tak, aby
žiaden riadok ani stĺpec neobsahoval duplicity.
Tát implementácia má podporu vrátenia/opakovania kroku, môže dávať rady a
tvoriť hry až do veľkosti 10x10 buniek.
arcade and puzzle 2D game
Versions of package jag |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.3.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.3.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.3.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.3.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Puzzle game where the goal is to break all the target pieces in each level
and do this before the time runs out.
Move game pieces using mouse into matches of 3 or more in a straight
line horizontally or vertically.
Photo puzzle game for children
Versions of package jigzo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.6.1-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.6.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.6.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.6.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.6.1-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.6.1-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.6.1-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package jigzo: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
jigzo (formerly glpuzzle) is a jigsaw puzzle game. Choose from 12 puzzles of
increasing difficult. The difficulty ranges from 4 to 25 puzzle pieces. This
game requires a OpenGl hardware acceleration.
game of skill and reflexes for all the family
Versions of package kball |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.0.20041216-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.0.20041216-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.0.20041216-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.0.20041216-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 0.0.20041216-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.0.20041216-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.0.20041216-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package kball: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | editing, gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A game of skill and reflexes, non violent, suitable for all ages. The idea
is to move the ball around the map, without falling, without running out of
time, and getting the prizes, in order to reach the exit. The main feature
of the game is the built-in map editor, so anybody can make their own maps.
Versions of package lightsoff |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.38.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 46.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 46.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 3.14.1-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.22.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.30.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 40.0.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package lightsoff: |
uitoolkit | gtk |
License: DFSG free
Logická hra, v ktorej treba vypnúť všetky svetlá.
Puzzle game inspired by Lemmings
Versions of package lix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.9.29-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
buster | 0.9.24-1 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
This is an action-puzzle game inspired by Lemmings (DMA Design, 1991), with
singleplayer puzzles, networked multiplayer, and a level editor. Lix is
written in the D programming language, uses Allegro 5 for graphics, sound,
and input, and uses enet for networking.
game where you build figures out of colored marbles
Versions of package lmarbles |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.8-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.0.8-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.8-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.8-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.8-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.7-1.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.7-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 1.0.8-win32 |
Debtags of package lmarbles: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The goal of this game is to create a more or less complex figure
out of single marbles within a time limit to reach the next level.
Sounds easy? Well, there is a problem: If a marble starts to move,
it will not stop until it hits a wall or another marble.
video game with mice in a maze
Versions of package miceamaze |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.8-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 4.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 4.2.2 |
Debtags of package miceamaze: |
uitoolkit | sdl |
License: DFSG free
MiceAmaze is a video game that features a maze with mice and snakes.
The goal is to bring the most mice to your house by placing arrows on the
maze floor. But beware the snakes that want to eat them!
Shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam.
Versions of package mirrormagic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 3.0.0+dfsg2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.0.0+dfsg2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3.3.0+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.3.0+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.1.0+dfsg1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 3.3.1 |
Debtags of package mirrormagic: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A game like "Deflektor" (C 64) or "Mindbender" (Amiga).
The goal is to work out how to get around obstacles to shoot
energy containers with your beam, enabling the path to the
next level to be opened. Included are many levels known from
the games "Deflektor" and "Mindbender".
Some features:
- stereo sound effects and music
- music module support for SDL version (Unix/Win32)
- fullscreen support for SDL version (Unix/Win32)
- complete source code included under GNU GPL
Ball in labyrinth game for the OpenMoko FreeRunner
Versions of package mokomaze |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.5.5+git8+dfsg0-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.5.5+git8+dfsg0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package mokomaze: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
system | laptop, mobile |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Mokomaze is the opensource implementation of the classic game where you control
a steel ball by tilting a wooden labyrinth.
This package requires acceleration sensors and is targeted for the Openmoko
FreeRunner smartphone.
Versions of package monsterz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.7.1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.7.1-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.7.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.7.1-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.7.1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7.1-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.7.1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package monsterz: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Monsterz is similar to the Bejeweled, Zookeeper or Zooo games.
The goal is to swap adjacent tiles to create alignments,
causing chain reactions to earn more points.
crayon based physics puzzle game
Versions of package numptyphysics |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.3.10-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.2+svn157-0.3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.2+svn157-0.5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.2+svn157-0.3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.2+svn157-0.5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.3.10-0.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.2+svn157-0.3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package numptyphysics: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Numpty Physics is a drawing puzzle game in the spirit (and style?) of
Crayon Physics using the same excellent Box2D engine. It melds cute
schoolbook-style graphics with a kind of realistic physics engine.
It includes a built-in editor so that you may build (and submit) your
own levels.
Compose words using a 4x4 grid of letters
Versions of package parolottero |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
A word game intended for touch screens.
Players must drag their finger (or mouse) over random letters in a 4x4 grid
to compose as many words as they can, until the time runs out.
Puzzle game about matching 3D model structures
Versions of package pathogen |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.1.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.1.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.1.1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package pathogen: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with
a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour
game development competition. The theme of the competition was "Infection".
In Pathogen Warrior, the player's task is to match rotating 3D pathogen
structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map. The time to accomplish
the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the
player is advanced to next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.
puzzle game involving paths and marbles
Versions of package pathological |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.1.3-15 | all |
bullseye | 1.1.3-16 | all |
stretch | 1.1.3-14 | all |
jessie | 1.1.3-12 | all |
bookworm | 1.1.3-17 | all |
sid | 1.1.3-18 | all |
trixie | 1.1.3-18 | all |
Debtags of package pathological: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pathological is an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts.
To solve a level, fill each wheel with four marbles of matching color.
Various board elements such as teleporters, switches, filters, etc., make
the game interesting and challenging. New levels can be created using your
favorite text editor.
redukuje 3D tvary na jediný štvorec
Versions of package phlipple |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.8.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.8.5-5.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.8.5-5.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.8.5-5.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.8.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.8.5-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.8.5-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package phlipple: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | glut, sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Phlipple je jedinečná logická hra. Cieľom každej úrovne je redukovať 3D tvar
na jediný štvorec. Odstraňovanie štvorcov je možné prevrátením hrán ako na
kartónovej krabici. Začína pomerne jednoducho, aby sa hráč naučil základy,
ale časom sa z nej vykľujú hodiny zábavy cvičiacej mozgové závity. Je to
skvelý spôsob ako trénovať pamäť aj orientáciu v 3D.
spájaním rúr dostaňte tečúcu vodu z prítoku do odtoku
Versions of package pipenightdreams |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.10.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.10.0-13 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.10.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.10.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.10.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.10.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.10.0-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package pipenightdreams: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Ak poznáte starú arkádovú hru „Pipe Dreams“, okamžite sa v tejto hre
zorientujete. Cieľom je prepojiť rôzne časti rúr a umožniť vode pretiecť z z
prítoku cez čo najviac rúr, aby nakoniec dotiekla do odtoku. Na to
potrebujete kombináciu rýchlosti, zručnosti a prezieravosti.
Versions of package pipewalker |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.9.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.9.4-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.9.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.9.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.9.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-backports | 0.9.4-3~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package pipewalker: |
game | puzzle |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
This is a puzzle game in which components need to be combined into a single
circuit: connect all computers to a network server, bring water to the taps
and so on.
The game comes with different themes and support user-provided ones through
PNG files.
compelling tile-placement puzzle game
Versions of package primrose |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 6+dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 6+dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 6+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 6+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 6+dfsg1-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 6+dfsg1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package primrose: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his
previous games.
Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It
is a tile clearing and placement game with chain reactions and without
gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic
sound effects that change with game events and progress. It was designed
as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.
The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are
cleared by surrounding one colour group with another colour group,
scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding
colour group, allowing for chain reactions that give more points. More
colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and
eventually the game will end when the grid fills up.
Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of
the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with animated examples, a
colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired
sound effects.
Versions of package pushover |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.0.5+git20180909-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.0.5+git20180909-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.0.5+git20180909-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1-6 | all |
trixie | 1.1-6 | all |
License: DFSG free
Toto je prechodový balík. Je bezpečné odstrániť ho.
Versions of package puzzle-jigsaw |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.2+git20201007.527c529+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.2+git20201007.527c529+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.2+git20201007.527c529+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.2+git20201007.527c529+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
puzzle-jigsaw is a tile puzzle that requires the assembly of often oddly
shaped interlocking and mosaiced pieces.
Versions of package pybik |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.0-3.1 | all |
jessie | 1.1.1-1 | all |
buster | 3.0-3 | all |
sid | 3.0-6 | all |
stretch | 2.1-1 | all |
bookworm | 3.0-5 | all |
Debtags of package pybik: |
game | puzzle |
hardware | opengl |
interface | 3d, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Pybik is a 3D puzzle game about the cube invented by Ernő Rubik.
- Various 3D puzzles, such as cubes, towers, prisms, tetrahedra, octahedra,
dodecahedra and many more
- Solvers for some puzzles
- Pretty patterns
- Editor for move sequences
- Custom colors and images on the surface of the puzzles
advanced crossword construction tool
Versions of package qxw |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 20200708-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 20140331-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 20140331-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 20200708-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 20200708-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 20140331-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 20140331-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package qxw: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Qxw is a program to help you create and publish crosswords,
from the simplest blocked grid to sophisticated thematic
puzzles. It can make rectangular-, hexagonal- or
circular-format grids with blocks, bars or both. It
has an automatic grid-filling facility that can handle a
wide range of answer treatments and you can even add your
own answer treatment methods. Grids can be filled using
letters, digits, or a mixture of both; non-Roman and
custom alphabets are also supported. Qxw can produce
output in a range of formats ready for publication.
Qxw also has a non-interactive mode that can solve a wide
range of word-based constraint satisfaction problems and
can help automate the exploration of grid designs.
Qxw is written in C and has a GUI based on GTK+.
2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat
Versions of package raincat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.2.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.2.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package raincat: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | entertaining, gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings
series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each
level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection - 1-player puzzle games
Versions of package sgt-puzzles |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 20140928.r10274-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 20230122.806ae71-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 20230410.71cf891-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 20230410.71cf891-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 20191231.79a5378-3+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 20170606.272beef-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 20161228.7cae89f-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package sgt-puzzles: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection contains a number of popular
puzzle games for one player. It currently consists of these games:
- Black Box, ball-finding puzzle
- Bridges, bridge-placing puzzle
- Cube, rolling cube puzzle
- Dominosa, domino tiling puzzle
- Fifteen, sliding block puzzle
- Filling, polyomino puzzle
- Flip, tile inversion puzzle
- Flood, flood-filling puzzle
- Galaxies, symmetric polyomino puzzle
- Guess, combination-guessing puzzle
- Inertia, gem-collecting puzzle
- Keen, arithmetic Latin square puzzle
- Light Up, light-bulb placing puzzle
- Loopy, loop-drawing puzzle
- Magnets, magnet-placing puzzle
- Map, map-colouring puzzle
- Mines, mine-finding puzzle
- Mosaic, grid-filling puzzle
- Net, network jigsaw puzzle
- Netslide, toroidal sliding network puzzle
- Palisade, grid-division puzzle
- Pattern, pattern puzzle
- Pearl, loop-drawing puzzle
- Pegs, peg solitaire puzzle
- Range, visible-distance puzzle
- Rectangles, rectangles puzzle
- Same Game, block-clearing puzzle
- Signpost, square-connecting puzzle
- Singles, number-removing puzzle
- Sixteen, toroidal sliding block puzzle
- Slant, maze-drawing puzzle
- Solo, number placement puzzle
- Tents, tent-placing puzzle
- Towers, tower-placing Latin square puzzle
- Tracks, path-finding railway track puzzle
- Twiddle, rotational sliding block puzzle
- Undead, monster-placing puzzle
- Unequal, Latin square puzzle
- Unruly, black and white grid puzzle
- Untangle, planar graph layout puzzle
Versions of package sudoku |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0.5-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.5-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.5-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0.1-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package sudoku: |
game | puzzle |
interface | text-mode |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
This sudoku puzzle generator/solver features:
- character based (curses) interface;
- cross-platform (Minix, Unix, Windows) with full source code (ANSI C);
- generates hints upon request;
- classification of board difficulty (very easy, easy, medium, hard or
- generation of new boards;
- easy entry of boards published in newspapers, Internet, ...;
- multiple output formats (text, csv, HTML, PostScript).
Versions of package sudoku-solver |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.0.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Sudoku solver that contains several logical resolution methods, as well as
brute force selection.
single player word finding game based on Boggle
Versions of package tanglet |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.6.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.5.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.5.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.6.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.6.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.3.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.2.2-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package tanglet: |
role | program |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
The Object of the game is to list as many words as you can before
the time runs out. Every time you find a new word, you are given
more time. Each word must be at least three letters long.
Versions of package tetzle |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.0.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 2.1.3+dfsg1-2 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
bookworm | 2.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 3.0.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.0.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tetzle: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of
sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently
in progress games.
Chip's Challenge Game Engine Emulation
Versions of package tworld |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.3.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.3.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.3.0-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.3.2-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.3.2-3.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.3.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tworld: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's
Challenge" was originally written for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville,
and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).
Please note: Tile World is an emulation of the game engine(s) only. It does
not come with the chips.dat file that contains the original level set. This
file is copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed. The chips.dat file
was originally part of the MS version of "Chip's Challenge". If you have a
copy of this version of the game, you can use that file to play the game in
Tile World. If you do not have a copy of this file, however, you can still
play Tile World with the many freely available level sets created by fans of
the original game, including CCLP2. Because the version that Microsoft
released introduced a number of changes to the rules of the game, Tile World
is capable of emulating either the MS version or the original Atari Lynx
version of the game.
puzzle game, you must lead the water to the storage tank
Versions of package vodovod |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.10-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.10-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.10-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.10-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package vodovod: |
game | puzzle |
hardware | input:joystick |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Vodovod is a game similar to Pipe Mania and Pipe Dream, in which you have to
lead the water from the house to the storage tank. You get a limited number
of pipes on each level and need to combine them to lead the water from the
house at the top of the screen to the storage tank at the bottom. It has
joystick/joypad support.
implementation of the arcade classic Puzznic
Versions of package wizznic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.9.9+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-1.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 0.9.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.9.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.2-preview2+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.9.9+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package wizznic: |
game | arcade, puzzle |
junior | arcade |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
As in the original game your mission is to clear the level of
bricks. This is done by moving the bricks around. When two or
more bricks of the same kind are next to each other or on top
of each other they will disappear and points will be given.
The level has to be clear of bricks before the time runs out
or you will lose a life.
'minesweeper' game with squares, hexagons or triangles
Versions of package xbomb |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.2b-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.2b-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.2b-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.2b-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.2b-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.2b-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.2b-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package xbomb: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
A test of speed and logic to find the location of bombs hidden in a grid.
It offers the standard grid of squares, plus grids of hexagons or triangles,
each in 3 difficulty levels. All games are played against the clock with a
high-score table for each combination.
Yet another minesweeper for X
Versions of package xdemineur |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.1.1-21 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.1.1-20 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.1.1-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.1.1-18 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.1.1-21 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.1.1-23 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.1.1-23 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package xdemineur: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The object of this game is to find the location of the mines
hidden in the minefield and to mark their location by placing a
warning flag.
There are many minesweeper clones. This one is the most similar to the
Windows one in terms of look and feel.
Versions of package xjig |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.4-14.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.4-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.4-14.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 2.4-14 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package xjig: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
use | gameplaying |
works-with | image, image:raster |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
xjig is a puzzle that tries to replicate a jigsaw puzzle on the screen
as closely as possible. Any GIF, JPEG or PPM image may be loaded and cut
into pieces. The goal (as with any jigsaw puzzle) is to reassemble the
original picture.
Tiles may be freely rotated by use of the mouse, flipped (for
double-sided puzzles) and even shown as shaped windows on the desktop
(fast machine/video card recommended for the latter!). An example image
is provided in /usr/share/games/xjig .
collection of puzzles for X (Motif version)
Versions of package xmpuzzles |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 7.7.1-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 7.7.1-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 7.7.1-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 7.7.1-1.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 8.8.7+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 8.8.7+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 7.7.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 8.8.9 |
Debtags of package xmpuzzles: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | motif |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
The following puzzles are included:
- Rotational 3D Puzzles: xmrubik, xmpyraminx, xmoct, xmskewb, xmdino, xmmball
- Sliding Block Puzzles: xmcubes, xmtriangles, xmhexagons, xmpanex
- Combination: xmbarrel, xmmlink
This is the Motif version which shows additional functionality.
Motif is a GUI widget library for the X Window system.
Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
Versions of package xshisen |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.51-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.51-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.51-4.1+deb8u1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.51-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.51-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.51-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.51-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package xshisen: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
XShisen is a puzzle game for X11. Similar to the famous "Shang-hai", your
objective is to remove all the pieces on the board.
This game allows you to use either "original" xshisen images, or - at your
choice - images from kshisen.
generic Sokoban game for X11
Versions of package xsok |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.02-19 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.02-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.02-17 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.02-19 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.02-17.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.02-21 | armel,armhf |
sid | 1.02-22 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package xsok: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | athena |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the
well-known Sokoban game.
The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the
score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow
keys. For the other level subsets, there are different
kinds of objects, and special effect squares.
logická hra - získajte všetky drahokamy v miestnosti
Versions of package xye |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.12.2+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 0.12.2+dfsg-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.12.2+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.12.2+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.12.2+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 0.12.2+dfsg-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package xye: |
game | puzzle |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Xye je logická hra, v ktorej je cieľom pomôcť postave vyzerajúcej ako
zelený krúžok získať všetky drahokamy v miestnosti. To samozrejme nie je
také jednoduché ako to znie - Xye musí vyriešiť rozličné logické hádanky,
pričom sa zároveň musí vyhnúť rozličným pasciam a príšerám.
Xye je podobný iným logickým hrám ako Sokoban alebo Boulderdash, ale
obsahuje aj niektoré arkádové prvky.
Xye je odvodený od klasickej hry pre Windows zvanej Kye, ktorá tvorí
základ hernej dynamiky a vizuálnych prvkov. Xye dokáže prehrať prvky
úrovní, ktoré boli vytvorené pre Kye a Sokoban. Tiež dokáže prehrať
vlastné súbory .xye, bohatší formát úrovní, ktorý umožňuje nové objekty a
vlastnosti. Tieto súbory môžete tvoriť ručne alebo pomocou zabudovaného
editora dodávaného s hrou.
arkádová akčná logická hra
Versions of package zaz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.0.0~dfsg1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.0.0~dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.0.0~dfsg1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.0.0~dfsg1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package zaz: |
hardware | input:mouse, opengl |
role | program |
uitoolkit | sdl |
use | gameplaying |
License: DFSG free
Zaz je arkádová akčná logická hra, kde cieľom je zbaviť sa všetkých
prichádzajúcich gulí zmenou ich poradia do trojíc. Momentálne obsahuje 12
rôznych úrovní. Názov hry je rekurzívny a znamená „Zaz nie je Z“.
Slušný výkon vyžaduje 3D akceleráciu.
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
hry pre pracovné prostredie GNOME
Versions of package gnome-games |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.38+3 | all |
jessie | 3.14+3 | all |
stretch | 3.22+3 | all |
buster | 3.30+1 | all |
bookworm | 43+1 | all |
trixie | 47+6 | all |
sid | 47+6 | all |
Debtags of package gnome-games: |
game | board, card, puzzle, tetris |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
suite | gnome |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | gameplaying |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Obsahuje hry z oficiálneho vydania GNOME. Majú vzhľad a správanie
pracovného prostredia GNOME, ale možno ich používať bez neho.
Hry sú teraz rozdelené do samostatných balíkov. Tento metabalík ich
nainštaluje všetky, ale je možné ich nainštalovať jednotlivo.
hry z oficiálneho vydania KDE
Versions of package kdegames |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 20.12.0+5.111 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 4.12+5.84 | all |
buster | 17.08.3+5.102 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 16.04.0+5.92 | all |
bookworm | 22.12.3+5.142 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 22.12.3+5.156 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 22.12.3+5.156 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package kdegames: |
role | metapackage |
suite | kde |
uitoolkit | qt |
License: DFSG free
KDE tvorí medzinárodný technologický tím, ktorý vytvára slobodný a open
source softvér pracovného prostredia a prenosných zariadení. Medzi
produkty KDE patrí moderné pracovné prostredie pre Linux a unixové
platformy, kancelársky a groupware balík a stovky programov v mnohých
kategóriách vrátane internetových, webových, multimediálnych, zábavných,
vzdelávacích, grafických aplikácií a programov na vývoj softvéru.
Tento metabalík obsahuje kolekciu hier, ktoré sú poskytované s oficiálnym
vydaním KDE.
??? missing short description for package texlive-games :-(
Versions of package texlive-games |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2020.20210202-3 | all |
buster | 2018.20190227-2 | all |
stretch | 2016.20170123-5 | all |
jessie | 2014.20141024-1 | all |
sid | 2024.20250114-1 | all |
trixie | 2024.20250114-1 | all |
bookworm | 2022.20230122-4 | all |
Debtags of package texlive-games: |
game | board, board:chess, puzzle |
made-of | font, tex |
role | app-data |
use | gameplaying, typesetting |
works-with | graphs, image |
License: DFSG free