Debian GIS Project
Bugs of task osm
Total bugs: 51
Open bugs: 51
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Data 0 (0)
Development 95 (705)
Gps 112 (710)
Openstreetmap 51 (336)
Statistics 0 (0)
Map server 3 (39)
Workstation 38 (309)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 1
important 10 1
normal 17 2
minor 4 0
wishlist 11 5

Summary bugs page of task Openstreetmap

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (336)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

10 important, 17 normal, 4 minor, 11 wishlist
651364 gpsprune: add support for bzip2 and xz compressed file formats upstream
697363 IndexError: list index out of range
740214 gpxviewer: missing manual / documentation
858423 Implement --help
858424 Cannot inspect individual nodes
1036511 gpxviewer: please add autopkgtests (to add coverage for python3-matplotlib)
726143 josm: exception when uploading data confirmed, fixed-upstream, upstream
927322 Don't mention OSM current max zoom levels upstream
527841 [navit] split configuration file fixed-upstream, upstream, wontfix
569131 navit: gyspy vehicle
592538 Broken icons in the package
601135 navit can't read my garmin img file wontfix
955926 navit: Depends on deprecated dbus-glib bookworm, bullseye, sid, trixie
967650 navit: depends on deprecated GTK 2
967960 navit or navit-data does not include the layout xml files required to display maps.
1014390 navit: CVE-2022-30045 incorrect memory handling in ezml support leading to a heap out-of-bounds read security
1063337 navit FTCBFS: uses CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/etc/dpkg-cross/cmake/CMakeCross.txt patch
1049151 openlayers: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, pending, sid, trixie
829902 osm-gps-map: Uses deprecated gnome-common macros/variables
1046020 osm-gps-map: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, pending, sid, trixie
1073952 osm-gps-map: Stop using libsoup2.4 fixed-upstream, forky, patch, pending, sid, trixie
1097529 osmctools: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, pending, sid
522096 viking: Upload to OSM does not report errors fixed-upstream, upstream
650980 viking: fails to build when automake is installed unreproducible
682474 viking: viking crash in libgps
746815 viking: fails to load image thumbnails when some Unicode chars in the pathname
761965 viking: Starter lands in "misc" not "science" in the xfce application menu
761966 viking: Accelerators on buttons are shown wrong l10n
792457 viking: crashed in gdk_rgb_convert_0888 when zooming (bad pointer?) fixed-upstream, upstream
826368 viking: crash in __strncmp_sse42 when zooming
830046 viking: Uses deprecated gnome-common macros/variables
860993 viking: OSM (Cycle) layers require API key
875871 viking: Crashes with segmentation violation in gdk_draw_arc
900639 viking: OpenStreetMap (MapQuest) yields download errors
909220 Warnings seen when one first uses viking
930346 Documentation missing
932074 viking: can't zoom the map relative to the Viking zoom level, e.g. for HiDPI screens upstream
939434 viking: should allow the control of cache expiry time
956593 Package the manual, to enable use offline
1015755 viking generates an invalid GPX file with Export All
1055624 viking: Segmentation fault when quitting viking fixed-upstream, patch, upstream
1098065 viking: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid

Open bugs in suggested packages

1 serious, 1 important, 2 normal, 5 wishlist
473362 A useful technique for matching EXIF time and GPX time
474957 gpscorrelate: Please mention what image viewer can be used for images with geographic data
483471 gpscorrelate-gui: Program committed suicide
502065 Disproportionate use of RAM on big GPX files
576744 gpscorrelate -r -n -v ignores '-n' and deletes all geodata in exif
718257 Use the current timezone by default
1076775 gpscorrelate: autopkgtest failures
575060 merkaartor: render names according to user's language l10n, upstream
575061 merkaartor: OSM download dialog blocks the user interface upstream

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:25:30 -0000