Debian Astro Project
Bugs of task iraf
Total bugs: 3
Open bugs: 3
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Ascl 76 (612)
Astroconda 27 (273)
Catalogs 1 (3)
Development 52 (384)
Education 22 (168)
Fedora 1300 (8688)
Frameworks 11 (72)
Gdl 5 (84)
Iraf 3 (33)
Java 3 (6)
Publication 258 (1956)
Python 62 (618)
Python3 100 (951)
Scisoft 148 (1149)
Simulation 1 (30)
Tcl/tk 19 (147)
Tools 7 (54)
Viewers 25 (168)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 1 0
normal 2 0
minor 0 0
wishlist 0 0

Summary bugs page of task Iraf

Consider looking into bugs of this task*

Open bugs in dependent packages

1 important, 2 normal
988992 saods9: WCS of non-sky FITS displays %1.8G, original ds9 is ok upstream
1076547 iraf-wcstools: Potential vulnerability due to similarity with CVE-2021-33797 in MuJS project
1077881 wcstools-3.9.7 crlf change patch, wontfix

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:26:51 -0000