Debian Games Packages

The Debian Games Pure Blend contains 696 packages which are grouped by metapackages. Each metapackage will cause the installation of packages for a specific topic. The following table lists the metapackages of Debian Games:

adventure Debian's adventure games
arcade Debian's arcade games
board настольные игры для Debian
C, C++ and D development development of games in C/C++/D
card карточные игры для Debian
chess игры в шахматы для Debian
console игры Debian с консольным интерфейсом
content development development of game content
education образовательные игры Debian
emulator Debian's emulators for games
finest Debian's finest games
fps Debian's first-person shooter games
java development development of games in Java
minesweeper Debian's minesweeper games
mud Debian's multi-user-dungeon games
perl development development of games in Perl
platform Debian's platform games
programming игры, облегчающие обучение программированию
puzzle Debian's puzzle games
python3 development development of games in Python 3
racing Debian's racing games
rogue игры-бродилки для Debian
rpg Debian's roleplaying games
shoot 'em up Debian's shoot 'em up games
simulation Debian's simulation games
sport Debian's sport games
strategy стратегические игры для Debian
tetris Debian's tetris-like games
toys миниатюрные игрушки для Debian
typing игры по набору на клавиатуре в Debian