Neuroscience Datasets
Debian Science packages for Neuroscience Datasets
This metapackage will install Debian packages that provide neuroscientific
datasets. These datasets can be useful as common data files for applications
(e.g. stereotaxic atlases), as example data for online tutorials or teaching,
and as input data for analysis algorithms in demonstrations or test suites.
For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:
If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Science
to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
send a description of that project to the Debian Science mailing list
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Debian Science Neuroscience Datasets packages
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
probabilistic atlas of the human cerebellum
Versions of package fsl-bangor-cerebellar-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
This is a probabilistic atlas of the cerebellar lobules in the anatomical
space defined by the MNI152 template. Lobules were masked separately on
T1-weighted MRI scans (1 mm isotropic resolution) of 20 healthy young
participants (10 male, 10 female, average age 23.7 yrs). These cerebella were
then aligned to the standard or non-linear version of the whole-brain MNI152
template using a number of commonly used normalization algorithms, or to a
previously published cerebellum-only template (Diedrichsen, J., 2006. A
spatially unbiased atlas template of the human cerebellum. NeuroImage 33,
This package is part of FSL.
probabilistic atlas of human cortical brain areas (lateralized)
Versions of package fsl-harvard-oxford-atlases |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
Probabilistic atlases covering 48 cortical and 21 subcortical structural areas,
derived from structural data and segmentations kindly provided by the Harvard
Center for Morphometric Analysis.
T1-weighted images of 21 healthy male and 16 healthy female subjects
(ages 18-50) were individually segmented using semi-automated tools developed
in-house. The T1-weighted images were affine-registered to MNI152 space using
FLIRT (FSL), and the transforms then applied to the individual labels. Finally,
these were combined across subjects to form population probability maps for
each label.
This package is part of FSL.
human brain white-matter atlas
Versions of package fsl-jhu-dti-whitematter-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
There are two white-matter atlases, both kindly provided by Dr. Susumu Mori,
Laboratory of Brain Anatomical MRI, Johns Hopkins University.
In the ICBM-DTI-81 white-matter labels atlas, 50 white matter tract labels
were created by hand segmentation of a standard-space average of diffusion MRI
tensor maps from 81 subjects; mean age 39 (18:59), M:42, F: 39. The diffusion
data was kindly provided by the ICBM DTI workgroup.
In the JHU white-matter tractography atlas, 20 structures were identified
probabilistically by averaging the results of running deterministic
tractography on 28 normal subjects (mean age 29, M:17, F:11).
This package is part of FSL.
brain atlas based on cyto- and myelo-architectonic segmentations
Versions of package fsl-juelich-histological-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
A probabilistic atlas created by averaging multi-subject post-mortem cyto- and
myelo-architectonic segmentations, performed by the team of Profs Zilles and
Amunts at the Research Center Jülich and kindly provided by Simon Eickhoff.
The atlas contains 32 grey matter structures and 10 white matter structures.
This is the same data as used in Eickhoff's Anatomy Toolbox v1.5. The atlas is
based on the microscopic and quantitative histological examination of ten human
post-mortem brains. The histological volumes of these brains were 3D
reconstructed and spatially normalised into the space of the MNI single
subject template to create a probabilistic map of each area. For the FSL
version of this atlas, these probabilistic maps were then linearly transformed
into MNI152 space.
This package is part of FSL.
hand-segmented single-subject human brain atlas
Versions of package fsl-mni-structural-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
9 anatomical structural regions, kindly provided by Jack Lancaster at the
Research Imaging Center, UTHSCSA, Texas (originally from the McConnell Brain
Imaging Centre, MNI).
A single subject's structural image was hand segmented, and the labels were
then propagated to more than 50 subjects' structural images using nonlinear
registration. Each resulting labelled brain was then transformed into MNI152
space using affine registration, before averaging segmentations across
subjects to produce the final probability images.
This package is part of FSL.
probabilistic brain atlas of thalamic white-matter connectivity
Versions of package fsl-oxford-thalamic-connectivity-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
A probabilistic atlas of 7 sub-thalamic regions, segmented according to their
white-matter connectivity to cortical areas, kindly provided by Heidi
Johansen-Berg and Timothy Behrens, FMRIB.
This connectivity atlas reports probability of anatomical connection from
points in the thalamus to each of 7 cortical zones. These probabilities are
calculated using probabilistic diffusion tractography in multiple subjects.
This package is part of FSL.
structural anatomy labels of the Talairach atlas
Versions of package fsl-talairach-daemon-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.8-1 | all |
License: FSL
Version: 5.0.8-1
A conversion of the original Talairach structural labellings, kindly provided
by Jack Lancaster and Diana Tordesillas Gutiérrez at the Research Imaging
Center, UTHSCSA, Texas.
This is a digitised version of the original (coarsely sliced) Talairach atlas
(Lancaster 2000) after the application of a correcting affine transform
(Lancaster 2007) to register it into MNI152 space.
This package is part of FSL.
face and object processing in ventral temporal cortex (fMRI)
Versions of package haxby2001-faceobject |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2010.01.14-3 | all |
License: free
Version: 2010.01.14-3
This is data from a block-design fMRI study on face and object representation
in human ventral temporal cortex. The full datasets consists of 6 subjects
with 12 runs per subject. In each run, the subjects passively viewed grey scale
images of eight object categories, grouped in 24s blocks separated by rest
periods. Each image was shown for 500ms and was followed by a 1500ms
inter-stimulus interval. Full-brain fMRI data were recorded with a volume
repetition time of 2.5s.
This is a meta package that depends on all available subject datasets.
MRI-based brain atlas of the rhesus macaque monkey
Versions of package mclaren-rhesus-macaque-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.20081212-2 | all |
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.20081212-2
A population-average MRI-based atlas collection for the rhesus macaque (Macaca
mulatta) that can be used with common brain mapping packages such as SPM or
FSL. In addition to T1-weighted atlas data, probabilistic tissue classification
maps and T2-weighted atlases were also created. Theses atlases are aligned to
the MRI volume from the Saleem, K.S. and Logothetis, N.K. (2006) atlas
providing an explicit link to histological sections. Additionally, there is
a transform to integrate these atlases with the F99 surface-based atlas in
Talairach stereotaxic space template
Versions of package mni-colin27-nifti |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.1-2 | all |
License: free
Version: 1.1-2
This template MRI volume was created from 27 T1-weighted MRI scans of a
single individual that have been transformed into the Talairach stereotaxic
space. The anatomical image is complemented by a brain and a head mask.
All images are in 1x1x1 mm resolution.
This package provides the template in NIfTI format.
MRI-based brain atlas of normal adult human brain anatomy
Versions of package sri24-atlas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.02-2 | all |
License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Version: 1.02-2
SRI24 is an MRI-based atlas of normal adult human brain anatomy,
generated by template-free nonrigid registration from images of 24
normal control subjects.
The atlas comprises T1, T2, and PD weighted structural MRI, tissue
probability maps (GM, WM, CSF), maximum-likelihood tissue
segmentation, DTI-based measures (FA, MD, longitudinal and
transversal diffusivity), and two labels maps of cortical regions and
subcortical structures. The atlas is provided at 1mm isotropic image
resolution in NIfTI format.
Unofficial packages built by somebody else
MNI stereotaxic space human brain template
License: custom, DFSG-compliant
This is an unbiased standard magnetic resonance imaging template volume for
the normal human population. It has been created by the Montreal Neurological
Institute (MNI) using anatomical data from the International Consortium for
Brain Mapping (ICBM).
The package provides a 1x1x1 mm and 0.5x0.5x0.5 mm resolution templates
(hemissphere-symetric and asymetric non-linearily co-registered versions),
some including T1w, T2w, PDw modalities, T2 relaxometry, and tissue probability
maps. In addition, it contains a lobe atlas, and masks for brain, eyes and
Please cite:
V.S. Fonov, A.C. Evans, R.C. McKinstry, C.R. Almli and D.L. Collins:
Unbiased nonlinear average age-appropriate brain templates from birth to adulthood.