Debian Multimedia Project
Bugs of task broadcasting
Total bugs: 149
Open bugs: 144
Fixed bugs: 5
Links to other tasks
Ambisonics 25 (267)
Animation 198 (1543)
Audio plugins 61 (582)
Audio utilities 213 (1021)
Broadcasting 144 (677)
Csound 8 (70)
Development 1061 (4506)
Djing 23 (93)
Beat 14 (113)
Firewire 35 (339)
Graphics 399 (2256)
Guitar 39 (134)
Jack 234 (1553)
Ladi 8 (75)
Looping 33 (206)
Midi 153 (526)
Mixing 131 (1179)
Musician 44 (214)
Photography 334 (2494)
Players 297 (1877)
Pure data 13 (165)
Recording 160 (1303)
Samplers 10 (93)
Sound synthesis 47 (330)
Supercollider 7 (57)
Video 266 (2081)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 2 2
important 13 20
normal 12 59
minor 2 11
wishlist 6 17

Summary bugs page of task Broadcasting

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (677)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

2 serious, 13 important, 12 normal, 2 minor, 6 wishlist
396511 darkice: segmentation fault with jack_auto if in jack no source connection(jackstart -d dummy -C 0 -P 0)
590215 in combo with darkice cheese leaves audio in un-usable state
1098966 darkice: The new version of the package in testing is not coneting with a local icecast2 server
772257 dvblast: bashism in /bin/sh script
534504 mediatomb: Daemon starts up too early in the boot process; interface not found
604960 mediatomb-common: Mediatomb does not want listen on particular interface or ip address security
675814 mediatomb: Mediatomb web page reports: "Oops, your database seems to be corrupt. Please report this problem."
690744 mediatomb: Daemon doesn't start on "service mediatomb start", but works on "service mediatomb restart".
693301 MediaTomb always bind to all interfaces regardless of configuration settings security
696550 mediatomb: Add support for Last.FM scrobbling support
696551 mediatomb: libmp4v2 : disabled wontfix
765071 mediatomb: No icons in web ui moreinfo, unreproducible
767866 mediatomb: Mediatomb config uses lo interface, stopped my ps3 from recognizing it
803173 [mediatomb] Cannot start moreinfo
805599 mediatomb: Segfault when "mark-played-items" enabled
882454 gerbera: FTBFS on hurd-i386: Gerbera was unable to deterimine the host OS. fixed-upstream, upstream
908849 gerbera: No linefeed before CONNECTION header confirmed, fixed-upstream
911973 poor config file support
928095 gerbera: Default config.xml uses mime-type x-flac not flac and so does not process flac correctly.
932916 gerbera mysql interface buggy: duplicate entry bug for primary key in database
1061790 gerbera: Missing files JS files prevent UI from working
1086692 gerbera: does not start without a global unicast IPv4 address ipv6
1088578 gerbera: move from twitter-bootstrap{3,4} to bootstrap-html (v5) upstream
1092842 gerbera: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1 ftbfs
1093296 gerbera: Please update taglib build-dep package: libtag1-dev => libtag-dev
585029 Icecast should create pid file by default
585847 logrotate script does not rotate archived log files moreinfo
1034283 icecast2: Configure UTF-8 encoding by default
1039225 icecast2: ships sysv-init script without systemd unit
309356 ices2: Monaural audio not properly recoded from stdin
1009790 idjc: New upstream release 0.9.3 available pending
873430 python3-mediagoblin: requires pyexiv2 unavailable for Python 3.x fixed-upstream
884210 mediagoblin: fails to clean after build: rm: cannot remove './docs/build': Is a directory
1084699 mediagoblin: removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13
839125 voctomix: please provide simple instructions how to set up a basic configuration

Open bugs in suggested packages

2 serious, 20 important, 59 normal, 11 minor, 17 wishlist
1087129 fails to stream to icecast HTTPS server
691763 Wish: Please support some low res (SDTV) skin moreinfo, wontfix
711489 AWX Web-Interface not updating upstream, wontfix
712371 AWX Web-Interface key capture interferes with search dialog upstream, wontfix
747428 [xbmc] passwords are stored in plain xml file confirmed, security, upstream
754469 xbmc: play next upstream, wontfix
754707 xbmc: Copy/Paste confirmed, upstream
842651 skip empty files confirmed, upstream
844162 src:kodi: validation failure with new fontforge confirmed, upstream
845450 kodi-bin: kodi is stuck in left_right stereoscopic mode
852635 kodi: Does not play DVD iso from remote location when libdvdcss is installed confirmed
857309 kodi: 'kodi' user does not exist confirmed
863483 kodi: Provide polkit file for shutdown actions for kodi-standalone
865357 kodi: Debians language/keyboard settings ignored by Kodi l10n
877767 kodi: supports insecure download of non-free addons security, upstream
879735 kodi support on cubox-i (i.mx6)
890216 kodi-standalone: Start user daemon for auto-mount of file systems
933786 kodi: Kodi cannot access Samba Shares: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Permission denied
951276 default webinterface non-functional help
955726 kodi: fails to connect to DLNA server fixed-upstream, upstream
962930 kodi-eventclients-ps3: exception in extracting key codes
990954 kodi: crashes on older hardware running Intel graphics driver i915
993377 kodi forget display video calibration after restart
993806 kodi: No audio on DVD playback, AC3 Support
994087 kodi: System wide freeze after running kodi for 5 to 30 minutes
1003701 kodi.bin: rare Kodi crash, possibly at process exit
1012278 kodi web interface does not work
1028434 kodi: FTBFS in bullseye (fatal error: date/tz.h: No such file or directory) ftbfs
1029663 kodi: no audio when AAC to AC3 transcoding
1031975 kodi: Windowed kodi takes wrong size when run under KDE Plasma Wayland with fractional scaling
1033002 kodi: switch B-D from libcec-dev to libv4l-dev for CEC support?
1040319 kodi-addons-dev: undeclared file conflict with kodi-addons-dev-common
1040593 kodi: CVE-2023-30207 fixed-upstream, security, upstream
1060672 kodi: High CPU usage even when idle
1089866 download skins or web interfaces runs into timeout
1095180 kodi FTCBFS: passes host flags to the build compiler patch
1034430 kodi-inputstream-adaptive: crash when resuming video
1097072 kodi-inputstream-adaptive: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
1097073 kodi-pvr-hts: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
1019190 Iptvsimple addon is not shown under addons
404645 vlc: Elapsed time not reported by `vlc cdda://@1' unreproducible, upstream
508067 vlc: Lack of documentation concerning file logging facility confirmed, upstream
517462 vlc creates infinite playlist from Quicktime "Multiple URLs" file confirmed, upstream
524668 vlc does not work properly with jack confirmed, moreinfo, upstream
537811 fullscreen mode requires a window manager confirmed, upstream
570136 vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface upstream
579938 vlc disconnects JACK between tracks/songs confirmed, moreinfo, upstream
604422 vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface upstream
673333 vlc: logic for window position is broken: window is sometimes partly off-screen help, upstream
704221 vlc: doesn't document cdda:// confirmed, upstream
737230 vlc: confusing message opening midi file
743997 vlc: "Start time" cannot exceed 23 hours confirmed, upstream
778911 vlc: Please make N Curses interface configurable upstream
792830 vlc: playing tree playlist stops at the end of a branch when Auto start is disabled and the next branch has not been unfolded upstream
812651 VLC should warn user when libdvdcss is not installed when trying to play encrypted DVD
842513 vlc: altivec setting broken fixed-upstream, help, upstream
842613 vlc: should warn when choosing a DVB channel that isn't from the same transponder. upstream, wontfix
852773 vlc: VLC Crashes when a video is being started to play moreinfo
865182 vlc: add lyrics in id3tag upstream
884532 vlc is crashing when screensaver is on
884864 vlc: Convert/Save fails to copy a CD
890292 vlc: convert / save file selection unable to clear list / select multiple files from list upstream
891273 VLC positions itself under tint2 and always plays videos fullscreen moreinfo
894662 vlc: nvlc does not play youtube videos after update to v3.0.1-3, vlc and cvlc play the same url normally moreinfo
904706 vlc: vlc window becomes low resolution when dragging the window out of screen
905424 Issues with CPUs that do not support VA-API
913345 Video seek causes video track to lag when the "Hurry up" setting is not enabled in VLC 3.X
917519 Unable to open subsequent YouTube videos when not starting a new session
919365 vlc: Desktop capture fails with "File exists" upstream
920931 vlc: sometimes the hotkeys dosent work
925220 vlc: QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread upstream
929278 vlc: Typo in man page: dashes
930542 vlc: VLC becomes zombie when changing video playback speed to 3x and faster
930909 vlc: sometimes shows time/chapter info although in other window
931242 vlc: cannot open files with # in name from playlist wontfix
931313 vlc: short silence after resuming playback from pause
941043 vlc stop playing xsfp files when running inside GNOME+Wayland
943640 vlc: Blurred multicolored box appearing on left of screen when playing videos on VLC a11y
944564 vlc: Window decoration lost after vlc closed in full-screen mode
954173 vlc: man page and help should mention MRL/URL v4l2:// to open webcam
958250 Use system libjsonparser-dev moreinfo, wontfix
961118 vlc: Rendering issues on scaled display moreinfo
981956 vlc: when asking to skip to the next video vlc freeze and you have to kill vlc
982299 Fwd: RTSP streams are not displayed with version 3.0.12 on Debian Sid wontfix
982368 VLC can not play rtsp stream after upgraded to 3.0.12-2 wontfix
983250 vlc: Crash when starting to play video under weston / wayland
983905 vlc: clone video filter dose not work
985312 vlc: FTBFS on hppa - Please remove dependence on librsvg2-dev
985987 vlc: After waking up from suspend the video image hangs, but sound continues
990247 vlc: reproducible builds: Fix passing sort order to tar when generating default.vlt upstream
990248 vlc: reproducible builds: builds different default.vlt file depending on umask patch
1004527 vlc: convert does not honor profile settings for output type
1009689 playlist recursive expansion not working
1013671 vlc: Video display in a separate window, even if 'integrate video in main video' is enabled
1021056 free(): invalid pointer and double free or corruption (!prev) when taking screenshot of 540x360 video
1021664 vlc: Automatic hardware acceleration drops most frames
1025236 vlc: After pressing "Toggle playlist" botton, the video turns to black screen and the audio continues
1026887 vlc.desktop hardcodes path to executable
1031249 vlc crashed in vdpau driver when playing DVD or .mpv file
1033207 vlc : HDR to SDR tone mapping does not work
1053426 vlc: interface insists on using wrong locale language l10n
1057053 Blank video when playing AV1 encoded videos
1075987 Regression: VLC crashes when seeking in a video after a Debian update
1078704 vlc: convert mp4 to webm: This muxer is not provided directly by VLC: It could be missing
1085961 vlc-l10n: message catalog for Assamese installed in wrong location l10n
1086708 vlc: opus decoder error: cannot read Opus header with 5.1 channel
1086988 vlc: The naming of the preference option "Disable all lua plugins" is misleading
1090374 vlc: cannot run VLC from Firefox as only the vlc binary package provides vlc.desktop
1092594 vlc seems to make xwayland shmem usage grow, never releasing that memory

Done bugs

883126 darkice cannot connect to IPv6 icecast server ipv6
984027 darkice: ftbfs with GCC-11 bookworm, experimental, ftbfs, patch, sid, trixie
1059012 recording lost/overwritten when reconnecting to stream
1093858 ITS: darkice
448614 idjc: integration with easytag autocomplete tagging facilities, and also with the mpd scrobbler upstream, wontfix
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 04:24:38 -0000