Debian Multimedia Project
Bugs of task soundsynthesis
Total bugs: 49
Open bugs: 47
Fixed bugs: 2
Links to other tasks
Ambisonics 25 (267)
Animation 198 (1543)
Audio plugins 61 (582)
Audio utilities 213 (1021)
Broadcasting 145 (680)
Csound 8 (70)
Development 1061 (4476)
Djing 23 (93)
Beat 14 (113)
Firewire 34 (309)
Graphics 400 (2266)
Guitar 39 (134)
Jack 234 (1553)
Ladi 8 (75)
Looping 33 (206)
Midi 154 (529)
Mixing 131 (1179)
Musician 44 (214)
Photography 334 (2494)
Players 298 (1886)
Pure data 13 (165)
Recording 160 (1303)
Samplers 10 (93)
Sound synthesis 47 (330)
Supercollider 7 (57)
Video 267 (2081)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 12 2
normal 12 3
minor 7 2
wishlist 8 1

Summary bugs page of task Sound synthesis

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (330)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

12 important, 12 normal, 7 minor, 8 wishlist
729530 ams: New version of rev-plugins breaks ams upstream
769541 ams: please add the 'Atte-Jensen-instrumentpatches' to the Ams package moreinfo
976267 ams: AMS segmentaton fault
976268 ams: Non/new-session-manager lauches two instances of AMS
1049773 ams: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
703542 Inconsistent use of _GNU_SOURCE
772223 bristol: bashism in /bin/sh script
1096395 bristol: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
1038190 din: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1068680 din: Process 166294 (din) of user 1000 dumped core
958267 Use system libqrcodegen-dev
1014783 faust: CVE-2021-41736 CVE-2021-41737 security, upstream
1055883 faust: better manpage duplication
1096614 faust: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
1010261 faustworks FTCBFS: missing Build-Depends: qt5-qmake:native for running lrelease patch
967692 phasex: depends on deprecated GTK 2
1049531 phasex: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
1094770 so-synth-lv2: fails to load in ardour7 newcomer
1086035 sonic-pi: New upstream release 4.5.1 available
203872 Add support for .mpc and .ape
250392 Add support for non-standard mp3 files with WAV header confirmed
552305 play: "no handler for file extension `*'" should be a warning
552306 play: file handler for directories
786646 sox: play(1) confused about mp3 length, can segv
823417 sox: output file truncated when "upsampling" large files upstream
881131 bs1770gain: divide by zero while running bs1770gain security
881132 bs1770gain: stack buffer overflow while running bs1770gain security
895840 sox: nroff typo in man page, switches from Times Roman to Courier
897565 sox: null file (-n) contains inexplicable noise
1020485 sox: Please add a SoX sndio I/O library patch
1030674 sox: test failure on some mipsen machines
1031365 sox: rec and play tty output
1041114 sox error and audio glitch when -t not specified and libsox-fmt-pulse is not installed
759190 csound: The STKSitar opcode can create a buildup of clipped samples as illustrated by the attached csd file fixed-upstream
1097963 synthv1: ftbfs with GCC-15 forky, sid
1047440 taopm: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
1049856 taopm: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
946070 wsynth-dssi FTCBFS: broken, outdated, embedded copy of AM_PATH_GTK_2_0 fixed-upstream
1093689 yoshimi: FTBFS with mxml 4.0.3 ftbfs

Open bugs in suggested packages

2 important, 3 normal, 2 minor, 1 wishlist
886672 aeolus: German translation of package description is wrong
918587 Doesn't start with "Error: can't open user interface plugin: failed to map segment from shared object."
931810 aeolus: segfault on startup patch, upstream
943335 aeolus throws std::bad_alloc on first launch
967254 amsynth: depends on deprecated GTK 2 fixed-upstream
975256 brutefir: Wrong homepage
999458 zynaddsubfx: Feature Request: Integration of Zyn-fusion (new GUI)
1048998 zynaddsubfx: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie

Done bugs

1095273 src:chuck: fails to migrate to testing for too long sid, trixie
1052165 foo-yc20: Terminates directly
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:23:23 -0000