Debian Med Project
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Bugs of task tools
Total bugs: 40
Open bugs: 37
Fixed bugs: 3
Links to other tasks
Biology 258 (2638)
Phylogeny 11 (153)
Cloud 59 (759)
Covid-19 173 (1714)
Medical data 0 (0)
Dental 2 (12)
Epidemiology 9 (57)
Imaging 202 (812)
Laboratory 1 (9)
Oncology 1 (3)
Pharmacology 1 (9)
Physics 28 (207)
Practice 6 (45)
Psychology 12 (133)
Research 0 (0)
Statistics 4 (16)
Tools 37 (257)
Typesetting 74 (561)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 1 0
important 5 1
normal 14 7
minor 0 0
wishlist 8 1

Summary bugs page of task Tools

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (257)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

1 serious, 5 important, 14 normal, 8 wishlist
827577 cronometer: cannot select text in cronometer
1099222 cronometer: FTBFS: error: package org.jfree.ui does not exist ftbfs, sid, trixie
422878 cycle: Cycle failed to export to iCal upstream
433759 cycle: Specific french caracters as password lead to crash upstream
713057 cycle: should show calculated average cycle length upstream
713059 cycle: should gracefully handle missing cycle start dates upstream
771165 [cycle] Year of calendar reverts to current after changing settings upstream
1020475 medicalterms: Package the Qt WebEngine binary dictionary files from your Hunspell source
348845 please provide a male character as well upstream
359991 Please add 'daemon' mode
371826 new exercises upstream
388570 option for less disk intensity upstream
533294 Improve .desktop file: Office category fits better than Accesibility and german comment
545585 workrave: Cant resume after unlocking screen
598402 workrave: Should count suspend time as pauses
632232 workrave: Changing sound options has no effect
695344 Installs gobject-introspection / library files into system wide paths
783872 [workrave] xfce4 panel plugin uses the wrong path in desktop file
789044 workrave: lock was blocked by another application
804170 workrave: Workrave resets system volume levels
829450 workrave: Cannot interract with Workrave icon in KDE system tray
843563 Workrave applet unusable
853933 workrave: segfault when trying to start under wayland upstream
911054 workrave: desktop instability in multimonitor (3) setup
921765 workrave: occasionally runs into false activity detection
943477 workrave: multiple overlaying popups in multimonitor setup
980873 workrave: Break warning window grabs keyboard focus on Wayland
988064 workrave: applet does not display timer after screen lock

Open bugs in suggested packages

1 important, 7 normal, 1 wishlist
1083378 entangle: (build-)depends on deprecated module python3-pkg-resources sid, trixie
810419 goldencheetah: please switch to libusb 1.0
853467 goldencheetah: Upload new version to support Garmin CIQ developer fields upstream
865873 goldencheetah: GoldenCheetah hangs during workout
927829 goldencheetah: Strava sync seems impossible due to unsettable client secrets
981223 goldencheetah: Crashes during initial data import
1051362 goldencheetah: Crashes during initial data import
1075730 goldencheetah: FTPFS on hppa - ‘class ANTLogger’ has no member named ‘open64’ ftbfs
607008 mencal: with l10n, calendar header formatting not aligned with column content

Done bugs

1036988 crashes with TypeError: _ScrolledWindowBase.SetScrollbars(): argument 3 has unexpected type 'float'
955965 workrave: Depends on deprecated dbus-glib bookworm, bullseye, sid
1096060 workrave-gnome: needs update for GNOME Shell 48 patch, sid, trixie
*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:26:28 -0000