Debian Science Project
Image analysis
Debian Science image analysis packages

This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to scientific image acquisition. This might be used in several sciences (as for instance science-dataacquisition, science-viewing and science-typesetting).


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Debian Science Image analysis packages

Official Debian packages with high relevance

GUI program for Particle Image Velocimetry
Versions of package gpiv
Debtags of package gpiv:
Popcon: 1 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Gpiv is a Graphic User Interface program using the GTK/GNOME libraries for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The program gives a quick overview of the parameter settings of the processes and allows to change them easy, running the processes, individually or in a chain, visualizes and displays the results. The processes that may be invoked by Gpiv are:

Image processing: typical image manipulations that might be needed for PIV interrogation.

Image interrogation, resulting into estimators of particle image displacements.

Data validation to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients over the interrogation area's.

Data post-processing: data manipulation, spatial and time scaling to obtain a velocity field from the PIV data, calculation of spatial averages, vorticity and strain.

Screenshots of package gpiv
command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry
Versions of package gpivtools
Debtags of package gpivtools:
Popcon: 1 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

A collection of programs for images that are generated during a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment. This is a technique to obtain the velocity field of a fluid flow quantitatively and is performed by tracking tracer particles that have been seeded to a fluid. The technique is also applied for observing deformations at surfaces of (solid) bodies. The package contains:

  • an image processing program for typical filtering and manipulation routines that may be convenient for PIV.
  • an image interrogation program resulting into estimators of particle image displacements.
  • validation programs to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients.
  • post-processing programs for data manipulation (flipping, rotation etc), spatial and time scaling, calculation of spatial averages and derivative quantities from the PIV data, like vorticity and strain.
  • miscellaneous programs and scripts to perform image format conversion, batch-processing, pipeline processing (image evaluation, validation and post-processing at once), calculation of time averages from a series of PIV data sets, data-visualization and data-manipulation.

All programs start with gpiv_.

This package contains all files used by gpivtools and gpivtools-mpi, like the man pages.

Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool
Versions of package gwyddion
Debtags of package gwyddion:
useanalysing, viewing
works-withimage, image:raster
Popcon: 36 users (9 upd.)*
Newer upstream!
License: DFSG free

Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like

  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM),
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM),
  • Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM) and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis.

This package contains the main application and its modules. It also contains a GNOME (and Xfce) thumbnailer which creates previews for all file types known to Gwyddion.

Please cite: David Nečas and Petr Klapetek: Gwyddion: an open-source software for SPM data analysis. (eprint) Central European Journal of Physics 10(1):181-188 (2012)
Registry entries: SciCrunch 
Screenshots of package gwyddion
C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing - tools
Versions of package libcvd-tools
Popcon: 2 users (2 upd.)*
Newer upstream!
License: DFSG free

libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis is on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing function. The library is designed in a loosely-coupled manner, so that parts can be used easily in isolation if the whole library is not required. The video grabbing module provides a simple, uniform interface for videos from a variety of sources (live and recorded) and allows easy access to the raw pixel data. Likewise, the image loading/saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images. The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting SSE.

This package contains tools and utilities using libcvd.

Lightweight Image Registration
Versions of package limereg
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Command line application for image registration. Automatically finds an optimal alignment of two input images, that makes both most similar to each other. Outputs the rigid transformation parameters (shift and rotation) and/or the registered (transformed/aligned) image.

Fast algorithm based on analytical derivative based optimization with a multilevel approach and without expensive sparse-matrices.

Screenshots of package limereg
Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - command line tools
Versions of package teem-apps
Debtags of package teem-apps:
Popcon: 11 users (6 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Teem is a coordinated group of libraries for representing, processing, and visualizing scientific raster data. Teem includes command-line tools that permit the library functions to be quickly applied to files and streams, without having to write any code. The most important and useful libraries in Teem are:

  • Nrrd (and the unu command-line tool on top of it) supports a range of operations for transforming N-dimensional raster data (resample, crop, slice, project, histogram, etc.), as well as the NRRD file format for storing arrays and their meta-information.
  • Gage: fast convolution-based measurements at arbitrary point locations in volume datasets (scalar, vector, tensor, etc.)
  • Mite: a multi-threaded ray-casting volume render with transfer functions based on any quantity Gage can measure
  • Ten: for estimating, processing, and visualizing diffusion tensor fields, including fiber tractography methods.

This package contains some simple command-line tools which provide fast and easy access to the functionality in the various libraries.

*Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of 234361