Debian Science Project
Bugs of task devices
Total bugs: 15
Open bugs: 15
Fixed bugs: 0
Links to other tasks
Biology 12 (148)
Chemistry 83 (796)
Data acquisition 64 (385)
Data management 62 (518)
Devices 15 (114)
Economics 32 (184)
Engineering 87 (821)
Engineering-dev 73 (594)
Geography 93 (683)
Geometry 8 (41)
Linguistics 91 (401)
Logic 37 (213)
Machine learning 44 (394)
Mathematics 256 (2145)
Mathematics-dev 196 (1708)
Meteorology 100 (609)
Meteorology-dev 202 (814)
Nanoscale physics 329 (2623)
Physics 81 (782)
Physics-dev 33 (263)
Presentation 75 (606)
Psychophysics 6 (61)
Robotics 111 (427)
Robotics-dev 28 (201)
Simulations 40 (385)
Social 0 (0)
Statistics 54 (335)
Tools 15 (128)
Typesetting 260 (1713)
Viewing 313 (1953)
Viewing-dev 73 (686)
Workflow 38 (276)
critical 0 0
grave 0 0
serious 0 0
important 2 0
normal 8 0
minor 4 0
wishlist 1 0

Summary bugs page of task Devices

Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this task is advised (114)*

Open bugs in dependent packages

2 important, 8 normal, 4 minor, 1 wishlist
953068 bossa: patch to initialize variables (needed when building with -O3) patch
967387 gfm: depends on deprecated GTK 2
967864 gfm: depends on deprecated libglade2
1045140 gfm: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
610554 tiemu: arrows key right, left, ... not working and geometry cannot be called at start
771697 old tiemu SAV files not opening, 'Trace/breakpoint trap'
955956 tiemu: Depends on deprecated dbus-glib bookworm, bullseye, sid, trixie
967773 tiemu: depends on deprecated GTK 2
967889 tiemu: depends on deprecated libglade2
981138 tiemu FTCBFS: issues around build tool builds patch, upstream
1038572 tiemu: Depends on SDL 1.2 sid, trixie
1048847 tiemu: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie
967774 tilem: depends on deprecated GTK 2
967775 tilp2: depends on deprecated GTK 2 fixed-upstream
1048475 tilp2: Fails to build source after successful build ftbfs, sid, trixie

Open bugs in suggested packages

Done bugs

*To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated. Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages. Release critical bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller and minor bugs have a very small weight. Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation. The resulting sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form. The actual numbers need some adjustment to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase.
The severities of bugs are weighted as follows:
Last update: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:23:47 -0000